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2.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2,051 reviews)
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4 star12%
3 star15%
2 star7%
1 star47%


August 10, 2023

Customer service SUCKS i have been waiting to get through on there 877 # and been on hold for over 2 hours and no answer I ran out of minutes before my 30 day time recharged.


Editorial Review

February 24, 2022

Prepaid Reviews

Consumer Review

November 8, 2011

Forget about the international neighbors service . This is my 10th local # assigned for friends calling from Canada . It is supposed to be deleted if not used within 30 days . It is used every couple of days . and they still delete the number or reassign it to someone else . Completely frustrating and useless . Have spent way too much time with customer service trying to resolve the problem always with the same response > Call us back if it happens again . It ALWAYS happins again . A complete waste of time .


Consumer Review

November 6, 2011

Net Tens customer service leaves a lot to be desired. Also if you don't use you minutes and your time is up, you've lost what you have paid for.


Consumer Review

November 3, 2011

Customer service SUCKS i have been waiting to get through on there 877 # and been on hold for over 2 hours and no answer I ran out of minuets before my 30 day time recharged and phone was reset for another 30 days BUT 18 days later i had 500+ minuets left and they dumped the minuets and recharged my credit card $25 and gave me 750 all over again I hope if i ever get to talk with some one i can get this corrected will see


Consumer Review

November 3, 2011

I can't describe how ANGRY I am. Sorry, usually not so extreme. I bought a new phone about a month and half ago. The gentleman at Walmart registered it but assured me that I could transfer my minutes and number easily later. He also told me that there would be 300 minutes but it turned out that there was only 10. When I tried to transfer the number and minutes from my old phone they told me I had to get a new sim card which was sent to me up in New York. I then tried to do it online several times and just was run around in circles. I tried to do it from my old phone and she told me I had to do it from a land line which I don't have. Finally today I had the time to get on a landline and call. After waiting at least 15 min. to get a real person, and then waiting another 15 minutes for him to get info from me, he told me I would have to get another sim card sent to me!!!!!! I told him I had already done this!!! He finally after another 30 min. saw in the records that I had had a sim card already sent to me. So he then put me on hold and talked to a supervisor and came back with that he had to ‘open a tool' to give my number to the new phone. After waiting another 15 min. he's still telling me he's ‘working on it'. I then asked what could possibly be taking this long and could I speak to his supervisor and so he put me back on hold with the music again. By this time its been about 1 hr and 1/2 and the owners of the landline are telling me they would like to use the phone. I can't believe that its this complicated to accomplish a simple transfer. I have had a net 10 phone for almost 10 years. My husband also has one. We are ready to throw the phones out, its been such a hugely negative experience. Is anybody out there that can actually take care of this simple transfer????????

Joan Hildal

Consumer Review

November 2, 2011

Customer Service is LOUSY. Each team member has something different to tell you. The Supervisors have the ability to correct the problems, but simply refuse to do so. This company must be in the same league as ENRON, LEMHAN Brothers and other scammers, too big and important to fail. Half of the time there are no towers in urban areas. Continuing to use their service is like hiring out your self to an employer who pays you with water in a leaking bag.

Sandra Wells

Consumer Review

November 1, 2011

DONT BUY!!!!!! Por customer service.Lost our number. Called 3 times about an hour each.Represenative said she was transfering to supervisor but, I got her instead pretending to be supervisor. She had a distinctive way with words which was obvious. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!

lost number

Consumer Review

November 1, 2011

worst customer service ever. cannot buy airtime online (page times out). called customer service and the system is down every time I call.


Consumer Review

October 31, 2011

I called 411 service once for my local police, didn't want to dial 911. While I was supposedly on hold they tried to sell me services of an attorney. When I asked them again for the local police (won't say what city), again, they tried to sell me attorney services even when the computer couldn't figure out where to direct me. I called Tech support, they're just like Cricket. Same crap, same Middle Eastern people. No wonder the US is turning to crap.:(

Just for you

Consumer Review

October 31, 2011

I've spent almost 10 hours on the phone with them to get the phone working, always hanging up after they say they fixed the problem. The problem is one day out of the blue on week 1 of owning the phone it said no service days left. I've not invested much money at this point, but note that I have lost my phone number I have had for 10 years due to them. After 10 hours, I've run out of minutes on the phone (750 Minute Card) and I've made very few other calls. They seem to keep you on the phone to run down your minutes and patience.


Consumer Review

October 26, 2011

Iv'e had Net10 phones for over 4 years, and have never had ANY problems, until a couple of days ago, when I purchased a $30.00 card to add 300 minutes to my phone service. I tried 3 times to enter the PIN number, but each time the message on my phone read: ‘;Invalid PIN number-try again or contact customer service.' I immediately called NET10 customer service, and talked to a very pleasant operator about my problem. Within 5 minutes, the 300 minutes and 60 service days were added to my phone! I was aware that all the NET 10 customer service staff are located outsid the U.S., so before I hung up, just out of curiosity, I asked her where she was located. She responded:In Belize, Central America!! That is a first for me, to talk to someone in Central America! All in all—NET10 ROCKS!!!!! I highly recommend it!


Consumer Review

October 25, 2011

Not too bad- but not great. You get charged minutes (units) for EVERYTHING you do. 750 minutes goes fast if you text or check email. DO NOT enroll in auto pay- they will not let you unenroll once enrolled, and there is literally no way of taking your debit/credit card out of their system unless you cancel your plan (their fine print says this). So, if one day, you decide you no longer want them to automatically charge your card, tough. The only way around it is to cancel your plan altogether. Fine. I cancelled my plan and went to AT&T's new $25/mo. plan and now get unlimited messaging and 250 nationwide minutes (this is a new prepaid plan released Sept 18, 2011). I text A LOT and it's nice for my phone to not constantly remind me that I've used ‘X' number of minutes. Refreshing. :-)Also, I've spoken with AT&T's customer service 3 times, and they've all been amazing. No hold times, very polite and professional, and will do anything to help you. Also, when I went to the AT&T store to sign up for prepaid service, I took in an AT&T phone I already had, he put a new SIM card in it, and had my phone up and running in minutes. I was treated like I was buying an $800 iPad, but was only signing up for prepaid cell service. Glad I made the switch from Net10.


