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Read our full Straight Talk review
Consumer Review
I was headed to Wally World for a ST R355c Today. Now I'm really concerned to do so. Has anyone bought and activated a phone in the past 24 hours. I will not be porting a number but just accepting the number they assign to me. Is it worth a shot to try ST, or should I hold off until they get all of the problems worked out. I wonder how long it will take them to work it all out. Should like there standard answer is wait 8 hours, or wait 24 hours. I don't want to wait at all. If I buy one today, I want it to work TODAY !!!
Consumer Review
I am not experiencing that problem now. Before I did. I too had the LG200. Honestly it's a hit and miss with the LG220. I have had 2 of them and they all ended up the same way… Trash. I finally broke down and bought the 79.99 LG Slider. It works okay BUT you really cant buy them To walmart to often. Its either the crappy Lg220 or the more expensive Black Berry Style one. Sorry that you got screwed. Call the customer service and tell them you have a phone that has a Manufacturer Defect and Walmart is not co-operative(Because they won't be) and tell them you need a working phone. By pass everyone and talk tot he manager. Also tell them your very pregnant…I worked in Customer Service for several years and that will get you further than just being nice. Be agressive. Its your phone and their problem. Make sure they know it. Sorry again.
Consumer Review
Don't try calling me because according to ST my phone must be activated, (IT IS ACTIVATED) Problem is the useless people in CS have no clue how to fix the problem, I have a phone# that was issued when the phone was activated, but it is not in the system and they have noway of finding it (cute) I cannot get into my account because of the non existant phone #. After 9 hours of frustration I fineally reached a CS rep who said everything was ok, well it's NOT here I am again a day later without access to the Web sight. TracPhone Sucks, they sold all the ST phones thru Walmart, and don't have the proper people working for them or the equipment to handle the volume. I HOPE THE FAT CATS IN THEIR IVORY TOWERS CHOKE ON THEIR CHAMPAIGNE THEY DID A GOOD JOB SCREWING THE PUBLIC. WALMART SHOULD HONOR ALL PHONES AND THE CARDS PURCHASED,BUT WE KNOW THAT WON'T HAPPEN!
Consumer Review
Sorry, so pissed off I didn't change the rating. The rating is sewer level.
Consumer Review
I started 6 months ago with ST ive had no problems with them until recently I just learned on every other phone company I can get my debit account info texted to my phone so I can make sure I know what im spending but ST will not let me get the messages and it keeps saying duplicate message and when I open the text it says premium messaging is not allowed, LMAO!! unlimited everything not quite and when you refill your account make sure its the last day because if you try to refill earlier then your end day will be the same day next month that sux…im highly considering going back to at&t atleast there were no restrictions on there service and there phones arent outdated for christ sake…Im just not happy with something that says unlimited when you are limited, im gonna have to say bye to straight talk after this month im gonna just pay 15 dollars more and go for unlimited talk & text at&t, even the web browsing feels like its at dinosaur speed and the experience is so awful I can afford to lose the straight talk web browsing its really horrible, in general you definitely get what you pay for and its not a great feeling at the end, this by far is the cheapest and worst phone service next to metro pcs…atleast metro has a humble choice of phone instead of these early 90's era phones we have to suffer with…
Consumer Review
I have been on hold today 5/4/2010 for 45 mins. My phone is on today but I was charged 2 days ago my 30 day fee with out having any service. I want 2 days added to my service this month. I bet I will not get it. The cs sucks really bad. The phone I have works great in my area and I never have any problems other than the first of every month.
Consumer Review
Ive been really really happy with straight talk up until now. For about 5 months it's been great. Well I expected a higher volume of texts so I've been trying to upgrade from the autoenroll $30 to the $45 unlimited. Website has been down for maint. for a days, phone number gets busy signals or were sorry nobody can help you. I talk to a cs rep after hours only to get hung up on multiple times. Sheesh! I want to give them more money. Well my autorenew date is tomorrow and I'm sure I'm stuck with another month of limited minutes :”
15,121,erika,05/04/2010,3,,Consumer Review,is the minute adding feature back up and running yet? i am going to walmart to buy a newer phone and transferring my info from the old one to the new one but my old one still says not enough money to make a call and when i try to put the card in online it says this card is already in use…. does anyone know if the phones will just automatically put the minutes on when they fix the problem?
15,121,To Panama City Florida,05/04/2010,1,,Consumer Review,Well really its a luck of the draw here. You read on here about major problems and then you read about people loving their services. If you call them your going to get the same response that I have gotten since Christmas of 09. ‘We're expereincing some gliches in our network but we're resolving them in 24 – 48 hours. Why not purchase the LG Slider for 79.99 versus spending more on a phone you may not want to continue using. Just be smart and buy the 45 card not auto refil. Please be careful….
15,121,Panama City Florida 2010/05/04,05/04/2010,3,,Consumer Review,Is There a Telephone Number that can be called or a place on the Straight Talk Web Site were one can see the status of the ST system so one can tell when they have all of these problems worked out
Consumer Review
I have been trying to contact them for 2 days. They drop the calls when they do get through and 95% of the time it is a message ‘sorry, no customer service is available .. call later' I did get through a little until i pressed 4 (for tech support) and no tech support available. The phone worked last month . . the new card is activated . . but the phone says service disabled. I just need to talk to a human! i can't even get a proper machine response. Is this company going out of business???
