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3.2 out of 5 stars (based on 2,266 reviews)
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4 star13%
3 star23%
2 star5%
1 star26%

Editorial Review

February 24, 2022

Prepaid Reviews

Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

ok i was talking to my husband who is in iraq and my phone got turned off i remind you i did pay my bill, i call straight talk and it tells me due to unusually high call vloume your call can not be answered at this time or something like that UGH SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! i can only talk to my husband once in so many weeks and straiight talk isot helping! please email me if you know whats going on k18foreverTo


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

This customer service people need to be properly trained to troubleshoot a problem other than jzt the easy-lazy old saying ‘turn off turn back on' bs. That works only 99% of the time or nothing at all. Example I could not make or receive calls nor text msgs, due to there system being down and did not update after either so it keeped saying insufficient funds b.s. Untill i got pissed off at them I asked to spek with upper management or supervisor and all this lady did was update my account. simple thing. but those unalphabetic ‘customer service' sure need training or maybe there not IT inclined???????


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

I had to change my number and had to buy a whole new service card , which was ok , however once it was activated..the damn thing wont work..I have to call on monday because i doubt that i will get ahold of anyone in CS on a sunday , im not expecting any credit at all for the downtime on my new plan , and there are holes in their service especially in PA and if you go thru WV on I-77 dont expect a signal the entire way thru the state.. the website wont allow you to login to your account because its under i wrong or should that site be up and running the day they open their doors to the public ??? let me know your thoughts on their service idk , im thinking ill find something else..butchirishguyTo


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

TERRIBLE customer service. Call center is not open 24/7 and the employees cannot communicate in English. I don't think they deserve the one star rating I gave them, but that's the lowest it goes. Stay away from them. Run Forrest Run!


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Walter — you criticized phone service in West Virgina. If you look at the ST coverage map on their website (, you'll see very few spots that have coverage in that state. Maybe ST isn't the best option for you? From a happy customer in Massachusetts.

To Walter

Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

So far so good. We had a slight problem with start up when it says 5 minutes and call so and so number, it took longer however it does say when you are online it can take 24 hours. All we had to do was call, waited 5 minutes at most, they gave us a instructions that were simple and wahla we had service. Myspace and facebook are not working online however for $45 month instead of paying $89 or more a month (because i have to have my texting) and no contract i cannot complain. I feel bad for the straight talk customer service. I work as an online bridal consultant and know how they feel when people who have no manners call. Instead of Bridezillas there is cellzillas. oh well not everyone was raised right. Some respect and appriciation for others go a long way.

very content

Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

If you have an account, you will be able to login to the website (I've been a happy ST customer since February, and that ‘under construction' message has been there since at least that time.) Give it a tray.

To Walter

Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Straight talk suck I am so pissed they I wanted to keep my # from my old provider so they told me it would take 7 days ok fine. but not once did they say I would totaly be without service I have been without any phone service for 3 day and I gave a family so my phone is a must have and it was mothers day weekend so I feel terrible I have spent over 3 1/2 hours on the phone with them trying to fix this problem which still has not been resolved. Mind you I cant call them from the cell phone due to the fact that if you dial 611 you get the operator for verizion I can scream……… I would have never switched if I new it would cause this much trouble for me

No stars

Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Caution. The absolute worst customer service in the industry, but don't take my word for it. Give it a try before you buy. Call their customer service no. and see for yourself.It's 1-877-430-CELL (2355). good luck!


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

This company is pure trash. I'm so mad at straight talk, I don't trust walmart anymore for selling this crappy product. They will not answer their phones, you can't check your minutes on the website. You will loose your ported phone numbers. And you will loose your service before the money runs out. BEWARE, WARNING, Stay away from this so called cell phone company.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

very upset about getting tech. suport i have 2 phones and cant retrive our voicemail on either one. i have tryed for 4 days to get help all i have got was put on hold


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

I HIGHLY recommend not going with this service. So far this has been the worst experience ever with any cell phone company. I've been trying for 5 days now to get my old cell # transferred to the new straight talk phone. I've had to make SOOOOOOOOO many customer service calls it's not even funny. I've sat on hold anywhere from 20 minutes, to over an hour, and been stuck in a loop in their system. The people you talk to are just reading from a script and pretty much have no clue what they're doing. I've been told no less that 4 times that my account would be activated in 24 hours, and nothing has happened. Here's the real kicker. My old cell number has been removed from T-mobile's system, so you'd think that it has now been tranferred over to my new straight talk phone. Nope. Still can't make calls, and now I can't use my old t-mobile account. Because the number has been tranferred to straight talk! Yesterday was mothers day, and instead of having a great afternoon, I was pretty close to throwing a gasket after sitting on hold for over an hour, & then talking with idiot customer service people for over 20 minutes. What a waste of my time. I'd LOVE to type in some really nasty words right now. Just use your imagination. So as of now (I just tried the cell number again & it's not working), I'm done. It's a shame that I have to bail on a phone carrier when I never got to make one call at all. DONT GO WITH THIS SERVICE.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

If you want to get action from ST customer service, have a man call for you. My husband got results after calling them once, telling them he is President of our company and uses the cellphone 40 to 50 times a day and needs to work TODAY. My husband's phone is now working. Previous to his calling ST, I called CS about 40 times, and kept getting the runaround. Human nature or various cultures seems to me to prefer to solve problems for authoritarian male figures rather than deal with females…just my humble opinion. If I have any more problems that require customer service, I am putting my husband on the phone again!


