More Uses For Your Old Device


Prepaid devices are often pretty cheap and don’t always transfer from one carrier to the next, so chances are you probably have more than one laying around. But instead of leaving your extra phones in a drawer gathering dust, why not use them for something? The blog Life is Poppin’ wrote a really great post with 10 ways to use your old smartphone, and some of those ideas I am embarassed to admit never occured to me! Here are my five favorite uses she listed:
  1. Navigation – Keep a phone in your car glovebox to use specifically for GPS navigational purposes. Add a smartphone dash mount and you’re good to go! This way you won’t have to worry about arriving with a dead phone.
  2. Recipe Book – Keep a used phone, phablet or tablet in the kitchen to access online recipes or one of thousands of recipe apps available on iTunes or Google Play. You can also snap photos of your favorite paper recipes and download a measurement converter to cheat in baking!
  3. Entertainment for Trips – Load up your old phone with games, and movies to entertain the family during long trips. Not only will it preserve your battery, but also reduce the risk of damage to your primary phone.
  4. E-reader – Most people don’t own dedicated e-readers, but pretty much every phone either has or can download a reading application like Kindle or, for Android phones, Google Books. Snuggle up with your phone and cocoa to read on a rainy day!
  5. Music Player – Everything is better with tunes, so instead of taking up all of your phone’s memory by loading songs, use your old phone as a music player!
If you want to check out the other five uses she’s listed out, you can read it here. The other 5 uses are equally clever, so definitely check it out! What other ways have you found to use your old phones? Let me know in the comments!!]]>

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  1. Missi on January 5, 2015 at 10:35 am

    Thanks for this! You rock!!