Consumer Review
the customer service for this company is horrible. i have had the service for 5 months and have had nothing but problems. they have now switched my number because they felt like it. i paid my monthly charge and still they want to do whatever they feel like. this company is the worst company i have ever dealt with. if you need to call customer service, you better not have anything planned for the day. it took me 6 hours to get a hold of anyone and they kept transferring me to someone else
Consumer Review
I generally do not have problems with my service and love it. However I have run into the problem everyone else seems to be having. Once I finally got someone on the phone they said my phone number did not match my phone's serial number (I have had the same phone and same phone number for the last 5 months). They ended up giving me a new phone number and had me reset my phone. Could someone have hacked their system to cause such chaos?
Consumer Review
Ok, my mother, sister-in-law, and myself all have bought the Samsung phone with ST. The Service is wonderful, reception is great, and the prices are unbeatable…But my mother's voicemail refuses to work, I cannot get time added to my phone, and you cannot get in touch with customer service. We spent 3.5 hours on hold one day, couldn't get in touch at all yesterday (due to higher than usual call volume, we cannot help you at this time. Please try again later), and have been on the phone for 4 hours today. IF they get the Customer Service worked out, ST would be a great service….maybe for those considering buying a ST phone, hold off for a month or so and check again.
Consumer Review
OK, my wife FINALLY got her ST phone activated this morning. We purchased it last Sunday. We've tested making calls, receiving calls, text messaging and web browsing. So far so good. I'll come back after a few days and write another review. It's only the first day so I have to see how the service holds up before I decide if I want to switch carriers. If I do I will NOT purchase a phone at the beginning of the month because I see how much crap you have to go through just to get it activated.
Consumer Review
Ah yes… Okay so what is going to happen(Which happened to me) is they will have you enter codes in the code entry and then they will tell you the phone is defective and you'll have to send it back. Then they will mail you a box you'll then mail it back wait one week then they'll send you another (Probably the same model…I hope for your sake its not the LG220c We're discussing) If so your in for it…..
Consumer Review
THANK U DAVID FOLEY. I have the LJ up and down slider, husband has the sideways slider (not sure what models they are right off hand). Still no CS answer, and his phone is still not working. I havent even touched my card yet, im afraid to lol.
Consumer Review
I have been without service since yesterday.. this is the 1st time this has happened BUT they need to re-think their customer service or tech support! Leaving customers out in the cold like this is just NOT OK!!!
Consumer Review
My ST phone has been non working since Monday morning and I cant get in contact with customer service (always busy). I went into my local Wal-Mart and I was told that Straight Talk is experiencing technical difficulties. But how long is it going to last? Once they get this problem corrected I will request for next month free for my inconvenience most companies will compensate to keep your business especially for being down for this amount of time..
Consumer Review
for the people who's service is back on, did you have to talk to c.s to get it back on or did it just come back????
Consumer Review
OK my service is back!!! My concern now is being compensated for the time lost, I will write a review later letting everyone know my findings. Ps. Brooklyn Bridge for sale this is not a scam, ST really does have a major issue going on with their systems and I estimate thousands of ppl have been affected.
Consumer Review
I could give complaints for Straight Talk too but overall I am satisfied. Fortunately I had no problems activating my phone (got the Samsung R355c) and getting up and running. After I tried it for almost 30 days, I went to the website and signed up for auto renewal every 30 days. In my opinion, you need to do everything possible to NOT have to contact customer service, hence the auto renewal and not having to activate new minutes every month. Now I have not had problems with my phone and having to resolve that kind of issue but for me (and my daughter who has the same phone) we are satisfied. As far as the phones go, I think it's like any place else, the cheaper phones aren't worth it. I found that with the contract big companies too.
Consumer Review
To erika. I called the tracfone CS directly at 800-876-5753 (got a CS immediately). They were able to correct the problem within 2 hours or so. They did call me to confirm that my phone was working. I was a little disappointed at first, but shyte happens. This was the first time with this type of problem. I still rate them pretty high on my list. I did lobby to get extra day added to my service for the inconvenience though. They are currently trying to make that happen for me.
Consumer Review
Wifes phone quit working. Says it's out of minutes. Straight Talk web site shows she's not up for renewal for another 4 days and she has the unlimited plan. Called customer service but couldn't get through for 2 days. Finally her phone just starts working again. Not customer friendly nor reliable.
Consumer Review
I bought 3 phones 3 days ago and have not been able to use any of them. If I get through to customer service, the tell me to turn off the phone and punch in *22890 to reset the phone, but still no service! The person that thinks only one person is using fake names to complain should go buy another phone and try again to get service, or for that matter, get through to customer service and get any kind of results.
Consumer Review
Been on hold for 3 hours now for 2nd day running to try and get service restarted. Had service for about 3 hours yesterday but nothing since. See no end in sight for them fixing it so will just leave phone on until one of the Customer support staff show up for work! Tomorrow will swap phone number to another service.
Consumer Review
is everybody's service getting back up and going yet? still waiting but i don't have service at my house with this crappy lg220c… they told me to go to walmart and purchase the lg slider phone and i should get service, but walmart won't even sell straight talk today… is the service automatically coming on for people or are you calling and getting it going?