Consumer Review

October 25, 2011

I loved NET10's service – never had a dropped call, had clear service, able to get a signal just about anywhere – then I had to call customer service. I'm still reeling from the nightmare of 40 minutes on the phone and two different reps telling me they will fix the issue ‘quickly'. Let me tell you what happened. We were paying for the 750 minute plan and were making payments online each month right around the due date. I thought, why not just sign up for the monthly plan (still 750 mins for $25) and have them take the payment out automatically each month so we wouldn't have to log in and manually pay it? So we sign up for the monthly plan. On the expiration date of our plan we waited for our credit card to be charged to renew our minutes. Nothing happened that day – no card charged and no minutes added. My husband went online to confirm that we were still enrolled in the monthly plan and we were so we figured NET10 would take out their money and life would be good. Not so. On Monday morning we noticed our phone still had no minutes added AND it had been deactivated. It was too early to call customer service and my husband had to get to school so he picked up an airtime card on his way. He attempted to add the airtime card but the phone indicated that it was still deactivated with no minutes. He went in and checked our email account and there was a receipt for the monthly payment transaction dated for that morning! So now we had the monthly payment charged to our credit card account and potentially used up an airtime card to boot! The first rep said that their system sometimes had a delay in taking out the payment on the monthly plans and our airtime card transaction didn't go through so it should still be good to use next month (took him 25 minutes to tell me this with three times on hold). He then transferred me to ‘his supervisor' who then kept me on the phone another 15 minutes while he manually input our pin. After a pause he told me he was adding the airtime card. I said NO!!! I've already been charged on my card, why would you put in the airtime card? He then informed me he would put in our credit card transaction instead that the card would be still good for next month. I'm hoping the card will be reset so we can actually use it next month but I'm not holding my breath. Yes both customer service reps had indian accents. The first one was much easier to understand than the second. The second sounded a bit muffled so he was much harder to understand. I think we'll keep the NET10 service and go back to manually paying for it – the automatic service is too risky and I want avoid calling customer service again at all costs.


Consumer Review

October 25, 2011

Maybe I've had incredibly good luck or maybe I'm just more patient and able to understand accented English, but me and my husband have had Net10 for 4 years. I've washed 2 phones and he dropped one into water. Each time the transition to a new phone was seamless. I got all my minutes back and the transfer was accomplished in minutes. The phone calls were about 30 minutes each time including wait time. Bad: my new LG900 doesn't seem to have as good battery life or reception as my old LG300G.


Consumer Review

October 25, 2011

I have had 2 of the Net10 phones for over a year and am generally pleased with the reception and quality of both phones. However their customer service and billing infrastructure is the worst I have ever had to deal with. The phones are set up on their ‘Easy minutes' plan to automatically charge the phones with minutes and service days and this is charged to a credit card. Everything will go OK for about 3 months then one or other of the phones will not get the service days that have been paid for. The subsequent call to customer support will usually involve, up to an hour, before you talk to somebody who (1) will listen (very rare with Net10 customer support) and (2) knows what they are doing. They will usually say several times that the problem was the credit card was refused, even though I have explained, several times, that the card was charged, the hours were put in the phone, but the service days are missing. After an hour of passing you around to at least 6 people who all ask you your mother's maiden name and date of birth you will finally get somebody who knows what they are doing and can fix the problem until 90 days later when it happens again! The last time I dealt with them one phone had not been charged with minutes and service days but the credit card had not been charged (a new problem, it is usually the opposite) their solution was to try to charge me an arbitrary activation fee, I talked to a manager, who apologized, said it would be corrected and then proceeded to wipe out the ‘Easy Minutes' account of the phone that had correctly charged the card the hours and the service days! Their Customer/ Support is so bad it almost cancels the good reception you get with these phones!!!!


Consumer Review

October 23, 2011

I have been a longtime net 10 customer, and I have received a new phone that didn't work but they replaced it with no ?. The only issues I have is support speaking better English when I call… I like my Net 10 phone srvc so much I am abt to upgrade my phone with them.


Consumer Review

October 22, 2011

I got a Net10 phone for texting, but it turns out that I cannot receive texts more often than I can. I will go through long periods when I cannot receive any texts, though I can text out all I want. I described my problem on their website (after discovering a LOT of people have this problem with Net10), and it took them about 10 days to even post what I had written. They said they would send me a private email but they never did. This was several months ago. My service plan runs out this month and I intend to get a phone that works and has better customer service.Incidentally, if I had realized they were a subsidiary of Tracfone, I would never have bought the phone. I've had trouble with them as well. Their customer service can only help you if you have a common problem that they have a script for solving, otherwise they can't even understand what you're talking about.


Consumer Review

October 22, 2011

Absolutely the suckiest I mean Suckiest phone service ever. My husband bought a phone to use for his business and went with net10 against my wishes. After all it is his phone right?? Well I have been on the phone now with them and continue to get the same thing we need a new sim card but they don't know when it will be here or when they can send it. He uses this for business I told them we wanted a full refund and they kept saying in their indian voice ‘you need a new sim card yes' and ‘I understand what you are saying'. Good thing b/c I understood zilch of what they were saying. I will tell everyone about this service and how disappointed we are. They say they will handle canceling your acct with the other phone company you have and they did not so we had a bill with them also which we did not have the money to pay. I am not done with them yet they will either refund us or refund us for the verizon service they said they would cancel. I hate this phone and the service.