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Been on hold now for OVER 35 minutes!!! VERY VERY VERY bad customer service. I guess that's what you get for a $30.00 cell phone service plan. FYI call from your ST phone with *611 and they don't charge you minutes.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Straight Talk is amazing!!!! Service is better than any other carrier and I've had and I've had them all. Only drawback is that the phones are sub standard. Cheap and little to no features, apps, ring tones, and no games. Hopefully they'll come out with some better phones. If they do, they'll put everyone else out of business.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Set my mother up with a ST phone portted her number with no problem took maybe 15 minutes total.

Yet another one

Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

me and my husband both have str8 talk. we love the cell phones and service[no dropped calls ever],but not the customer service. we r seriously thinking about switching to boost or at and t prepaid. If customer service would get it together,there wouldnt be so many issues. also everyone always tells me that I sound muffled.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

The phone is great, the service coverage is great, but the CUSTOMER SERVICE sucks! You cannot check your remaining minutes online becuase the site has been down for more than 3 weeks. When you finally reach a cust service rep on the phone, they can't tell you when the site will be back up and many times can't give you your balance. They have a good thing going and could sweep the market, but will ruin it with their lousy customer service. Very frustrating.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

i've had this service for probably 5-6 months now. while i agree that their customer service leaves something to be desired (it took a month to get my internet working), what do you want for the price? my service works as well as the sprint, verizon, and virgin mobile services i’;ve had in the past. for all the people complaining about relatively minor issues…pay premium prices if you want premium service.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

gingin4rmga, there is a feature on my phone (the LG 220C) that you can press to make your voice clearer. I don't know if all of the Strait Talk phones have this feature, but you may want to check to see if yours does so your voice won't sound muffled to the people you are talking with. Just a suggestion.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

I have had Track phone & Net 10 This is 10 times worst than both You call 411 you get Wal-Mart advertising before you get the number you requested Beware


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

If you dial 1411 instead of 411 you will go directly to verizon's directory assistant and skip all the adds.. My husband and I had ST for 6 month we love it no problems at people need to relize there a new company things are gonna have glitches if them a chance for the price it cant be beat.


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

Distgusted with this company! Charged my cc 4 times and then shut off my service for ‘confusion on which transaction to process'


Consumer Review

May 10, 2010

I love having the choice of using the $30 or $45 plan each month. Remember, this is nationwide coverage only. I was activating phone online while I was calling customer service about extra questions. In less than 5 minutes, my questions were answered while my phone was activated. I bought the Samsung R451C phone. Very easy to operate, no dropped calls, clear. I am satisfied with this phone and service. Sprint was not that cheap, Virgin Mobile had poor chargers, and other phone services were more expensive. This phone is AFFORDABLE and the prepaid phone card is great. Net service worked great from the first day. What a surprise! (Expected a few glitches from a new phone service; after all, my Microsoft was never perfect from the beginning.)


Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

I see too many posts of lost numbers to trust straight talk at this time. If ST stole my number I wouldn't be on hold for three hours , I would be filing a lawsuit to recoupe lost wages and return of my number.

a nonamus

Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

I left previous messages on this website about how I called different Wal-marts and they told me about the problems with ST service. My wife purchased a ST Samsung R451 phone 1 week ago. The first 2 days she was not able to get it activated but it has been working well for the last 5 days now. I just went to Wal-Mart and purchased a ST Samsung R355C phone. Just got home 20 minutes ago. Went online and activated my phone with a $30 card for 1000 minutes. The website says to wait 5 minutes for activation but I waited 20 minutes. I called *22890 for activation and it went through in about 2 minutes. I just called my mom for Mother's Day on my my new Straight Talk phone. I am pleased so far. We'll see what happens when it is time for me to purchase a renewal card on June 8th. Right now I'm going to make some calls. I have 16 hours of talk time left!


Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

I am *NOT* a ST employee & I have dealt with ST customer dis-service last week with my wife's phone so I am FULLY aware of how much of a pain their CS can be. If you check this blog you will see that I have written SEVERAL entries regarding the service experience which most people had over the last week. I did buy a new ST phone for myself TODAY and I activated it TODAY in less than an hour after purchasing it. I cannot answer for anyone else all I can do is relay MY experience with ST. As I also said in my previous entry I will see what happens when I have to renew next month. But today was a breeze for me activating my ST phone. Again, I am *NOT* a ST employee & I *HAVE* dealt with their customer dis-service last week with my wife's phone. This week I had a different experience with ST which is why I gave it 5 stars. Any questions as to what I'm saying is valid you can email me personally To shujunkTo

Shane - To lunchbeast

Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

Have had ST for about 2 weeks now, and all is fine, except I went to auto enroll, and they charged me for the month I already paid for, so now I have about 33 hours of talk time. I called tech support, and waited a long time like most. I asked them if they could give me the credit for next month, but it was already activated. Not sure if I want to continue with this service, as tech support is horrible.


Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

I bought the r355c samsung it was a really nice phone but i didnt like the fact you couldnt forward multiple slides so i took it back to walmart and bought the lg slider I called cs was on hold for about 5 mins they were very nice had my phone number and minutes transferred to new phone in about 15 minutes pleasent experience my husband has had st since december never had a problem we are very pleased with the service and phones alot nicer than paying 200 plus to verizon every month…


Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

I have had a phone with these people for about 5 months and my service has been pretty good the only things that I can complain about are 1.Sometimes you cannot get a hold of customer service or it takes VERY long for them to answer and when they do the people are all from different countries and you can barely understand what the hell they are trying to say.. my only other issue is when I downloaded two ring tones and did not recieve them and contacted customer service about this they said they could not fix it and would have cooprate take care of it and I should recieve a call within one day which did not happen so I called back 2 days later was told the same thing still didn't hear anything back for a week so after a week of hearing nothin I called back snappin tellin them someone needs to do something right now.. and what do you know magically my money was returned back to my cc. But as far as service I have not recieved any lost calls or dropped calls, the internet sometimes doesn't work but if I turn my phone off and back on it usually works fine all in all its a good company I believe

Alisha from Minneapolis

Consumer Review

May 9, 2010

I love straight talk, I just can not stand the fact that the customer service is horrible!!!!!!!!!!! I can never check my balance on nor can i call in and recieve my balance info because they never answer thier phone! other than those problems, I LOVE STRAIGHT TALK!


Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

I had my ST phone since Feb 2010 and not one complaint!!!!! The phone service is great here where I live however the CS reps don't speak good english and in the background sounds like a dozen tvs blasting……took about 45mins to get me up and running back in FEB. Have NEVER EVER had a problem refilling my account using a unlimited plan card. I only can say THANK YOU ST & WALMART for such a great deal on UNLIMITED MINS.


Consumer Review

May 8, 2010



Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

i don't think to much of your cell phone right now. time ran out on the phone om may 5, 2010. got phone card on may 6, 2010. it took my card and said it work and now i can't even call anyone cause the phone isn't working. the phone number for my phone is, 260-343-1920. cause i didn't get my refill on my phone are you saying you gaave my phone number away. i spent 49.00 dollars to have time put on the phone and that was 49.00 dollars i didn't have money to waste. so right now i don't think to much of straight talk right now. i would like my phone to be turned baack on. call me if you put my phone back on. Thank You,

DeWayne DeNatous

Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

Last week I purchased my refill card and all went smoothly according to the automative person. Then when I went to use it there was NO SERVICE, after 1 day of calling and waiting and waiting and waiting, I finally got thru to a human being. But my luck she said yes I see you added your renewel 1 day ago and your good. Then when I said but I have no serivice. She said you will have to hang up your cell phone and call from a land line phone and gave me the number. NO one answered for 2 more days. I tried with the cell phone again and finally reached an american that knew what she was doing and in a flash I had my service back. NO offer of extending my renewal date for no service for 3 days. I love this phone and what you get for 45 dollars cannot be beat. But if I have to go thru this again I will switch.


Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

Straight Talk is the best deal out there! I had alot of the others like BOOST, ATT, and VIRGIN and nothing compair to the deal for unlimited mins and service you will get with STRAIGHT TALK. I love my STRAIGHT TALK phone and as long as they keep the price below the OTHERS I will stay with them. I don't like STRAIGHT TALK I LOVE THEM.

The Best

Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

service sucks.i have an unresolved issue & they put me on hold if i am able to get them on the phone


Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

You wait till the day after it runs out to refill? No wonder you have problems. You blame ST for this? You messed up dude.

To de wayne

Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

NO STARS…nightmare…awful service, dropped calls, NO customer service…been on hold for up to two hours trying to get help…trying to get off this service ASAP…DONT GET IT


Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

BUYER BEWARE!!!! Bought the $39.00 phone and $30.00 card for 1000 minutes. Near the end of the one month of use my phone stated that i used 12 hours and 40 minutes which means i should have about 3 hours left right? But the reminder that tells you how many minutes you have left when you make calls stated i only have an hour and and 3o minutes left. Called Straight talk to get help from my land line that i originally used to activate the service and got a pick up in 5 minutes but was hung up on half way through conversation. Then later called from sisters house and waited 30 minutes and no answer! Seems they only pick up service support calls on phone numbers that activated. Called next day from original phone number. First lady stated that their system is correct and the actual cell phones minute tracker are wrong. I then asked to speak with supervisor. Supervisor said there is no way to check remaining minutes from actual cell phone and to use the online balance checker. Well the online balance checker was down for a whole week. Calling in takes too long and ridiculous to check balances frequently. I asked her where on the website or their cell phone manuals that state that the cell phones call trackers are not accurate and to use the online balance checker or phone number and she says there are no instructions to that and that she ‘knows that personally' Supervisor states 10 times there are no ways to check remaining balance from phone. But i said how about the call timer on the cell phone itself. She says oh but that it sometimes records times and at other times does not record time. Obviously everything that she says are lies and excuses. This is why their cell phones that would cost $20.00 from other providers costs $ 40.00 as this prevents most people from changing to other providers such as AT&T. By the time you realize the minute cheating by Straight talk at the end of the 30 day service the 14 day walmart returns policy would be over. So your stuck with a $40 phone and most people with limited money would find it hard to chuck a $ 40 phone to go somewhere else. STEER CLEAR from straight talk.!!