Consumer Review
Great price. Great phone service. The WORST customer service I have ever experienced!! If you need to call straight talk regarding your phone be sure that you have another phone to use and be prepared to sit on hold for 45 minutes only to be connected to a bad connection with someone who doesn’;t know how or care to help you. The most annoying company I have ever had to deal with. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy!
Consumer Review
this is day 4 of no service. still on hold at this moment for over an hour.
Consumer Review
This is my husband and my third month using straight talk. And this is the first time we have had a problem with it, we put are new minutes on and now everytime we make a call it is telling us that verizon cannot make the call at this time and to dial *611. But when I dial that it tells me the same thing. Is there anything at all we can do, this is are house phone as well as are cell. Oh and Brooklynn Bridge guy, if everyone is having the same problem and going to this site to try whatever they can do to fix it. Well… yes I can see why all these posts were left in a few hours. I know Im annoyed along with alot of others.It our way of venting. Thanks for listening
Consumer Review
Your first concern should be that IF you have a problem the people you are speaking with when you call them don't speak good ENGLISH!!! The 2nd Issue is they have no email. So if your phone doesn't activate properly you have to use another phone and wait FOREVER to speak with a person form another country. I have had many problems with contacting them!!!
Consumer Review
Straight Talk has been a horrible experience for me. The incompetence of the whole company is astounding and I wish I never switched to them. I was disconnected when I should have been set for auto-fill renewal and was without a phone for 4 days while the morons tried to fix it. You get what you pay for I guess
Consumer Review
This is the absolute worst prepaid cellphone company. Never buy from here.
Consumer Review
Great price. Great coverage. Aweful customer service–downright the worst. So, don't use them. Just go to the website and activate. Then, wait a day. They will get to it. That's what I did. Works great. There are about 4 customer service agents working from a sweatshop halfway around the world. So, don't expect to get a person to help you-especially one thst speaks English. Once you're phone is set-up then all is well.
Consumer Review
Had to call tracfone to get it straighted out. So now I am a happy customer. of straight talk
Consumer Review
My boyfriend intuig phone like a month ago and he put a new card on it and lost service for two days like most of you. He also was on hold for two hours and nothing happened. We did however fix the problem. Just call 1 800 867 7183. The problem was fixed in less than an hour. That number takes you directly to tracfone cs.
Consumer Review
I bought the plan and phone to transfer my number from Net10. It wouldn't transfer online and so I had to call. First time only took 5 minutes to get through and CS reps spoke decent english. Told me to continue to wait 24 hours to port the number. Didn't work and called back tonight. On hold for less than 10 minutes and had great customer service. Both individuals spoke great english and were very helpful. I received better customer service from this company then I ever got with my contract through AT&T. So far, so good!
Consumer Review
I want anyone and everyone to know that I was all about the straighttalk cell phone great service, plenty of minutes etc. Well when you experience bad customer service that goes a long way and I was/am very disappointed with the service that I was and am getting. MY PROBLEM HAS BEEN ONGOIN FOR 7 DAYS NOW. AND YOU WONDER WHY I'M STILL DEALIN WITH THEM…PROMISE PROMISES THAT THEY DONT COME THRU WITH WELL AS OFF TOMORROW. You get what you pay for……………
Consumer Review
I am reading reviews about the service coming back on. When did it have problems? Could someone please tell me what happened concerning the service issues recently?
Consumer Review
I have been trying to get my phone to work since sunday finally i called tracphone customer service they had my phone working in 20 mins . so happy and they speak better english
Consumer Review
i have had this service for some time with no florida good service..georgia is terriable service.however when trying to refill web sight for having'technical difficulties for 2days so unable to obtain online tried to call service number unfortunately after attempting all day to reach someone (which recording says wait time is ten minutes i waited the shortest time 45 minutes-no one picked up did this all day(0630-2000) at one point i held so long (supposely 10min) my phone went dead. day 3 finally got on line(by this time my month had expired) refilled and payed, recieved confirmation….still phone didnt work. come home call from neighbors finally at 930pm someone picks up stay on phone till 1130pm while they ‘tried' to fix problem while on hold with them i was disconnected from ‘technical help'..still phone not working. now i have been waiting (was told 10 min hold) for 45min…this customer service sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consumer Review
Just got my phone today (Samsung). Activated with no problem, made my fist call. After that, I keep geting welcome to Verizon wireless. Tried to contact ST with no luck. I signed in to their website to try to get my balance, error message saying the phone number belong to Tracfone. Any idea what’;s going on! The experience is a turnoff. VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH STRAIGHT TALK
Consumer Review
i added my 45 dollar card yesterday still no minutes added and i have been on hold cs told me call back in a hr ya right no phone card yet added they will be givin me back my card money or i will go back to tmobile
Consumer Review
I have had the service for 2 mo no problem To all. Bought a new $45 card 4/2 and activated it To the walmart payphone just like last mo cuz service ended just the night before. It is not true that if card runs out before add another that causes problems NOT TRUE, never happened before. As usual said will take 5 min to activate but service never happened. The straight talk website was down and when I went back to walmart they said they could not activate new phone sales either and had no clue what was up. The straight talk website came back up this afternoon and checked my phone balance and it showed my unlimited service ends 6/2. So the time is ticking away and when I make a call it says I have no money on it. I kept the phone box and sales slip & everything. Taking it back to walmart for a refund & getting a boost. At least i can be sure that since boost is AT&T, there is a very slim chance their website would be down or on hold for an hour waiting for customer service. I went to walmart 2 or 3 times, they know about problem and are still selling the refill cards letting people walk out the door only to not have them work. I told them they should take it off the shelf until resolved but that will never happen. Shame on walmart. At least I have good slam to use if they give me a problem with the refund.