Consumer Review

October 21, 2011

i started purchaseing more air time from the store for net 10 the 750 card. turn out that net 10 cancelled my last 98 minutes on my card this month because i did not use them up in a certain amount of time. i have never had a problem when i bought a200 min card but i think i am done with net 10 please beware.

tom myers

Consumer Review

October 19, 2011

The only good thing is the reception. If you have to call customer service dont plan on getting any help. They will not understand anything you say no matter how simple.


Consumer Review

October 18, 2011

Net10 is a joke. If you don't have a sense of humor you will rip out your hair dealing with their customer service. Can't understand the operators, they in turn don't understand me. Sim cards keep being sent to my house even though the phones work. They changed my phone number without my consent. They deactivated my boyfriends phone for no reason…so he bought a thirty dollar phone card at walgreens for thirty days…and the phone is still inactivated contrary to their terms of service. My original LG800 PHONE only worked for one month then it would hang up in the middle of calls. What a mess…it's a joke… because these people don't take their job seriously…if you need a dependable phone, that you can use all the time….and you want good customer service go with virgin mobile or US Cellular or some other company because Net10 can't do a good job.

Charity Fuzessy

Consumer Review

October 18, 2011

i have been with net10 for the last 5 years, and have watched them go downhill. about 6 months ago, i started getting complaints from friends about not responding to texts, but then found out that i never got them in the first place. after many test and experiments, i discovered that not only were texts no going through on occasion, but phone calls as well, with no record of voicemail. i called customer service, which used to be better years ago. now, no one on the other end knows anything about phones. they told me it might be because i was out of the service area [so wouldn't i just get it later??], they told me it was my sim card, and they'd send a new one [never came!], and then they'd just try to get me off the phone by saying turn the phone off and then turn it on in a few hours and everything will be fine. take it from me, i have been with them for years, purchased hundreds of dollars worth of airtime, and spent dozens of hours dealing with customer service. zero stars. ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN THIS!


Consumer Review

October 17, 2011

amazing phones,great reception,now they are offering android phones,the only cons-could be customer service is not the best but i hope they could improve their service in the future,overall,i feel very happy with this prepaid service the reception quality is great here in miami.keep going net 10.


Consumer Review

October 17, 2011

I am very surprised at the negative reviews. My family have been using Net10 for about 3 yrs now. About 6mos ago I joined the plan with my family, It worked and met my family phone needs without any problems. Not one for cell phones I wanted to have one just to remain in contact with my family and for emergencies. We purchase the $30 card every 60 days and prior to the existing minutes expiration date. We haven't lost any unused minutes. In the 3 yrs we have not had to contact customer service for assistance. there are only two spots I have experience no service or drop calls, that is Walmart at the center back of the store and my employment which is a government building. At my employment to be fair no one except those with Verizons service was able to pick up a signal. However, the building has since gone through some changes recognizing the problem and now I can pickup the signal without a problem. I am very happy with Net10 as it stands today.


Consumer Review

October 16, 2011

tERRible SERVICE, i ORDERED lg 6oo phone by Mail, NEEDED, NEW sim CARD they SENT to Wrong ADDRESS. then I bought another, Could NOT a GET internet, I am GOING back, TO straight TALK.

Michael WARD

Consumer Review

October 15, 2011

I've had my net-10 for almost 4 years, and I've never had a problem with it. My husband and I travel, and we've only had a few places we didn't have service. One was in the mountains of NC, another is any building with a tin roof. For some reason, the signal just can't travel through it. My parents have a regular cell phone plan from a cell phone company, and I can't get them on the phone half the time and are dropped often, at least when I try to call them using a regular land line or my cell phone.I liked the net-10 service so much, I bought my husband a net-10 phone for his birthday, 2 years ago. He uses his a lot more than I do, so when his phone went bad and quit charging, a few months ago, I bought him another net-10 phone for just 15.00, and had no problem transferring his minutes and phone number to the new phone. The person who I talked to, to help with transferring it, was nice and cordial, and it took less than 10 minutes to do it.All in all, we couldn't be happier with our phones, and are thinking about trading them in for net-10 phones that have internet access as Christmas presents for each other


Consumer Review

October 14, 2011

Have been using this service for about a year. Before this, I was on contract plan. This has saved me so much money and customer service is pretty decent. Not really sure why there are so many ‘haters'. I agree with harry b's review, is this some conspiracy to bring down net10? I've never had a problem with their customer service. Just speak simply and straight to the point.


Consumer Review

October 14, 2011

My experience with Net10. The truth.Phones are OK, with great improvements in the last year – now they'll even have Androids.The phone service is excellent: always connections, no dropped calls.Customer service is challenging but we must be mindful that 1) That can also be said of any American company nowadays, and 2)Your not paying $100+ for their good service.Several family members have had Net10 for years with no complaints whatsoever. I had Net10 for a year, switched to another no-contract company, but am coming back to Net10.Why so many negative posts? I truly don't know. But I'm sure that there are tens of satisfied customers for each one of them.


Consumer Review

October 14, 2011

Uh, on the advice of people I know who went with Tracfone and were actually satisfied, I thought I'd leave my 10 years at Sprint (I never had an issues with them except a few dead zones when visiting my folks) and save a few bucks; worst decision I've ever made. Customer service is non-existent, this whole SIM card thing is a joke (the one that came with my phone doesn't work, the replacement doesn't work….) I've had various people tell me they can't get through, some days the phone randomly works, now it's dead as Elvis–NOT professional. Even if you have a dead phone, they tell you to call them. Uh, a little unclear on the concept, I'd say….not worth the hassles, and going on day 7 of customer ‘service' hassles…..Going back to my old provider….you get what you pay for, for sure…..

Don't do it save a few bucks....

