Metro's push to talk extends even further

MetroPCS’s push to talk service works with any network. So you can initiate a push to talk session with, say, an AT&T customer if you have a PTT-compatible MetroPCS phone. Apparently I either missed something in there, or they announced a further development in the service. Because now, not only can you push to talk to anyone on any cell network, you can do the same with a landline. It also looks like the software used to power the push to talk handsets, ChatLINK, will cost $5 per month. Not a terrible price considering the advantages this service has over, say, Nextel’s Direct Connect. As noted last week, the only drawback is that the service is only offered on one MetroPCS phone right now, the Kyocera K312. I’m sure that if there’s enough demand drummed up, they’ll start offering more relatively soon.]]>


  1. MariaEsther on March 11, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    Metro PCS is the WORST cell carrier there is.They charge for everything..They won’t give refunds on the phones nor will they exchange them.Customer services people don’t know anything.Furthermore,calls would either have VERY VERY BAD connection or would just drop..PLEASE don’t waste your money with Metro PCS like I did.

  2. christine on March 30, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    I don’t see anything wrong with Metro PCS. You get what you pay for and for $50 for unlimitied EVERYTHING … you can’t really beat it. I live in the city so I don’t have anymore dropped calls than I did with AT&T. I could see a problem maybe if you live in the boonies. Otherwise … i would definately recommend Metro PCS especially if you’re on a budget but still need a way for people to contact you.