Jimmy Nguyen

Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

Ive had my phone for about three months and for the most part im happy with it.I wish the internet was better and the ringtones cheaper but its still without a doubt the best deal around


Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

So I really don't see a problem here. You were at the end of the period with alot of minutes left. You must be looking for things to complain about.

To jimmy

Consumer Review

May 8, 2010

I had this service for four months and even though it is a great deal, the customer service is the worst. In one week they dropped my service three times and changed my phone number two times. I spent about five hours total on hold and even was hung up on once. I had three people tell me I can fix my phone number just to find out I can't get my original number back.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

i bought the phone on the 2nd of May, on the 3rd it said i was out of minutes. it is the worste phone i have ever had. the customer service is poor, and I can never get a hold of anyone from technical support. I know I will end up using my minutes just to get a hold of someone. We need to tell walmart that this company is not the kind of company they should be associated with. It's not walmart's fault, it is the company's. why dont we all write a letter to walmart and express our concerns. It was a waste of time and money. Granted, it was the best deal not worth the trouble.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I just purchased mine tonight and so far I LOVE it. The only problem I ran into was I rubbed off the PIN number a little vigorously, and almost rubbed off the numbers entirely. Once I figured out the correct PIN number to use, activation was a snap. I purchased the R355C Samsung model. It is easy to use and set up. It isn't in the same capacity as an i-phone or a nerdberry, but that isn't what I am looking for anyways. I also only purchased the 30 dollar card to start; I wanted to see if I would burn through that in the alloted time. In the meantime, even if I upgrade to the 45 dollar card, no contracts and no over priced plans will leave me laughing all the way to the bank.

Kate B

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

ST had some system trouble last week, check their blog. They have it resolved now. Kate b (nerdberry) I love it! Never heard that one before lol

Check blog

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

Is anyone else still unable to check your balance online? It has given me numerous error messages since Monday. Question 2: I need to refill for the first time next week. Does anyone have any good or bad things to say about auto-refill?


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

Had ST for 4 months. Has it's pros & cons, but my experience with customer service was unacceptable. Do NOT use auto refill under any circumstance! I porter away from ST 4 days before my next auto refill and guess what…they hit me for another month. Spent over an hour to grt a credit back, because they had trouble finding me since I was no longer a customer. They assured me at the end of the ca that the refills would stop. 30 days later I got charged again. Called ST and they said they had to transfer me to a different dept and then hung up on me. At that point I called American express who gave me an instant credit and put a block on the card so ST can't charge me anymore. Beware!


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

For those who'd like the link to the Straight Talk blog, here you go: They claim the system problem was fixed May 5th. I still can't get my balance online. (which is why I'm giving them only 4 stars instead of 5). Not a huge deal, since I'm not even close to using them up, plus I get a balance every time I make a phone call.

Straight Talk Blog

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I give them a one and do not feel as though they deserve that either. I activated Straight Talk on 5/01/10. I called them on the 11th to let them know voice mail is not operating and said my number was not a valid phone number. Tech support recording came on saying they have a high call volume and to try back at a later time. I have called every day since and now it is May 7th. On May 6, 3:00 PM I called tech again and the recording said my wait time will be approx. 5 minutes. I left my speaker phone on as I got home. I continued later to make my kids dinner all the while with the speaker phone on and the recording saying how important my call is. I left the phone still on hold with their recording for a total of 4 hours and 49 minutes till I finally had enough. I hung up and will be returning to my former carrier today. I will write the CEO of the company about how the lack of care for any customer they exhibit. If you want a cheap service I guess you get what you pay for. If you get Straight talk and never have a billing problem, voice mail problem, or any tech problem you can can get by. Be warned that if you ever need service from them it will be impossible to obtain it. This company should be ashamed of itself for the abuse some customers have and will endure under there service.

Lee M

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I live in Nebraska. I was with Cricket pay as you go for over 5 years with their $45 unlimited talk, text & web. I went on vacation in 2008 to another state and I purchased $15.00 extra for roaming. When I returned home to Nebraska a week later I have since repeatedly tried to get Cricket to remove the $15 roaming fee's with no success. My bill kept increasing instead of decreasing to where I was fed up with paying for roaming when I was not roaming. Last week I purchased a Straight Talk LG290C Slider phone and it's been working great so far. I picked the new number option when I initially activated my LG280C. After a day or two I thought I might like to keep my old number that I had with Cricket, so I called Straight Talk to see if I could still port my Cricket number. It took less than 5 minutes to get a live person on the service line. The lady I talked to was very pleasant and told me I had to purchase another $45 unlimited or $30 card then chose the 3rd option to port my number. She had explained that was the only way I could port my number that their computers screens did not allow them to over ride that option. So in other words, they see the same screen we do when we sign into Straight Talk. It was my own fault for not porting my number at my initial activation. So I cannot put the blame on Straight Talk for my own mistake. However it would be nice if they did have that option without having to buy more minutes. I cannot complain though, I really like the phone and I especially love the price of $45 for unlimited everything. NO complaints here!!