Consumer Review
I bought a straight talk card for me and my dad terry ballard and my friend bought one also and it took the card but we didn't get our minute and we lost 45 dollar
Consumer Review
Jamonte…the same thing happened to me also. I bought my card to renew my service yesterday…I don't have service. They need to either provide some service or refund my 45 dollars. I can't get through to customer service of course. Was feeling the service until now.
Consumer Review
Just disappointed with C.S. bought phone late at night and expected phone would of been activated by now its 10am bought phone at 9pm and have been on phone with C.S. for 2 1/2 hours now and have not talked to any one.
Consumer Review
WHAT CUSTOMER SERVICE? THERE IS NONE. I paid 45.00 on Friday April 30th at 2:14pm for service ending Sunday 11:59PM It took 8 calls before I got a rep to talk to. Call times on hold are minutes and seconds, 9.53 8.16 8.46 1.09 18.44 28.48 9.54 and finally got a rep on the 8th call of 12.29 and paid with credit card. Today Monday 9.58am I have not service yet it was paid on Friday 2:14pm. Call customer sevice in a joke. There is none. IT SUCKS.
Consumer Review
I can't reach customer service. I loaded all 3 phones last night with the unlimited $45 plan but this morning it tells me my phone doesn't have enough balance to make a call. So I looked them up online and they all 3 say that the phones were laoded and have unlimited access until 6/1/10. I have been trying to reach CS for 2 hours so that I will be able to call the dr for my infant and it just says that call volume is high.
Consumer Review
I had this service since November 2009. I have no complaints with the phone or the plans but the customer service gets a big fat F. Most of the times I can hardly understand what they are saying. It takes hours to solve problems or maybe days. Other than this, I like the service.
Consumer Review
Straight Talk is a joke. It has taken over twelve hours just to get it activated and still they aren't showing any available minutes. What a sorry service.
Consumer Review
I have been trying to get min. on my phone for 2 days and have been on hold for up to 4 hours at one time I was disconected and had to call again. I am still waiting for assistance this am and have been on hold now for 45 min. I just need a few moments of your time thanks for nothing.
Consumer Review
i tried to switch yesterday but my # porting was delayed due to needing my old account pin. so today i called BUT no answer! just 30 mins on hold twice & a 20 min hold once. seems their network is down? or customer service is down. i'm currently leery of my choice!
Consumer Review
(Georgia) I enjoy having my StraigtTalk phone but the CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THE WORST! Good luck getting someone on the phone if you have to call them! I haven't really had any issues with my service until now and I've had my phone since December 2009 and it's May 2010. If it wasn't for the plans offered I'd got back to AT&T they don't have great customer service either but ST HAS THE WORST I'VE EVER CAME ACROSS! I would like to say also I really wish that the downloadable ringtones were longer than 15 sec.
Consumer Review
I was really quite surprised at the coverage and ease of the initial activation. My husband and I both switched from our pricey contracts with Verizon in April 2010. Unfortunately I tried to add minutes to my account using the prepaid card option yesterday when my 30 days expired and have had no service since. I cannot get any help from customer service since the line is either busy, ‘all circuits busy' message, and when I have gotten through they are not very fluent in English and are very eager to get off the phone with you. My husband and mother, on the other hand, have the unlimited service and neither have had any problems. I have been without service since yesterday and customer service's solution was to try to call them back in 8 hrs (which would be after their business hours). I am very frustrated and would only recommend this service as a backup line or youth line. I wish I had known this before I switched and I would have went with a more reputable company.
Consumer Review
Oh Dear God… I have had the worst experience with them (STRAIGH TALK0. After purchasing the LG 220C from Walmart it bit the dust quickly. The second LG 220C also begain failing quickly…Then the internet stopped working. I have calles CS over and over and over. I have logged my time spent on the phone with Customer….which totals now to 18 hours 48 minutes total. Then there was the numerous e-mails to BRIGHTPOINT the distributer of these phones and the time and energy spent mailing back the phones. I have waited 7 days to receive my ‘New' phone which they sent me the LG 229 Slider or something or another which I suspect will suck just as bad. Honestly if your getting this phone get the best one they have and pray to someone that you don't have to call customer service. I just really cant beleive that the people whom disagree with our opinions are so hostile… ALSO A LOT OF THESE MESSAGES ARE NOW DELETED AND IT'S FILLING UP WITH POSITIVE COMMENTS. THE TRUTH IS THIS COMPANY (CHICK IS ALSO NET 10, TRACPHONE & STRAIGHTTALK) IS JUST A REALLY CHEAP CELL PHONE CARRIER THAT HAS GOOD SERVICE AREAS BUT LACK THE ABILITY TO RESOLVE ANY ISSUES AND ARE IL-EQUIPTED TO HANDLE SUCH MASSIVE PROBLEMS. GO TO VERIZON IF YOU NEED GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE. GO TO STRAIGHT TALK IF YOU NEED A $45.00 A MONTH PHONE BILL (I DO) BUT PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEIR BS. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND PRODUCTS. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT THAT THEIR COMPANY IS FLAWED. CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY GENERAL AND ASK THEM TO HELP YOU AND OTHERS TO FORCE BETTER STANDARDS IN PRE-PAID CELLULAR SERVICES STARTING WITH STRAIGHT TALK. Thanks Christy Heffelfinger
Consumer Review
the plan may sound good but there are uncomfortable flaws you can never get through to a customer care represenative. I purchased a phone and the number given on the web does nit match with the serial number and the number given by the phone. I am stuck and no help also out of money. I am very disappointed!!!