Consumer Review

October 14, 2011

I have to agree with most of the reviews,crappy customer service. Irecieve a new phone and five dayslater it's still not working! Aftersix calls to customer service( andthree hours on the phone) they tellme it's the sim card, that they justsent me. I can't wait to see how longit takes to get a new one. Also can't understand what they're saying.


Consumer Review

October 13, 2011

Thanks everyone!!! I was considering this option to save some cash, but this sounds like a nightmare. Ill deal with the devil I know for now (ATT)


Consumer Review

October 12, 2011

Customer Svcs is beyond disbelief: Not only are most of their accents incoherent, but they are grossly incompetent. You can literally spend hours and days over a single issue and still be at square one with your problem. Then again, this is the pace and efficiency of the undeveloped societies they are centered in. Ugh!


Consumer Review

October 12, 2011

Have had my Net10 phone for about 10 months now, and in the beginning it was great. I used the 750mins for $25 cards and always had enough time to get through the month. Service was good, I could even get a signal sometimes when my friends on Verizon couldn't. HOWEVER, over the past couple of months, my service has been HORRIBLE. Chances are about 50/50 now that I'll actually get calls and texts, and when I do, half the time the signal drops in the middle of the call even though I haven't even moved and it was great when the call started. I would love to stay with Net10 because it can be a great deal when it actually works, but I need a phone that is reliable so I'm about to take my business elsewhere.


Consumer Review

October 12, 2011

I've called customer service for net10 about 4-5 times, each time with a different question and each time I was answered SATISFACTORILY. First call- to activate and add minutes, second- to change my number, third-inquire about wi-fi and fourth-spoke with manager about different options. I'm not exactly sure why there are so many ‘bad' reviews. I for one, thought they were no different from other phone companies (at&t, tmobile) who also have call stations in foreign contries. The only thing they really need to work on is hiring more representatives because the wait time to actually get someone on the phone to help you can be a bit long. Other than that, it's all been good.


Consumer Review

October 11, 2011

I bought 200 minutes with Net 10 but they did not give me the 30 days of service. After 8 emails and 30 minutes of my 200 minutes on the phone with them over two days they finally added the 30 days. Is that the kind of service you want? Dont do business with these people. they are terrible.


Consumer Review

October 11, 2011

My family (hubby, 2 teens and me) have had net10 and tracfones for at least 4 years now. Occasionaly we would have problems where we couldn't add minutes using the website, we would get a message stating that we needed to call cust. serv. I can deal with that. But last week my oldest daughter decided to buy an ATT Go phone because it looks like a blackberry so I wanted to use her net10 phone because it was nicer than mine. After calling customer service I was told that it would not be a problem to switch my phone number to the newer net10 phone, they would mail me a sim card and I was to call them back. A few days later I actually did receive the sim card, I called them back, I added air time and minutes to the phone and I was back in business. The next day I tried to make a call and a message told me that my phone was deactivated. I called CS and the phone was reactivated. The next day the exact same thing happened. This time I waited on hold for an hour to talk to a manager in tech support who tells me that the serial # for the old phone was used for the new one and that is causing the problem. He deleted the old phone from the system and this would solve everything. But the next day I have again a deactivated phone. This time I didn't have to wait as long for a tech support person but she basically tells me that she has no idea why the system is deactivating my phone every night. She reactivates my phone and tells me that she is going to look further into it. The very next day, you guessed it, a decactivated phone. I called and told them that I was done with net10, they can't fix my problem and I need a working phone. I wanted a refund of the $44.08 I put on the phone just a week before and of course they told me no way. so I have filed a complaint with the BBB and we'll see what happens.


Consumer Review

October 10, 2011

There is no instructions for how to work the phone. I have one that supposedly can connect to the internet. Wrong. I called customer service, they could not help. I tried setting up voicemail by looking in the little booklet that comes with the phone. says to follow instructions. When you do you get voicemail that says enter your password, trouble is you don't have one yet. so back to customer service. This is the most un-user friendly phone I have ever owned and will never have one again. Can't even get google maps


Consumer Review

October 10, 2011

Signed up with automatic payment (Easy Minutes) plan. They do not send update minutes. Three times I have had to deal with barely understandable customer service people to get – 30 minutes of my life each time. Each time I asked them to fix their service so I don't have to do this. They don't have a clue. They send email that says you can get updates by logging in online but there is no ‘Update' click to be found. Soon I will stop payments, get last update and let it run out. They lose a low use customer by being incompetent. Recommendation – don't use Net-10.


Consumer Review

October 10, 2011

This company doesnt give a damn about its customers. It has foriegn operators and they just waste your minutes. If you have a problem, you must use someone elses phone to call them to correct it which is hard on single people. Dont do business with. Make them go broke and lay off all their employees especially the foriegn operators.


Consumer Review

October 9, 2011

Horrible customer service. False advertising. Bought a NET10 phone because they offered ‘300 minutes free upon activation' promotion. Never got the 300 minutes and calls to customer service were useless.


Consumer Review

October 9, 2011

The phones are pretty good for the money, having the possibility to go month by month is great, but their customer service sucks. I am not sure if they try to help, have been trained what do, are allowed to change things, or just do not listen what customers asked. I simply tried to transfer service from one phone to the other, and after 4 days and about 2 hours in phone conversation and several e-mails, I have my minutes but no airtime or phone number and can't use my phone.


Consumer Review

October 8, 2011

This company stinks…we purchased the 50.00 unlimited talk/text and web and all you can do on the web is BROWSE…if you want to download ringtones,apps or games you need to purchase more time separtely on their web site with a credit card.We have had nothing but problems with our service and spent more then 8 hours on the phone trying to clear things up with people you can't even understand…No one speaks clear english in tech support!!!!!!


