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Read our full Verizon Prepaid review

2.8 out of 5 stars (based on 611 reviews)
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1 star35%

Consumer Review

April 19, 2007

I got this phone thinking that I'd use the free IN calling to talk with my girlfriend on the Verizon network. I also liked the fact that I could get free nights and weekends too. However, this plan is WAAAAY too expensive: 99 cents a day means a minimum of 30 dollars a month, which is almost the base price of most regular, non-prepaid calling plans. I spent hella money trying to keep my account active, all after shelling out $70 for a mediocre phone. After 2 months, I could no longer hear people who I was speaking to on my phone, and after going to a Verizon store they said that they would not replace it because it was not coveed under any warranty. Super. Not reccomended at all. Go with T Mobile orat least Boost (which gets a bad rap, but is actually not that bad).


Consumer Review

April 13, 2007



Consumer Review

April 6, 2007

I advice everyone to convert to page plus cellular, it is the same network and rates cheaper and no daily charges.Page Plus Cellular the most affordable prepaid nationwide, Minutes never expire as long you buy one card every 120 days.


Consumer Review

March 31, 2007

I have an older Verizon prepaid plan and am very happy with it. Regardless, I would not buy this plan. With Verizon's rates, they apparently don't wnat to be in the Prepaid space. A 99 cent daily fee is steep.


Consumer Review

March 23, 2007

Too costly, Verizon nickels and dimes you with added charges, plus roaming fees and daily fees (whether you use the phone or not). I wish I had known how evil Verizon was before I bought my RAZR phone (that only works with Verizon). Did I mention how much I now hate Verizon?


Consumer Review

March 23, 2007

Had verizon prepay,way too expensive,way overly priced,got rid of them,paying a dollar a day when you do not use the phone is terrible,a great rip off.I went with t-mobile to go,thats a great company.A 50 dallar card you get 400 minutes,and 100 dallar card you get 1000 minutes,thats only 13 cents for the 50 dallar card,and 10 cents for a 100 dallar card a minute,no one company out there can beat that,thats a fact of life.


Consumer Review

March 22, 2007

the service is really good i have to admit but it cheated me out of my money one min. it would say i have all the time in the world the next i would have like 2mins in one month i probaly spent over $100 the phones are expensive to. that and the free night calling never worked for my i would call somebody at 10 pm and it would say i had 15 mins remaining


Consumer Review

March 5, 2007

I like the phone,the coverage and the good customer service. I have 2 things I don't like about the prepaid service (1). You are charged a .99 cents access fee per day regardless of if whether you use the phone or not(if you buy a $15 card it will eat it up in 15 days )(2).If you buy a calling card and you don't put your minutes in within 60 days you lose your money.


Consumer Review

November 28, 2006

I had it just over a year. Got good service. It always worked. But unless you do a lot of in calling and night calling I fell it has the worst plan. My biggest turn off is paying 69 cents a minute after the 99 cent a minute will roaming.


Consumer Review

October 24, 2006

Worth it just for the vcast… verizon has good service too.


Consumer Review

September 28, 2006

I like my phone a lot. I'm also addicted to vcast at this point so I could never see going with anything else. I have the easypay plan and its great.


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