Consumer Review
I have tryed to get ahold of customer service for 3 hours after them hanging up on me. Worst service ever. Added minutes but says you dont have any minutes to make a call.
Consumer Review
The phones for me have been great. I am now after 4 months of service having trouble with refilling my phone. It is very frustrating as I have been calling all morning to customer service and have not gotten to talk to anyone yet. So far that is my only gripe. Otherwise if you are in a lower income family this is the best way to go.
Consumer Review
CHECK OUT THIS INTERNET SCAM PERPUTRATED BY STRAIGHT TALK: Incident Purchased a Straight Talk phone from Walmart. Bought airtime for phone from Walmart. Opened up the phone, put battery in, turned on. The box that the phone came in indicated that the phone had to be ‘activated' by going online to Went there to activate the phone. Website asked for the activation code on the airtime card. I entered the activation code. Website told me that I put in wrong code. Did that again online, same thing. SO I took the phone and airtime card back to Walmart and returned it for another Straight Talk phone. This time I paid for airtime online at the straight talk website. After going through series of questions regarding the identification of the phone, the website told me to dial certain numbers on the phone keypad and the phone would be activated. After doing this, the display on the phone said that the phone could not be activated at this time, and to try after 2 hours. 2 hours past, and I did the same thing again. Same thing happened. SO I called customer service at straight talk. I was actually told to ‘take the battery out and put it back in again, then turn on the phone' (standard customer service programmed response to any problem) That did not work. I was then told to repeat the instructions to ‘dial certain numbers on the phone keypad and the phone would be activated' which did not work. The customer service ‘person' kept telling me to do that over and over until finally I had to put an end to it. In other words, each time that that process would fail, she would tell me to do those steps again. Finally I had to step in, and refuse to do that any more as it was obviously useless. She told me to ‘wait up to 24 hours' and then ‘try it again'. I said no. I told her to just refund the money I spent on the airtime, and I would take the phone back to Walmart where they will refund the money for the actual useless phone. She told me that there is no refund for the airtime. I told her that yes there is, and that you can't just scam people out of their money legally and then have no liability for it. She wasn't hearing all that. She kept saying that there's no refund for the airtime. I told her that I was going to call the police if they did not return the money they stole under false and deceptive pretences. She said ‘there's no refund for airtime'. Damage Resulting I've had to contact my bank, and report the sale as being an internet fraud scheme, and dispute the charges on those bases. The bank has given me back the money, and filed a charge back to Straight Talk. I just want everyone to know about this scam.
Consumer Review
I refilled my account with $30 prepaid phone card, but have not got service after 12 hours! I was asked to activate my phone by pressing *28… ,but still can't get it to work. Customer service is just a joke. Put on hold for over 1 hour without anybody answering the phone. StraightTalk sucks!
Consumer Review
everything was going great with the service until it came time to refill my husbands plan. now i have spent 2 days and over 1 1/2 hours on the phone and he still has no service. the website is constantly under construction and the phonelines are so bombarded with calls i can never get anyone on the phone. this is very discouraging and after 1 month i'm about ready to tell these people where they can shove these phones. hope they can work this out soon.
Consumer Review
Ok so i hear its a good phone plan and that its cheap but i bought this phone like two days ago and have yet get to use it b/c there is somthing wrong with it and i can't get any help and anything it sucks
Consumer Review
the side job was just that..a side job..i have a very good permanent well as TWO very happy and healthy kids.. i feel sorry for you however that you have to feel like trying to put someone down husband died defending our country so losers like u could voice their opinions good for you. he and i never in 14 years had even one argument as we always put the Lord 1st in our lives together. im a great mom..u could ask anyone who knows me at all..and people like you..well..they are just a waste of everyones time. i use straight talk cause its way cheaper than what i was paying b4..and it gives me an extra 130 a month to spend on just the mind ur own business..but stop being rude when this is a posting site about the phone..sorry you are having such a horrible life that u have to try to put others down…
Consumer Review
My ST phone service is ok. I never let the activation expire by paying before the 30 days are up. My son ,on the other hand, let his service expire on May 1st 2010, bought a $45 phone card at walmart, reactivated and added the card, called *22890 heard phone has been successfully programmed, turned phone off and back on and when he makes a call it says there is not enough money on his account. Website says phone is in process of being activated. It has been 23 hours since reactivating and adding minutes…Called customer service…FORGET THAT…THEY MUST BE ON STRIKE!!!! He counts on this ST phone for his business….LOOSING alot of money TODAY!!!! I know the staff may be OFF on the weekend, but it is now Monday afternoon and NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL….Recording just keeps saying DUE TO A HIGH CALL VOLUME WE NEED TO CALL BACK LATER since yesterday (SUNDAY). I must have redialed their number a thousand times thinking maybe THIS TIME…Not happening…I will never add minutes to my own phone again unless I have a customer service rep on the phone with me and I see my service added before I hang up with them.