Consumer Review

October 7, 2011

These guys have a great service and are now providing better than the basic phones they started with. I have had my phone for a couple years and never had to reach customer service. Recently, I purchased one of their higher end phones and tried to transfer number to it. 10 or 12 hours later, mostly on hold, I had to return the phone to retailer, Walmart, because customer service not only could not get the phone to work, but they also shut off my old phone and could not get that to work again. I waited over 2 weeks to get the sim card I supposedly needed to make either phone work and it never did arrive. I will go elsewhere. Too bad, customer service sucks bad. Everything they told me was wrong.


Consumer Review

October 5, 2011

I wish there was a choice for zero stars. I purchased a phone and a $30 card, could not activate, phone support could not activate it and basically said I dont have a choice and if i could ship every thing to them they may provide a refund. Do not waiste your time with this company.


Consumer Review

October 5, 2011

Customer service is the achilles heel of this company. Its obvious you get sent to India or Bangladesh when you call tech support. They're slow, and the now arbitrarily change the terms of service without notifying you. At least AT&T has the guts to tell you before screwing you.Text messages are no longer 0.3 units, they are now 0.5. Initially my phone was incorrectly charging at 0.5 units so I called them and after about 20 minutes on the phone and a long series of codes entered, it was at 0.3. long text messages get broken up into multiples, so you get charged more than once for a single text message. messages with video/images get charged at a higher rate too.There's no way to disable the annoying web access, and its too easy to accidentally hit the button on the phone, and instantly you lose 1 minute of time just for doing that. My SIM card is set for access to the AT&T network, and coverage is pretty good. I get unknown calls and messages I can't block, but I guess everybody gets those. Its annoying because incomings get charged too, so people are wasting my minutes. The Samsung T401G is a great phone, and makes up for shortcomings in NET10 service. International dialing requires you to dial a special access number and its charged at 1.5 times normal rates, and it won't access other cellphones, only landlines in many nations. I only buy phone cards with cash and don't use any of their unlimited plans. I don't dare give them a credit card number, who knows where it would end up.

John Smith

Consumer Review

October 5, 2011

I have Net10 and my husband has tracfone. We have been satisfied with both companies and the price is right as we use them when we are not at home. Our only complaint is not being able to understand customer service. Need better English speaking employees.


Consumer Review

October 4, 2011

I Upgraded from the lg600 to the lg900 which had rollover min. I only keep my net 10 service because I had accumulated over 2800. min.I only used my cell for emergencies. When I replenished my min. this month. someone at net10 lost my previous min. I'm very disappointed with net10 because they did not want to do the research or did not care about me being a customer to try and find out what happened to my min. I paid for these min. I've had over 2,000 min since 2009. but net10 would only reimburse me 1400. min. so I lost money and min. I have called Home shopping network because they endorse net10, this is where I purchased both my phones using the net10 services. I have posted on facebook and twitter, also contacted the attorney general. Net10 doesn't care about it's consumers and when I use up these min. I will never use net10 again, and I will inform any net10 customer to keep track and be aware of the practices of net10


Consumer Review

October 3, 2011

Quite honestly, i had net 10 for about 2 years. Ok their customer service isn't the best, but what do you expect for 25 bucks a month? i had the samsung t401g for about a year, and then the lg900g which i have now, they are decent phones. net 10s coverage is decent, and activating the first phone was quick(about 10 minutes) and activating my lg900g with my old phone # was quick also(about 10- 30 minutes). True, sometimes the phones glitch or something with the coverage happen, but not often. adding minutes is also really easy, just go to a 7-11 or to their website to buy new minutes. am i like the only one who doesnt hate net10?


Consumer Review

October 3, 2011

The phone service is really cheap, but customer service is terrible. Count on wasting hours and never getting anything done.


Consumer Review

October 2, 2011

This service isn't worth the low rates. I've been on hold for an hour and a half, and I'm on hold because my phone ran out of monthly data usage. I ran a card- It has minutes (and days that are being used up) but whenever I call or text, I get a message about it being disactivated. I bought a card and tried to activate it directly, instead of online, no dice. It doesn't work. The horrible Jazz music on their hold line drove my 9-year-old to tears, and she didn't cry through Star Wars, all 6 seasons of NCIS that we have on DVD, and when her pet cat died. The automated system isn't good for anything except the most phone illiterate, and I have made better contact websites in my college classes. Wouldn't buy again, ever.


Consumer Review

October 2, 2011

Good rate everything works fina until i wasted my minutes i bouught a new card when i go home and try it it doesnt work so i call coustmer service and it took them an hour just to respond back to me


Consumer Review

October 1, 2011

I HATE NET10!!! Terrible Customer Service – 4 hrs on tech support (can hardly understand their ‘English') they activated phone with wrong number. They had to send new sim. then months later… They deactivated phone for no reason after months of use. I was in the middle of a month of $50 Unlimited Use. 1.5 hr on phone w/ tech support – sent me new sim again. This time wrong number again. 2hrs on phone said they'd send new sim – week later still haven't seen it. I HATE NET10!!!!!


Consumer Review

October 1, 2011

This company is a joke, lousy! We bought a phone, set it up on a recurring plan, every month we would have to call to get it re-activated. Hours on the phone with an un-intelligble foreigner. Go some where else, DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Thompson

Consumer Review

September 30, 2011

Incredible bad service. I purchased their phone/service a year ago with the ad that you could also choose one foreign country at special rate (–.15 per minute). This was never possible nor did I ever get a response to my written complaint on this. After coming back to the USA a few weeks ago I find that the phone is dead. After calling them they explain that after 3 months of not using the phone they block you off. When you call them to re-activate they ask you to pay another card service with the promise that after 1 hour you will be re-activated (unblocked). That never happens either.Then when you write written complaints and ask them to cancel the charges they made without providing you with the service they promised (to reactivate the phone) they ask you again to call them to remedy the situation (it seems they love for you to be 1-2 hours on the phone on hold and then talking to them…… When you say ‘no, I am not going to call you anymore, please refund or cancel the charges' they go into a ‘merry round' automated service replies….. This service may work for USA residents or USA frequent visitors but I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS SERVICE FOR ANY FOREIGN VISITORS TO THE USA. They (NET10) do not live up to their promises and will block you off after 3 months of not using the phone and then take you for a long ride if you want to be re-activated.