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I lost my phone 2 days ago and have been trying to contact customer service to see if I could at least suspend the service until I could replace the phone. I have run down the battery on my sisters phone because I was on hold for so long. I am still trying, they tell you the estimated wait time is 5 minutes, I have been on hold so far for 36 minutes. I tried calling them morning, noon and night. There must be only one customer service person in their employ. There is no way to contact anyone via email because they don't offer that kind of support. They suck. I am going to go get a revol phone or maybe Virgin Mobile, any suggestions? This is rediculous. P.S. You can't check your account balance on their website because that service isn't available either. If companies are built on their level of customer service, then this one is in the basement and on it's way down!

C Wilson

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

BEWARE!!!!! Straight Talk ‘unlimited' useage is NOT unlimited. I purchased for my niece and her phone was cut off after 1 day because she used it too much. The definition of unlimited is: without limits or bounds; not restricted, limited, or qualified; boundless, infinite, vast. So, please explain to me how one can use the service too much when it's supposed to be ‘unlimited'? Sounds like they'll be having a class-action law suit and be put out of business pretty soon!! Oh, and you don't find this information out until you open the box. NICE!! TURN THE OTHER WAY AND RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM THIS SO-CALLED CELLULAR SERVICE!!! Cricket or Pocket is the way to go if you want UNLIMITED pre-paid service!

NOT unlimited

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

As of right now, I have been on hold for 2 hours 18 minutes. I am adding refill by adding a service card. I purchased the card 5 days ago. I could not activate it via the phone because the service is not working. I was told to activate it thru the web site. I did that and then followed the instructions and get a message that it is disabled. If this is the customer service you can expect from this company, I would suggest everyone pack up their phones and get a refund. I am going to hold for 30 more minutes.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

After waiting for over an hour to fix my service yesterday, I once again have no service. Last time I use this company. Junk.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I broke the screen to my straight phone and i dont kno how to order a new.Can you please help me order another phone

Brandon Carpenter

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

WOO HOO! I took ya'lls advice and called Tracfone. Ok, so I was hold about 10-15 minustes no biggie. The CS guy was nice and spoke formal english – which was cool! Ok, since I am a ST customer, he INITIALLY said ‘I am sorry but I am not trained for ST, may I please transfer you to Straight Talk?' and I said ‘NO THANK YOU!' I then verrrry nicely explained my phone has been out a week and I am not getting on the phoje until its fixed. I then explained that I read this blog and many people had been helped and thats what I want too! So then, without missing a beat he says: ‘I will now give you a series of codes…' blah blah and a minute later my phone is now working!! I dont know what happened to the initital statement that he was not trained in Sraight Talk, but I dont care cuz I have COMMUNICATION BACK! Anywaya, evryone, I know it suks, believe me I am in the middle of looking for a place to rent AND a job and this totally screwed me up, but BE NICE to people on the phone its not their fault and they are there to help! Ok, so I am outta here – good luck evryone! I am sorry u r having trouble, I feel your pain, hang in there and be cool!! PEACE OUT!!


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

straight talk willnot let you pay on line if the line has been disconnected. My debit card was stolen and cancelled, this company disconnected me and did not let me renew on the disco day, so I have to do a case number and go without service, I waited almost an hour to get a rep onthe line to open a case, and the rep could do nothing except open a case, could not take a payment or reconnect, it takes over 24 hours to get back in service. Extremely poor management practices with foreign support desk that has no authority to fix anything.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

Bought phone on Wed. Went by the book to port number from Verizon & sign up for auto renewal. Two phones were on the Verizon acct. My wifes & sons. Still no phone working for my wife. Sons bought his own phone/plan & was up last night. They say ‘give us anywhere from 2 hours, to 7 days', while the instructions tell you ‘you're almost ready when your old phone stops working, then wait 5 min. & call *22890'. Had multiple calls to CS, who put the blame on Verizon. Called Verizon & ‘Jennifer' (who was very polite & helpful) checked & advised, the numbers had been released to ST Wed & the ball is in their court. I'm so pissed I want to take it all back to Walmart, but I know my wife will lose her number. I may try Trackfone as above indicates. Thanks guys.