Consumer Review
I bought a 30.00 refill card and put the mins on my phone yesterday(5/2/10) Today I have no service. I finally got through to CS and they told me the system is down for he next 8 hours and to wait until then. The customer service sucks!
Consumer Review
not easy at all to reactivate a phone and you will be on hold for hours–they say to use their website but most of it is under construction..still waiting on phone to be reactivated 48 hours later
Consumer Review
I am VERYYYYY upset for the first time after being with ST since Oct. of 09….NEVER had an issue until last night (5/2) Bought the 45 card, loaded it…said it would be available in 5 mins like always…and here I sit with nothing still…I have been calling them non stop since this morning…sounds like it's happening to many people. They better be planning on making this up to everyone…this is RIDICULOUS!! What if it were the only phone we had and there was an emergency??!!!!! MOVE IT STRAIGHT TALK AND GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED OR YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS CUSTOMERS!!! I would rather pay more money and know that I could get a hold of someone if there was something wrong!!
Consumer Review
ive been trying for TWO days to talk to someone about my phone. i reloaded my min but my phone never updated. worst help line ever. does anyone even work there??? dont buy a straight talk phone!!!!!!!!!
Consumer Review
Straight Talks phone service is horrible. It seemed to be working ok at first, but now that i have tried to re-fill my phone everything has stopped working, and their phone lines are so busy you can't get through. Straight talk might look good on paper, but the bottom line is they are not a good phone company. Don't use them in the end it's a waste of time and money.
Consumer Review
i am not happy with this service. i bought a 45 card 2 hours ago and still can NOT make a call from my straight phone..what the deal??????? this is not right, they need to give extra time for the lost of service. i would not advise anyone to get STRAIGHT TALK..
Consumer Review
i hate straight talk. my phone hasn't worked all day and i put a 45 dollar service card on my phone.ugh.customer service won't answer so i just wasted my money.
Consumer Review
-000 STARS. oh my god, what a nightmare. Phone activated via landline, then can't get thru on new cwll or landline to acquire new cell number. Total of 12 hors on hold + techs that can't solve your problem. Then they finally give me a Kansas number (I'm in NY). Then the owner of the phone number calls me from Kansas & says to give it back! 6 more hrs with tech support, had to elevate to corp manager. Took him 3 hrs to give us a new NY number & keep our minutes. What a horror, DON'T BUY STRAIGHTALK
Consumer Review
I'm in the 2nd day of trying to get my straight talk phone to actually work. Last night I spent about 50 minutes waiting on customer service after being told it was a 10 minute wait. Finally hung up and dialed back in order to finally reach a human being in about 6 minutes. This person, who actually spoke understandable English had to repeat my responses back to me a minimum of 4 times sounding like a robot. After entering more information at the online site, it was not the stated 5 minutes wait for the phone to be activated. I kept checking my phone, calling the number given me, and each time the recording stated that my phone could not be programmed for activation at that time. This continued for at least 3 hours at which time I finally gave up and went to bed. The next day (today), the phone was programmed just before noon. I decided to enter numbers from the contact list in my previous phone to the new phone – no problem, then I thought why not make a call and share my new number. I dialed the number and was informed that I did not have ‘enough money on my account' to make my very 1st call. The phone information, serial number, service pin # ($45 unlimited), etc. were entered onsite to start the phone the previous night, BUT for some reason, paid for service plan did not make it through the information warp at Straight Talk. Now, the attempts to contact customer ‘frustration' service via the 1-877-430-2355 began. Seventeen (17) calls getting nothing but a busy signal and finally the number actually rang. Now comes the menu offerings which lead you in a vicious cycle to no where. After repeated calls back, in a vain attempt to find out why my service plan didn't make it through with the activation of my phone, I am AGAIN in ‘holding' pattern for 25 minutes on an estimated ‘5' minute waiting time. This issue is still NOT RESOLVED and I can unequivocally, no doubts whatsoever, proclaim that the Straight Talk customer service and the answering program are without challenge the most POORLY written program and result in the WORSE and most aggravating ‘customer service' I have ever encountered. Not having been able to make even 1 call on this new phone, I am soooo ready to go back to AT&T. I'll pay $ for intelligence and someone who values my time as much as they value their own time. I rated this company with 1 star only because there was no negative offering!
Consumer Review
I need my phone for work. They are taking money out of my 4 kids mouths as I type this. I'm sure my customers think I can't afford to keep my phone on. No fixing the problem now, I want my MONEY back so I can go to BOOST MOBILE. 150 bucks out for phone and air time and the service is a joke. My girls boost works all over Valley Center CA. Mine HAHAHAHAHAHA. What a JOKE!!!!
Consumer Review
I've had ST for 6 months my LG220 works flawless and its only $29.95 I've dropped it 30+ times and it keeps on going…Now my wife picked the Samsung R451 it took two weeks to get the internet working…So she went back to ATT she got her a pretty Iphone and now has a phone bill 3 times what I pay…LOL I'll take a little stress from CS Indians and save a $100 a month..