Consumer Review

September 29, 2011

the worst company on earth, incapable of the simplest task. avoid at all costs. Outright fraud!


Consumer Review

September 28, 2011

For the rest of us, who don't need their hand held by a customer service agent when activating a phone with something as easy as a PIN number, NET10 is perfect. My Net10 phone works in places my wife's Sprint service won't touch. My phone is simple, crappy, and it always works. Quit bellyaching about customer service. It's a $20 phone and a $25 airtime card. Buy another one and start over if it's too difficult for you! This isn't a service to port your number to. Net10 is like the ultimate burn phone. You out of town and lost your phone charger? Screw it, pick up a Net10 phone to finish your trip. Did you run out of minutes and don't want to pay fees? Get the Net10 $20 cheapass phone and a $25 750-minute card and cover yourself! Wake up and smell the easy!


Consumer Review

September 27, 2011

Terrible phones, horrible coverage, and customer service will cause your blood pressure to rise. Hate Net 10

Hate this company

Consumer Review

September 26, 2011

Great phones I have changed them 3 times over the past 3 years and never had a problem. Service is great never drops calls and my minutes are always there like they are supposed to be. I have not had a lot of experience with svc or support no reason to.


Consumer Review

September 26, 2011

I left Net10 because a ‘family plan' was more convenient for my family size (me, my hubby, three teenagers and my mom), but I was 100% satisfied with Net10. Now that I am starting a small business with my sister, my first business decision is to use Net10 for the business' telephone needs.


Consumer Review

September 26, 2011

Been using Net 10 for a couple of years. Very happy. Customer service requires a bit of patience due to language ‘issues' but the only problem I have had was with a defective phone, and Net 10 replaced it at no charge within a few days. I suspect that most of these histrionic negative reviews are placed by shills for other companies or by malcontents who have nothing better to do than complain in public.

Harry B

Consumer Review

September 25, 2011

Phone and service are good. Tech support is the worst ever. If you can do it yourself on line then its a good product. Don't expect help from support.


Consumer Review

September 25, 2011

Worst customer service I have ever seen. I rate them as a negative. Instead of transferring my existing number- they just gave me a new one and didn't even tell me. Tried for 2.5 weeks to get it changed and finally gave up and went with an established company. Net10 is still sending me SIM cards even after I have cancelled the service. They are just horrible!!!!!


Consumer Review

September 25, 2011

NetTen ‘provides' the worst customer service, cell coverage, and technology that I have seen from any company in any field. It is pointless to complain about any specific element of their service as all are uniformly bad, right down to their 411 service that not only costs you minutes but also forces you to listen to advertising… before you find out that they only provide numbers for people and companies listed with Net10, which is virtually nobody.

John Crye

Consumer Review

September 24, 2011

Use Net10 only if you never upgrade your phone, use Net10 only if you don't care to lost your number, use Net10 only if you have 2 hours everyday to deal with their poor customer support . If you want to complaint, they just laugh out loud. Stay away from them, Net10 is not reliable cellphone provider, wish them go out of business soon !

A. J.

Consumer Review

September 24, 2011

You Poor Tormented Souls,To those of you who have experienced what must be the worst customer service nightmare I've ever read about, you have my deepest sympathies for your plight and I truly mean that without sarcasm. I must say, however, that although I'm thoroughly convinced I will NOT be buying a NET10 phone, reading the reviews made me laugh out loud sometimes just because it reminded me of that old Bugs Bunny cartoon where he says to Daffy Duck ‘Of course you know this means war!' That's what everyone sounds like when they're saying NET10 should be sued. I applaud and wholeheartedly agree. Go get 'em, people! These morons deserve everything they've got coming to them. To arms! To arms! 🙂 And, on that note, people, this too shall pass, it really is just a phone, fight the good fight, but don't let it ruin your life.


Consumer Review

September 23, 2011

Id leave zero stars if the system would allow. Phones are ok,its the call quality that sucks.Bleeding in and out. If you get a $50 unlimited card…they wont bother you. Get a 750 minute card or less…and youll get tons of calls from people in India asking for various people. Reversed looked up thier number,and lo and behold…the calls are coming from NET10!! Just a ploy for them to burn up peoples minutes,and increase profits. If you want great prepaid service…go with Straight Talk.

lous bailey

Consumer Review

September 23, 2011

Get ready to spend a lot of time with customer service. The representatives do not seem to know much about what they are doing. If you thought you signed up for an Auto Refill Monthly Plan, don't believe it. Chances are, your phone will not automatically reflect a refill when the month is up. The phone service and price are great. But, if you enjoy talking a lengthy time to folks you may have difficulty understanding, this service may be for you.

Bill W

Consumer Review

September 22, 2011

Very satisfied with price & service. Great deal if you are not a big talker or need the internet via your phone. The SIM card in my phone recently went bad and after a call to customer service they sent me a replacement card which I received in 2 days, free of charge. My phone works like new again.


Consumer Review

September 21, 2011

I would give them ZERO stars or a negative number. The customer service is horrible. All they do is put me on hold and transfer with different support teams. Phone arrived last week and still no service, though hours on hold. Ridiculous!!


Consumer Review

September 21, 2011

It's true that they have horrible customer service, but they solved all my problems so far. When you talk to them, you have to use very ‘simple English'. I had a problem with porting my number because I gave them the wrong account number. When I explaind the situation with words like ‘porting' and ‘carrier', the rep. couldn't understand and asked if I wanted to activate my phone. When I cutout all the ‘fancy' words and said that I have a problem with transferring my number from a different company, then he understood and transferred me to a supervisor because he couldn't solve it.. It took about 30 min, but at least it was solved. Another thing you should do is to check your online account because sometimes it says that you need to verify your phone # and if you don't it deactivates your account all of a sudden. It happened to my sister, and it took about 1 hr on the phone to solve it.