Mark in IA

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I never had so much trouble with a phone company, first they put the wrong number on the phone, that took a couple days to streighten out, next they put my minutes on the wrong phone, that took days to streighten out, now all of a sudden my phones number changes all by its self, we are currently working on that problem, this will be the last time we use this service it sucks.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

What exactly do people expect for unlimited everything for $45 a month? Cheap is cheap. You are getting cut rate prices because everything is being outsourced to the 3rd world. When everything is working great, you are saving a lot of money and getting verizon coverage at 1/3rd the price. The catch is when there is a problem the customer service isn't going to be the best. That's the price you pay for going cheap. So understand the deal with the devil you are making and don't get frustrated. Cause you should have known there is no such thing as a free lunch.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

This was posted on ST blog Wednesday. Looks like everything should be fixed by now.…ht-talkers.html Dear Straight Talkers; We apologize for our recent technical issues. The network outage was addressed and service has been restored. Due to the high volume of calls during this time, support staff may not have been able to respond as quickly as we would have preferred. We apologize and are taking steps to ensure that resources are in place to handle any and all customer issues. Though we do not wish to minimize the seriousness of this problem, the outage affected a small percentage of Straight Talk users attempting activation and replenishment of service. Most Straight Talk customers were not affected by this issue. We value our customers and continue to work with our partners to ensure that Straight Talk activation, replenishment and support meet their needs – today and always. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Answers to all those in need

Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I purchased a ST phone on monday, its now friday I don't have a phone number or able to use my service If I call the customer service from ST they say just wait 24-48 hours, like I said its been 5 days still no service. I'm so tempted just to switch back to alltel.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I'v had straight talk for 5 months now. It's been by far the best cell phone experience I have had since first owning a phone. The 451c has been fine for what I've needed it for. Mine and my husband's works out to be like $66 a month after tax, and we have it set up on auto-renew so we don't have to do anything at all. I did have some trouble w/ their Customer Service when I first started off, but with a little patience we could through it just fine. You just have to learn to use the website more and avoid calling Customer Service.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

What can I say? I love Straight Talk! Prior to having phone service from Straight Talk (ST), I had Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile; and ST has worked the best for me. I purchased the phone at Walmart on Wednesday, and went to activate it online which also allowed me to port my old number from Virgin Mobile. The port did not go through, so on Thursday morning I called up ST, and it only took 3 or 4 minutes of waiting to talk to someone. Come to find out the account number (For my Virgin Mobile Phone #) was wrong. I figured that since I logged on to the Virgin Mobile website with my phone number that was my account number, wrong! So I called up Virgin Mobile got my account number called back ST and gave them my correct info for the port. Within 45 minutes my Virgin Mobile phone went dead, so using the instructs from the port page of ST I activated my new ST phone, all in under an hour. As for the signal reception it is great! Much better than both my Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile phones. Although I have only had it a few days I am very pleased with ST.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

Everyone I know loved their Straight Talk phone until recently. About 2 weeks ago their phones said they didn't have any time on their phone—even the people who had just reloaded their phones got the same message. S.T. customer service couldn't be reached. Finally, a Walmart associate got hold of their rep. and was told the system was down and when it came back up the customers time (minutes) would be on their phones. Later, this associate couldn't even get the rep to answer her phone. After 2 weeks of no phone, the phones finally came back on with a NEW NUMBER. What's with this? Still can't get hold of anyone. Two of my friends had job apps. out and their S.T. phone was the only phone they had, so it was the only contact number they put on their resumes. I say STRAIGHT TALK OWES THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

Worked fine for 3 refills. The fourth refill didn't credit the account. Can't reach Customer Service — endless ‘please wait your call is very important to us!' recording.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I am looking into Straight Talk. I called to ask a few questions. I have been on hold for 1 hr as of now.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

I have been on hold for 84 min now, to cs. I have had time to let Walmart corp. know how good ST is. LOL


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

We have 2 Straight Talk phones already and they work fine in our area. Coverage is good in the Lexington, KY area and the price is also good. Problem is trying to activate our 3rd phone for my daughter. After entering the information for activation online I was instructed to call a number to finish activation. This number leads to an electronic message where my only options are to purchase a paid an account with American Roaming (who are they). I had already entered my prepaid card information on the Straight Talk website as I had purchased a $30, 1000 minute card. Obviously this didn't work to activate the new phone. When I called Straight Talk customer service I received the message to hold on as my call was important to them. The estimated wait time according to them was 10 minutes. After 2 hours and 4 minutes on hold I finally hung up. (I only waited this long because the phone is for my daughter and I really wanted to get it activated for her.) I have called again but hung up after 17 minutes when wait time was said to be 5 minutes. At this point I am not sure how to proceed but I guess I can try it tomorrow again. Phone and call quality are satisfactory but as you can tell reaching customer service is iffy at best. For price, coverage, and call quality I would give Straight Talk 4 stars but customer service only a 1 or 2 stars. They are usually helpful when you can reach them but that is only if you can reach them.


Consumer Review

May 7, 2010

Here's another possible explanation for inconsistent ST service lately: mercury has been in retrograde since Apr 17th. It's in retrograde until May 11th. During the time this occurs, communication typically goes haywire. ‘Yippee' — let's all hang in there until May 12th.

