Virgin Mobile lowers international calling rates

prepaid international calling before, but we’ve never really brought Virgin Mobile into the picture. Looks like they’re forcing their way in. They’ve announced lower prepaid international calling rates to Latin America, South America, and Asia. These are said to go as low as two cents per minute, though keep in mind this means two cents per minute plus applicable airtime. So if you’re getting Virgin minutes at 10 cents each, a 2-cent international call would cost 12 cents per minute.

Virgin Mobile USA customers can make calls to Brazil* and parts of Mexico, Venezuela, China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan for only two cents per minute. Calls to Argentina, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic*, Mexico*, Bangladesh, India, South Korea and Thailand are five cents per minute.**
You can check out all of Virgin’s international rates at the page on their website. There are a number of restrictions on the rates, including that some are only for landlines. The company is also offering a service which allows you to send a text message in Spanish and have it delivered to a Spanish landline as a voice message.]]>

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  1. charlotte poole on February 14, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    i am trying to call the uk with my phone it keeps saying i need a code number to use and i can’t get a operater from my phone to get the code number so how do i find it