Consumer Review

September 21, 2011

Net 10 is the worst customer service on the planet. Plan to spend at least an hour a month on the phone to them using your minutes that you paid them for. You explain the problem, it's obvious, for example they double billed your credit card, then it takes about another hour because they just can't figure out what to do about it. As soon as I get the last double billing off my credit card bill I'm removing card from account, I still have little doubt that they will re bill it next month after I remove it. They are totally untrustworthy.


Consumer Review

September 20, 2011

I have been with Net10 for over 5 years, but will not continue! I purchased a 2nd phone, an upgrade, and after transferring my old number to my new phone all was well until a few weeks later I tried to activate my old phone with a new number and some 300 additional minutes. During the transaction they erased everything off my new phone, transferred my existing number to my old phone, a erased a airtime card I had just purchased to zero, and could not activate my old phone. I had to reactivate my new phone with a new number, buy additional minutes and subsequently lost all of letterhead, and business card information! I spoke with seven techs and four Sr. Supervisors…….NO ONE knew what to do about this! I have enjoyed the easy programs they sell but if you want to deal with professionals, don't waste your time and your money on Net10!


Consumer Review

September 20, 2011

Yes I agree with The 1 star reveiws. If I could go lower I would. They Do! For all of thr same reasons. I love the simplicity of the plan.If I could get this elsewhere I would BBB Has rated them very low.WHY are they in business.


Consumer Review

September 17, 2011

the phone I purchased was very low end, and the phone never worked correctly..I returned the phone that didnt work…and then net ten would not refund my $20.00 worth of minutes so I am not very satisfied with their company…I tried for 2 days to deal with the company and they kept telling me they showed the phone as active yet I couldnt make or rcv any calls…it said emergency calls only..inactive sim card…and when I tried to put the minutes code in the phone it kept telling me it was an invalid number… and it was a nightmare trying to communicate with a non*english speaking person…

cheryl wyatt

Consumer Review

September 17, 2011

You get what you pay for. Cheap service which works for me. If you want a cadillac go pay for it. The other carriers charge you more and you still get bad service. If you want something that gets you from point a to point b this works. That doesn't mean you shouldn't file a complaint if they steal your money.


Consumer Review

September 17, 2011

I have used Net 10 for well over 5 years, closer to 8. I have had 3 phones and with the exception of one bad LG model I cannot complain. The service areas could be better, like really using all cell towers in the area and not just Tmobil because it is cheaper for Net10 to use. If you live in a city or on the interstate you are mostly fine. Get into rural areas and reception really degrades to zip quick. I now have the Samsung T401G and have had much better reception than ever before. I don't have to deal with customer service hardly ever, when I did it was a challenge at times but made it through okay, patience is a definite must. I have recommended Net10 to many friends and family and a lot have switched from post paid cells. It is a cheap cell phone service so you get what you pay for. If you are living in the boondocks, it may not be the service for you. All in all I am quite satisfied and don't plan on going anywhere, I love no credit check and no 2 year contract to be stuck in with just as bad customer service. I was with Sprint and was so relieved to be done with them, too many dropped calls to deal with and too expensive.Again, I wished they truly used any and all cell phone towers you were near for service and not just what is ‘most common' to work in the area you live in. Anyway to fix this Net10? You would probably have more customers than you know what to do with if you did.


Consumer Review

September 17, 2011

Net 10 used to be GREAT till they change the phones out , and now it doesn't work good at my home and im charged a minute when i dial and no one answers this is reason enough to start looking for a different phone company before my minutes are used up i am disappointed in NET 10 service i USED to brag on how good they were now ill tell any one to go some where else for service !!!

Foster Martin

Consumer Review

September 15, 2011

TERRIBLE customer service! I have had NET10 for years but will switch after this experience! I upgraded my phone and went through the process of transferring my phone number to the new phone online and it did not work. I exchanged numerous e-mails about the situation with all the details and was told I had to call and speak to a customer service representative to fix the problem. I called and spoke to a rep who assured me she fixed the problem and that in an hour it would work. I tested it based off of her instructions after an hour and the number was not transferred. I sent another e-mail explaining what happened and the number still needed to be transferred. I received a response saying that my old number was no longer available and there was nothing they (the NET10 Wireless) could do about it. Needless to say I was not happy and that is the worst customer service. The representative was unhelpful and the e-mail responses were not personalized (always said NET10 Wireless) and completely unhelpful.


Consumer Review

September 15, 2011

Can't get online; or recieve picture messages. Network unavailable; yet Net10 still charges me 2.5 units. Their monthly automatic service doesn't work. I tried for 2 months before giving up. You just have to remember to buy your minutes before service date ends.


Consumer Review

September 15, 2011

I've spent countless hours trying to rectify ‘ADD AIRTIME' issue on my phone. It's simply not there anymore. It won't let me activate online, either. People, they truly DON'T give a crap because they don't have to. Most net10 buyers are poor schmucks like us whom they know sill simply walk away, not contact the FTC, or their state's consumer division, as I have. Think it would get their attention if someone (not me) raked a rare-earth magnet over several hundred of their cards at a Walmart or something?


Consumer Review

September 15, 2011

horrible. you get what you pay for. Terrible customer service they can't even speak english and they can't understand you either. I lost so many minutes because i lost my phone and they don't know how to transfer over to the new phone they really know how to rake your money. and also every time you call customer service with a problem they erase all data, i lost alot of very important numbers and they didn't know how to retrieve that info for me. This company is sickening


Consumer Review

September 15, 2011

I'm one of those rare souls who has not had problems with Net10. I go to the store, buy a $20 phone minute card, add the pin to my phone. Voila! Everything works. I think that I have no problems because I only make a few calls a month–no overseas calls.