Mercury In Retrograde

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

May i start by first saying I am truely SORRY for(1)first having to say that i work for a company that SELLS this piece of crap..not only did i buy into their Company Policy that they stand behind their customer/products..but i TOO bought not one but Two phones..the first one..we have to sit outside..rain,shine,freezing temp..NO SERVICE INSIDE.the second one works great inside BUT when we put renewed time on..THEIR Customer Service took the pin# but did not credit time to phone.Result i have been on neighbors landline since 7:30 am it is now 11:55 pm..NO RESPONSE..NOW CUSTOMER SERVICE IS CLOSED..WHAT CUSTOMER SERVICE CLOSES? WAL MART will not refund phone charge because its NOW past policy 15 days..Wal Mart will Not refund phone card charge ‘top left CARDS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE'. EVERYONE WHO RATES THIS PHONE SERVICE BELOW ONE STAR OR EVEN THREE SHOULD CALL THIS NUMBER 1-800-WAL MART PRESS#for Bentonville your local store managers and REPORT StrightTalk. again please accept MY apoliges for selling this Headache and the LOSE of YOUR hard earned money…if there is a suit count ME IN NOW!!!!

WaL Mart ? CSM

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

can a Verizon Cell phone call Straight talk phones for free? I have a friend who has a Straight Talk Phone and I have a Verizon Phone are they compatible I know she can call anyone for free from what she says? any help would be great Farliss


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

You can e-Mail me at gravehunter_73To if you can answer my last question!


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

I have had great service with them. Cheap unlimited plan (no contract). Love it!!!!!!!


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

all the above seems to be true..i purchased a unlimited monthly card.the automated refill system locked up midway into the up early the next day.and called *22890 finally got service but for some reason,by just refilling. my phone number was changed.there are problems with the striaght talk service for sure……;…….


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Suggestion: let's all post the state in which we are located, and whether you currently have/don't have service, to see if there is a pattern with the ‘haves' and ‘have nots.' My husband and I currently have service and we're located in Massachusetts. We've been happy ST customers for 2 months. He has the LG290, I have the LG220. We're both on the $30 plan. Have had great clear consistent phone service, no dropped calls. Customer service has been hit or miss. I've had some extremely intelligent and articulate people and others, not so much. Quite honestly, no different that dealing with a major Internet/Cable TV/Phone provider. Last time I renewed our minutes, did so online with a credit card. We're up for renewal on 5/13: fingers crossed that all will go well.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

I read on here to call Tracfone, and I did To 1800-867-7183. I got thru immediatly and they told me to type in *22980 and the push call. I did and followed the instructions on my phone screen, and listening to it. I dont know if you can do this without calling tracfone, but it is worth a try. If not you only wasted 30 seconds. So if programming it manually by yourself doesnt work, call Tracfone customer service To 1800-867-7183!!! My phone was back up in minutes! Thank you to everyone who told me to do this!


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Can I use an existing Verizon Wireless phone on Straight Talk or must I buy a Straight Talk phone? I would rather not shell out money for a new Straight Talk phone. I like the Verizon Wireless phone have today. Thanks.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Erika's trick worked. After calling 611 and being told the wait time was greater than 10 minutes and then being disconnected I called Tracfone at 18008677183 who transferred me and I got my issue handled with a total call time of under 9 minutes. Thanks!


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

My husband I have had our Straight Talk phones for about 5 months. We enrolled in the ‘auto-refill' program and it worked for about three months. This is the second month in a row that my service has been discontinued because they haven't charged my checking account. I have called at least 8 times and have been on hold for over an hour each time. No one ever takes my calls. I'm fed up!!!


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Update: This morning my husband's Straight Talk phone is working and he has the rest of his month's time. He will not, however, be compensated for the five days he lost from his 30-day card, the hours of time we spent trying to solve the problem or the minutes he had to use on his other phone. At this moment he is so fed up that he'd like to drive to Trac-Fone's office in, guess where, Bentonville, ARK and drive his truck through the front door. I don't blame him and am looking for alternatives to this company. The saving's you get are great and on paper it's a great plan, but when they can't keep their programs working, and their phone lines running, there's a major problem. I don't know if I'll buy a refill card when it's due.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Yes I agree zero stars should be given to straight talk because this company is stealing and misleads customers and something definitely put a stop to this something can be done such as advising consumers not to deal with this company or even by marketing on you tube, twitter, or word or mouth that this company is a rip off.

Pissed Custsomer

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

I have not had service since Monday 05/03. Today is day 4 of this madness, and it just got resolved by calling tracphone and the *22890 thing. It is 22890 btw. Thanks.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

i don't understand why everyone is so angry and jumping the gun about lawsuits, every company can run into problems like this here and now its no reason to go ballistic you think with millions of customers they can have an issue fixed overnight? everyone was so satisfied before this happened and it was the most wonderful deal ever, now they have a little glitch and everyone is going crazy? when at&t first opened cell service the same thing happened, they got to big to fast and it took them over a week of being shut down to resolve the issue, now they are one of the biggest cell phone companies nation wide. Of course they are busy, they have thousands and thousands of people trying to call at one time! We all know their is a problem just calm down and let them get it fixed, how are they supposed to fix it with you keeping them on the phone! and btw, they are telling ppl to call tracfone, or shut off your phone for 15 minutes turn it on put in *22890, let it do its thing and reset and then try and make a call. If you call tracfone you will not be on the phone longer than 15 minutes. your all being silly… i could see if this was going on for almost a month but its only been a few days and who says they are not going to compensate for the time lost? your just assuming they wont. I had the same problem the other day when i bought my phone sunday night and tried to activate it. it said i needed to add money to my account blah blah blah, i spent 4 hours on the phone monday and 6 tuesday until i called tracfone tuesday night and talked to them, they updated my account had me turn of the phone and you know the rest. if you are really unsatisfied to the point where you are talking about driving trucks through their front door than discontinue the service, its prepaid remember its not like you have a contract…