Consumer Review
beware…appearently Straight talk reserves the right to change your phone number at anytime cause when i went to renew my service it asked me if i was inquiring on #816 206 ____ being i was unaware of the change i said no…now my prepaid card has been credited to someone elses account. I have been trying for two days now to contact customer service but i receive is an automated message that states they are busy. At one time i was pleased with straight talk now …not so much especially since i have job applications out.
Consumer Review
No they will not help really. If your lucky enough to get them to answer demand that you be transfered to the FLOOR MANAGER (He/She) WILL SPEAK ENGLISH. PS ST's call center is in the Phillipines.
Consumer Review
Fair warning on the LG220 there is a recall… The chances you have on are 50/50. I was not so lucky. Now have it from Straight Talk there isn't one but contact LG or Brightpoint and there is a different story. Warning signs: PHONE BLOWS UP
Consumer Review
I bought this phone for my grandaughter I waited 45 minutes before someone answered and when he did I couldn't understand him, he also was of no use, he sent me to an automated # and it disconnected I am now on my second hour listening to the pre recording saying how important my call is to them (YA RIGHT), I wish I NEVER bought her this phone. THE SERVICE SUCKS, AND YOUR COMPUTER SIGN UP SUCKS TOO!!! TRY HIRING PEOPLE THAT SPEAK THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRY TRAINING THEM
Consumer Review
I was extremely satisfied until today. Tried to renew my service, and it hasn't gone through. The website and customer service line are completely inactive as of today. They must be having some pretty serious network problems. Service til today was great, customer service was helpful, but as of now i am very disappointed. Maybe this is just a beginning of the month type issue?
Consumer Review
We have ST $45 plan for 3 mos. and loved it. I refilled yesterday per phone on my debit card normally I buy the phone card. I had the use of my phone yesterday and this morning I am experiencing the same problems you are reporting ‘There is not enough money in your account…' They processed my debit card payment through my bank and my online account w/ST shows I have service through 6-1-10. I emailed ST and no response and all circuits down when I call. Unless you have not experienced this awful problem please do not be critical of us that are going through it. We just want to get it resolved. I called ST office in Miami–Busy! I called FCC and they gave me ST VP of Litigation 305 715-3690 there was no answer left message twice. I suggest you all call and leave a message at that ph# as well. I want to know what is going on???? Until today I would have given ST 5 Stars!
Consumer Review
I have had my straighttalk service now for about three months and enjoyed it up until recently when I tried loading a phone card onto my acct. to replenish my service plan's minutes and it has taken over 24hrs. for my minutes to be available. I am very dissapointed in the phone company's service for this inconvience to me. I would appreciate it if straighttalk can please improve their quality of customer service and satisfaction!!!
Consumer Review
I thought straight talk was okay, until last night. I refilled my minutes and it wouldn't go through. This morning i was put on hold for about a hour before i gave up. I recently tried calling them back and their line is busy. I can't get ahold of them, their website is down and i paid for service that I'm not getting. It really is an inconvenience and I don't know how long until my phone will work again. I am extremely disappointed.
Consumer Review
If it were possible, I would give them a negative 1 rating. Two days of trying to reach a representative resulted in speaking with two CSRs I barely understood. I was told they were in the Carribean when I insisted on knowing where they were located since their English was so poor. The lady at Walmart says they are in Columbia. Like all others on this web page are reporting, no one is picking up the lines today. How frustrating! I hope they get their act together soon.
Consumer Review
my phone has worked great for about a year now and just as of yesterday it stated that my service was disabled! i just bought a unlimited card for 45 dollars and this is what i get? and the customer service is absolutly terrible i have been hung up on countless times today and still have not talked to anyone after being on hold for hours! they really need to get their act together and start giving what they are actually offering. i didnt pay 45 bucks not to be able to use my phone!
Consumer Review
Just called the CS line again. They have updated their message to callers. It now admits to having technical difficulties AND no longer claims they will answer your call in five minutes. Okay, still no service help, but at least we are moving toward a more honest approach to things…
Consumer Review
Yep add me to the list. Bought one today and a $45 card. It won't activate and cs told me to exchange the phone and call them back and they will activate with the card I already bought. Not going to happen!! first impression is everything and they lost. Be warned people!!!
Consumer Review
I was very happy with the service have had it since february, had no problems until yesterday may 1st, added my unlimited card, said will be added in a minute, at midnight, my service didn't work, their system shows that my card went through, that my service is active, but when I try to make a call it says I don't have enough money on the account, they really need to resolve this or do something to notify us of whats going on.
Consumer Review
6 hours on hold and still holding. ST took my money and never gave me my minutes… Can we start a class action lawsuit? I am yet to read one positive feedback ANYWHERE on Straight Talk phones….
Consumer Review
I just put money on my phone today and cant check if its put on cuz the system is down. Straight talk gonna loose alot of customers if they dont sstep up.
Consumer Review
yea I am really mad becuz i paid 45 dollors last nite and now i cannot use my phone. im missing so many important phone calls rite now and im currently pregnant so its important for people to get in touch with me. im so mad and i hope it will work tomorrow. does anyone know wen service will be available and if so I beleieve we deserve a refund because this is sadly ridicoulous.
Consumer Review
I heard from someone on straight talk facebook that they emailed them and they said they dont have a date when it will be back up. =(. I've had it.