Consumer Review

September 15, 2011

Where the F can I find the numbers dialed. someone stole my phone & it was @ my fiancee (so I cant spell) house.

Mister Ed

Consumer Review

September 14, 2011

Take heed of all the negative reviews on here. I have been on their $15 a month plan, and oh, they're very good at billing you religiously…but that's about all they're good at.The phone has been collecting minutes each month, but was deactivated at their end, rendering it useless.The next logical step was to go the website to try and reactivate it, but no, it won't allow it. I just get an error message right at the end of several pages. Useless.So then I emailed. Two days later, I finally get a customer rep who just repeats something written on a piece of paper in front of her, and cannot answer any of the questions I ask.After who-knows-how-long of getting absolutely nowhere, I ask how long this is going to take, as I am busy. ‘I don't know' is the answer. So I request that they call me back when the problem is fixed and they're ready to walk me through the steps to get the phone reactivated, but apparently I have to be on the phone for an indefinite period of time while she fumbles with her keyboard.I finally hung up.Totally frustrating experience.


Consumer Review

September 14, 2011

I must be leading a charmed life. The only time my phone did not work was when it fell in the toilet. And if you want to activate it, do it on line, not with a person. I love it. Even with big companies, support is a crap shoot. been a customer several years. Maybe I'm special!b

Gordon von Miller

Consumer Review

September 13, 2011

Have droped my prepaid minuetse 3 times in the last year, Reimbersed me once. Dont turn your phone off once it will drop eveything you paid for.


Consumer Review

September 13, 2011

Phone terrorist it took a month for them to get 2 phones with our numbers on the right phone. They have customer disservice. Even in the Florida office they were clueless. will not go back to att. Will use a can on a string first.Have lost net 00-0.-5 stars

no name

Consumer Review

September 11, 2011

I did have a little trouble in the beginning with speaking to a customer rep with whom I could not understand, but she appologized and spoke slower and we got through just fine. I opted to keep my old # and Net 10 did all the work to complete my port request and succeeded in less than 24 hours. Also, when adding air time I spoke with an English speaking (with english accent) female and this could not have gone smoother..only took about 4 minutes. So far I have good service coverage and I live in a very rural area. All and all, I was pleased with the ease of the transition.


Consumer Review

September 11, 2011

Just purchaced the Samsung Net10 Phone.It had some glitch to activate but everything worked just fine. I have full bar at home where AT&T normal service has only 1 or 2 bars. Conversation I made to the phone was clear. Photo SMS never worked and it chareged me 25 cents without downloading the pic, so stay away from picture SMS but other than that you can't beat the price since it claim to roll over the min or dates. So far so good.


Consumer Review

September 10, 2011

Absolutely horrible avoid at any cost


Consumer Review

September 9, 2011

what could i say,i find net10 to have very good plans,better phones,great call quality in most areas,however iam an spanish speaking customer who speaks english too and i understand why american customers are not satisfied with net10 customer service because of the bad accent of net10 customer service,i agree sometimes is imposible to understand them and net 10 needs to improve their customer service in their tech help and better spoken english for americans customers,hope in the future this company can improve the service and will get many customers for sure.


Consumer Review

September 9, 2011

Purchased one phone for our son, no problem. Purchased two more at the same time, one for me and one for my husband. Took two days to transfer my number, but it has been two weeks now and my husband's phone still does not work. Had trouble with the initial set-up. They sent a new SIM card programmed with the wrong number, so he had one number coming in and one going out. They said they would overnight a new SIM card and didn't. Now they say they will overnight a new SIM card, but it's Friday, so we won't get it until Monday. This is his business phone, we can't afford the loss. If our budget wasn't so tight, we wouldn't have done this in the first place.


Consumer Review

September 8, 2011

I have been trying to activate and transfer a phone number to a new net10 phone now for over 2 weeks. I have spent at least 10 hours on the phone with them trying to resolve this and still no activation. The customer service is trrrible and their customer service people do not seem to know what they are doing. WORST SERVICE I HAVE EVER SEEN BY FAR!!!

Tom Las Vegas

Consumer Review

September 7, 2011

Run as far as you can stay away it is not worth your effort and energy on the worst service ever!


Consumer Review

September 5, 2011

The only requirement for Net 10 employees is to speak some english. They are not required to have any technical ability at all. Their lack of technical ability results in one to 2 hour phone conversations to address technical issues. After three to five of your calls your issue is sometimes correted. I have issues that have never been corected. Net 10 would be better off to use employees in the USA that have techical skills and can fix issues with one call. Thay are ruining their reputation by trying to save money by using foriegn labor. They will not provide contact information to anyone in the US. In fact I do not know if they are a US company or a Idonisian outfit. At any rate if service isn't improved they are going to go busted and soon I hope. Please have a person in the US contact me at my email address.

Clifford C. Britt

Consumer Review

September 4, 2011

Worst purchase I ever made, service is absolute dogshit, people at net10 are ignorant know nothing and should be shot in the head before they breed and make more stupids. They somehow managed to hire every dumbass Indian on the planet, none can speak ENGLISH, therefore none are of any use at all-except maybe for TARGET PRACTICE!!NET10 SUCKS ABSOLUTELY- I have returned mine @ Best Buy; even they agree Net10 hires and uses hapless ignorant idiots that are unable to do anything but read from a card, in some language similar to PIG LATIN. Someone should walk in there and do them all a great favor- and shoot every single one of them.


Consumer Review

September 4, 2011

Tried activating phone. It didn't work.


Consumer Review

September 4, 2011



Consumer Review

September 4, 2011

They deactivated my phone # which I had for 7 years while I tried to add money to my account. They did not even notified me that they changed my phone #. I spent over 3 hours on the phone to figure out what happened.


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