Ting, a T-Mobile and Sprint MVNO, has made some changes in its data pricing. Right before releasing its second quarter statistics, Ting lowered the pricing for all of its data except the “S” plan with the hope of appealing to high data users. CEO Elliot Noss acknowledged that Ting can now be a smart choice for more than just low data customers.
“Over the past couple of years as the carriers have reduced data prices, we have clearly lost some of our competitive positioning,” Noss
said. “… [now] we offer an… overwhelming majority of Americans substantial potential saving on their monthly cell phone bills…”
Here is Ting’s current data pricing using a build-your-own-plan concept:
- S – 100 MB for $3
- M – 500 MB for $10 (previously $12)
- L – 1 GB for $16 (previously $19)
- XL – 2 GB for $20 (previously $29)
- Additional GBs are $10 (previously $15) with up to 30GB for $300
Data through Ting is hard capped, of course, but the company does offer a 5% grace on data overages. Beyond that, if customers need additional data they need to purchase another GB.
Another reason Ting could be lowering its pricing is the slowed growth the company experienced during the second quarter. While there was a net gain of 12,000 accounts in the first quarter, only 3,000 were added in the second.
Noss credits the slowed growth to the company’s relationship with former T-Mobile MVNO PTel. After
PTel went out of business last February, Ting offered free service to the former PTel customers. Since most of those PTel customers left after their free services were done, the second quarter net gains were a little deflated.
If you aren’t super familiar with Ting, it is actually a no-contract postpaid carrier. Customers pay for the services they use at the end of the month, plus a $6 device fee. For more information on Ting, check out the
Ting website.]]>