Wednesday App Review: Trivia Crack


I hate trivia games. Trivial Pursuit has got to be the worst game in the world, in my opinion, right behind Risk. It’s absolutely no fun.Despite the fact that I know a lot of random information, it’s never seems to be relevant for trivia games.I mean, who knows those obscure facts anyway? Why does it matter who the king of Persia was in 1548? Why would I know that? Anyway, when my coworker, with an excited light in her eye, suggested I review the app Trivia Crack for this week’s review, you can imagine how enthusiastic my response was. But, just for you dear readers, I decided to download it and give it a shot. Now I’m borderline addicted, and it’s all your fault. Trivia Crack is not your normal trivia game, and while there are some hard questions, most of the trivia is actually not so ridiculous that no normal person would know it. You could argue that the questions are actually a little too easy at times, but there are enough hard ones mixed in to stump me from time to time, which keeps it fun. The game questions are broken up into six categories: Art, Entertainment, Science, History, Sports and Geography. Once you’ve been playing for a while, the app will track your correct answers and you can view percentage of correct responses on your profile, which is kind of cool. Turns out I’m way worse at history than I expected.

There are two different modes you can play: Classic and Challenge.

In Classic mode, you spin the wheel and answer questions. The goal is to collect all six characters by answering questions correctly. Once you answer three questions right, you get to try for a mascot by answering a question in that category. You can also instantly try for a mascot by landing on the crown icon. Once you and your opponent both have characters, you can challenge them to try and win their character. The first person who collects all six wins.

In Challenge mode, you play against a group of friends or strangers and out of 12 questions, you must attempt to answer them as correctly and quickly as possible in order to win.

Users are allowed to submit their own questions, which means that sometimes you’ll get questions that have stupid multiple choice options, like “Your Mom” and such. However, the app encourages users to review questions to try and weed out these questions and I haven’t run across any myself—I’ve only seen screenshots and heard from other friends. The app itself can be downloaded for free, and you can technically play the game without paying a dime. However, there are limitations to the free version, as well as rather obnoxious popup video ads that are difficult to close out of without clicking the link. Purchasing the game for $2.99 will get rid of these ads. Trivia Crack also has add-ons which you can purchase with real money, including coins which can be spent to help with guessing answers or to respin, and lives which determines how many games you can start at once. I, personally, have been playing it for more than a week and haven’t had any reason to purchase anything yet, so it’s definitely not a necessity. You do earn coins with achievements and by winning games. Frugal players will have no reason to purchase additional coins, but I suppose it is an option. The app is available for iPhone, Android, Windows Phones and through Amazon’s app store. You can also play it on Facebook, and can link the game to your Facebook page if you wish. In short, this app is ridiculously fun, and is probably the first trivia game that actually involves trivia that I care about. I don’t feel stupid when I read the questions, and I learn from the ones that I get wrong. So, if you like really hard trivia, then go watch Jeopardy instead. But, if you are one of those people who collects odd knowledge or enjoys challenging your friends and family, then this is the game for you.]]>

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