Consumer Review
What the hell!!!!! I paid like every one else got put on hold and gave up after hour. I dont know what to do since there custmoer service is okay intell you need to acutally speak to them.
Consumer Review
Those of you who are reading this thread look at the number of negatives since I sent my ‘I HAVE JUST FIGURED IT OUT!' For those of you laughing at all those negatives please know I sent mine less than four hours ago calling out all the BS negative stuff. This negative writer is the same person writing stupid stuff in a state of panic. Like the bad fairy vs the good fairy. This will be your last offensive bad fairy cause no one will believe this much BS in such a short time. I wonder what name you will write under next? Bad fairy? Have a nice day
Consumer Review
i have a great service with my phone! my birthday is tomorrow and ive been trying to refill my account but keep getting busy signal i hope everyone can find my new address for my birthday party being that i just moved and nobody knows my new address ! i know modern technology has its ups and downs but come on get it together soon! once again i have been very please with service! i hope that straight talk has a wonderful birthday party!
Consumer Review
I bought the cheap lg 220 or whatever late last night, the cheapest phone straightalk had… I bought the $30 card as well. I have a Tracfone for emergencys that always has full bars at my house, and friends always come here with Verizon and have full bars also, So i figured this would be a great phone. Last night my fiance called from his phone to activate my phone and they told him to dial*22890 or something, when he tried to call my phone had absolutely no service! or it would go from 3 bars to 0 to 2 then back to no service… I took the phone to my daughters bus stop with me this morning where i had 2 bars and dialed the * watever and it said my phone was activated. Later on today I was at a friends house and had service so I decided to call customer service to find out what the deal with me having no service at my house when their map said i should. Well Low and Behold they tell me go buy the more expensive phone and try that… I was getting ready to go to walmart when i noticed that when i went to make a call to my fiance to tell him it said i needed to add money to make a call!!! WTF? So, i started calling straight talk c.s at 9am and finally spoke to a cs representive at 5pm! I am so aggrivated, i am 8 months pregnant and i need a working phone! C.S. tells me that my minutes arent going on to the phone because they are expierencing difficulties, i asked if that was affecting the service, making me not have any bars and they said they DIDN'T KNOW!!!, so can someone reply to me and tell me if your bars are low today due to the minute adding problem? and also if it has nothing to do with the problem and i buy a new phone will it boost my signal? please respond, thanks!
Consumer Review
Had the service for about a year now and it's worked pretty well, aside from happening to have poor reception (leading to occasional dropped calls) where I live. Unfortunately, there seems to be something extremely wrong with their service at this moment. I tried to refill yesterday. They took $50 out of my bank account, and according to the website the clock is ticking on my 30 days, but I cannot use my phone! Gave up on customer service after more than an hour on hold, but I wouldn't fault them. I bet just about EVERY user of Straight Talk is probably calling at once right now.
Consumer Review
UPDATE ON PROBLEM!I posted a comment earlier today having the same problem you are all experiencing with no service and not getting through to ST. I finally called my local Walmart where I bought the phone and the store manager referred me to their Tracfone Rep who immediately returned my call. He informed that Straight Talk is undergoing a ‘complete systems breakdown' and that other companies have also gone through this in the past. He assured me that it was temporary and should be fixed hopefully in the next 24 hrs. or sooner. He said in the 4 1/2 yrs. he has been w/Tracfone this has occurred 3 times. He added that the company is very concerned and trying to do all they can because they are losing money while their system is down! I was glad that I finally heard from someone with StraightTalk/Tracfone. Hope it gets back up and going ASAP! (Straight Talk/Tracfone/Net 10 are all the same company.) The system breakdown is only with Straight Talk. I also have Net 10 and have never had a problem in over 4 years of service. Hope this helps.
Consumer Review
I feel ST should compensate us for this problem. Although they are experiencing tech problems, the customers are experiences problems too. If you are lucky enough to talk to a person, if you don't speak spanish or another foreign language you are SOL. This is ridicilous!
Consumer Review
this st phone service is the worst,i bought the samsung phone and it started to mess up i called cs and i was told to send the phone back and they would send me a replacement phone this was back on 04/11/2010.It is now 05/03/2010 and i've yet to get a phone.I called cs and got the run a round for days….i lost almost $200 between the phone and the min.I called the bbb and filed a report. THIS SUCKS
Consumer Review
I had a really really hard time getting mine to get activated. Everytime I called the company, The automated system said that it was past busness hours, or that all of their representives were to busy, and that there was a unusual amount of caller's and they could not take my call at the time being. Then I went the internet route and their website was soooo slow. Honestly Im writing this and have yet to get it to work. Honeslty I like the deal, $45 for Unlimited Text, Talk, and Web! I love it. The phones are also nice, I just dont like how you activate it.
Consumer Review
In my email to ST today I told them I expected to be compensated and requested they give me credit for the whole time their system was down. I think if everyone does the same it will motivate ST to comply and do the right thing. I know that it doesn't fully make up for loss of service and important calls missed but it will show they are willing to address customer concerns. If this systems breakdown becomes an ongoing problem and not resolved on a timely basis I will seriously think about terminating my ST account! I think they will loose customers if they don't address this problem. They should offer some kind of credit and incentive for customers to stay on. This is a major problem for them and they will loose customers over it!!
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