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Bought a card on monday, have had no service since uploading it. I've done phone reset multiple times, to no avail. I just hope they get it fixed at some point. I can't believe there isn't a notice on their site or something addressing this.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

going to dump s/t and pay more. If there is a problem we should not be ignored and kept in the dark. Losing business every day


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Every month I have problems with Straight Talks putting a message on my phone saying my bill is not paid thus I cant make an outgoing call. Incoming calls ring fast busy. My wife has not had one problem but I have had a ton. Watch out this is a hit and miss rickety service. I sat on hold for 30 minutes to get customer care and then it took another 30 minutes to get the issues fixed. Dont bother asking for a credit because they don't even know how to give you one.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

Well I just called 3 Wal-Mart stores in the Northern VA area within a 10 mile radius of me to ask if they have seen any returns on Straight talk. The first 2 Wal-Marts informed that no, they have not seen any huge returns. The 3rd Wal-Mart I called however, had a different story. The Wal-Mart rep I spoke with told me she has had Straight Talk for 4 months now and it was GREAT up until this past week. The Wal-Mart rep also told me that there were a few rST phone returns this week due to ST network having problems. The Wal-Mart rep stated that you have 15 days to return a ST phone to Wal-Mart for a refund but ST phone cards are NOT refundable no matter what. She said that her previous ST phone broke and she called ST customer service to get a replacement & they told her that they do not replace the phones she would have to buy a new one. She bought a new phone and they would not give her the old number, she had to get a new phone number. She said that she bought a $45 card for the old phone but they would not transfer it to the new phone she purchased. She bought a new $45 card for the new phone and could not get it to renew Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. The card finally renewed today. She said she bought the LG220 for herself and the Samsung R355C for her daughter. Her daughter has not had any problems with her phone. She said the Samsung seems like a pretty good phone and hopes her daughter's phone does not break. What that she told me she was considering going to a contract phone and keeping the ST for her daughter. My wife purchased one on Sunday and she finally got it activated on Tuesday and it has been working fine for the last couple of days. My question is ‘What happens next month when its time to renew a card?' Will she experience the same interruption of service? So now I'm still undecided about whether to purchase a ST phone or not.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

I am so fed up with this straight talk company….first of all I have not had service in days…I call them and I'm on hold for at least an hour every time…when I get through to someone…they just hang up…wut is the matter with you people…help me!!! It's not fun traveling without communication. Wut if there is an emergency? or Wut if I just need to make a call? Get your acts together.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

The consumer protection agency in your state can slap a fine on Straight Talk and Walmart for the abuse and lack of customer service. If thousands of people in 50 states all get cases opened with the consumer protection agency then things will change.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

REMEMBER THE STAR BEFORE THE NUMBER,I DID NOT AND THAT IS WHY I COULD NOT CONNECT….SOMETIMES IT IS THE SMALL THINGS WE OVERLOOK. I called Tracphone and they said enter *22980, then it dawned on me, I had NOT been using the * first, do not know if this will assist anyone but it did me!

STAR 22980

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

I just called another Wal-Mart in Maryland. The rep acknowledged that ST has had activation issues this week but she was informed that if you activate your phone online you should not have any issues. She said that is what she was told.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

ive had my phone for about 2 months with no trouble until this months bill was due. i tried refilling online, that didnt work so when i tried doing it over the phone they said the pin had already been used. my boyfriend has a straight talk phone as well and he is having the same troubles. i just want to talk to a real person not a robot and i can NOT contact even one. the other numbers are no help either. ANY ADVICE PLEASE! 🙂

gone 3 days with out a phone!!!!

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

All I can say is run do NOT use this company. There is not enough room on the entire internet to list the number of complaints I have.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

1.) Call Tracfone using a phone other than your Straight Talk – 1-800-867-7183 2.) Have the Serial # ready (Hit Menu, then Prepaid, then Serial Number.) 3.) When calling Tracfone, use the menu option that is ‘Technical Difficulties.' 4.) They will walk you through it and get it back up and running!

Kasey Armstrong

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

I have had no problem with Straight Talks phone service but their customer care is terrible. Its nearly impossible to refill my service online or over the phone. I live 30 miles away from the nearest Walmart, so I am either forced to make the drive or go without service.


Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

You said it was ‘impossible for you to refill your service online.' How far are you getting and what's happening? I'm just curious because my service is up for renewal next week, and I plan to renew online with a credit card.

To Aliza

Consumer Review

May 6, 2010

The website asks me for a user name and password before I can refill my minutes, I am new to their service and have not set up a online account. Unfortunately the website is under construction so it wont allow me to sign up for one. I am currently on hold and have been for 45 minutes without any customer service help. When I called they said my wait time would be five minutes.


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