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3.2 out of 5 stars (based on 2,266 reviews)
5 star33%
4 star13%
3 star23%
2 star5%
1 star26%

Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

Ok thats helpful. What do you think is the best phone to get and do any of them have removable memory capability?


Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

I've had Straight Talk for 3 months now and have had absolutely zero issues. Each month I go to Walmart, buy a $45 refill card, and renew my minutes online. No problems. I check this site daily and really appreciate how we've come together to provide support in so many ways. You guys are awesome! BTW, I have the Samsung R451C and love it. I bought a skin at and am a happy guy free of a phone contract.

K. C.

Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

If there was zero stars I would choose it. I purchased a new cell phone for my husband for his birthday and he was on the phone for 4 hours transferring his number from his old straight talk phone to his new phone. Then i called to activate his old phone with a new number and have been put through the ringer. I have spoken representatives for 4 days and nothing has progressed. Warning if you want to activate an old phone with a new number good luck. I am no longer recommending straight talk to anyone.

Amanda Felt

Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

Im currently with Alltel and they've been great for 10 years.. Great customer retention policies… Etc…. The last time i renewed my contract with them I asked if I could increase or decrease my plan as financially required as unknown health problems we starting to arise.. They agreed, as did I… With financial issues unfortunately getting hold of me I was forced to call them and attempt to reduce my plan… That's when they told me that I had the lowest smart plan and I was bound for the remainder of this contract….Sneaky right! On purpose or not! they got me!! Until I started readind all of these reviews and seeing how basic it is! Love the Idea! Think I'm gonna go 4 it… Unfortunately for alltel (tho they've been good)they cannot retain this customer due to a minor slip up or attempted slight of hand! So be it! your reviews have helped alot! WISH ME LUCK!


Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

I went from Sprint to Straight Talk going on 4 months saving $1,473. per year.I did the math, paid the termination fee and still on top. coverage is great,data is fear,text I like. But for me, talk is cheap without losing signal..I did call customer service, and asked them if there was any way they can remove the minute message reminder,and they did.If you receive poor customer service, hang up and call again, and most likely you will get someone can help you.Once again,any one that can save me $ 1,475. per year with excellent coverage deserves 5 stars in my book.


Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

I think that Sraight Talk service is great. I have the $45 unlimited plan and I have burned up the airways without a missing a beat. Alot of people complain about customer service, but I find this to be true with alot of companies these days. I love this service because it is worry free. At least if you become unhappy with your service you can walk away. Open your wallet if you try that with the post paid plans. Believe me, they will charge you if you choose to leave even if it's their fault.


Consumer Review

February 16, 2010

straight talk is awesome!! very affordable…i canceled my contract phone and am very happy i did.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

To Damon Thanks so much for writing back. I checked and yahoo was at one time offering a monthly rate now it's a yearly rate to have yahoo premium email that lets you forward your email. i can create a gmail email address that's fine espeically that fowarding email in a txt to a cell phone is free. But I don't know what this means what you typed: ‘get around it by using a Gmail account, and pulling your Yahoo emails over to Gmail via POP.' How do you pull your yahoo emails to gmail via POP? What is POP? Thanks in advance for your help ! All the best, DJ


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

To DJ: I think all the email services allow pulling emails from other providers via POP. In Gmail, you go into the settings area and then POP tab. You can then specify another email provider web address, put in your username and password, and how often Gmail should pull emails from that account. It will then do it automatically. Google ‘POP email' for more info. If you don't mind changing email addresses, just use Gmail instead–I like it the best of all the services I've tried, including Yahoo, Hotmail, and GMX. To JP: you're right that the browsing on the R451C phone isn't great. The Droid phones are way better for that, for example, but then you have to pay $70+ per month and be in a contract. The R451C is fine for checking and replying to email (Gmail and Hotmail work fine for me), checking movie times, and getting text directions on how to drive somewhere. For serious browsing you need a much larger screen with touch capability (i.e. a smartphone).


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

To DJ. I haven't browsed through all the remarks lately, so I apologize if this is old news to you. I have my gmail emails forwarded to my Samsung slider as a text. You do not get to see the entire email. You can recognize it's an email and not a regular text as it has gmail and vtext at the beginning and then it will show you the beginning of the message. It just depends on how big the email is, I think the text is limited to a certain amount of characters. It's very useful though and very easy to see the text, then just open your browser and go to gmail. I was originally on the 1000 text plan and used them all half way through the month because of this forwarding. I am now on the $45 plan so don't worry about how many texts come in. Setting it up in gmail was a bit of a pain, you have to use the ‘filter' tab. First, I unsubscribed to a bunch of useless emails that come in and in filter, you can set it up to forward you a text if the email contains certain words in email address/subject/content. I've found that using my first name as one filter does indeed send me all the emails that I want to receive. Hope I've made sense! By the way, the tip on using the volume bar as a page up/down is excellent – thanks for that.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

Okay so I just activated my phone and so far I am having on problems… however, I am pretty confused. I used to go through t-mobile and in order to send pics to my phone I'd type my phone number at what is the 'email' address for straight talk????


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

ANY plan is better than what I've had to deal with at T-Mobile!!!! Their hidden charges, voice mail retreival charges, 411 charges, fees, etc… would make my so called ‘Unlimited $89.00' plan end up well over $200 every month! The last straw was when my bill topped $425 for the month!! I'm really looking forward to Straight Talk! And if they don't work out, there's always Virgin Wireless or Boost! Got to say, love my Motorola Razr though!


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

To send text from Email: (10 digit Number) **********To


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

To Courtney. Your email address is: 1234567890To (obviously area code and then seven digit phone number).


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

QUESTION??? I was thinking about switching to this service. Can someone help me? 1)Does Walmart provide customer support at their locations for this service? 2) Can I use any unlocked phone with this service or do I need to buy one off of the StraighTalk website? 3) Do they have push email?


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

I am an airline pilot, got Straight Talk on the recommendation of fellow piltos who have it, have used it for a week now. It works beautifully. Goodbye rip off AT &T. $45.00 a month is nice. Complaints: Web browsing is a bit difficult vs. the AT &T smartphone I had, but usable. But then again who am I to complain for $45.00+Sales tax vs. AT &T for the nearly the same thing at over $138.00/month. As the other posters here state, READ the INSTRUCTIONS. Be prepared to wait for customer service, and be VERY careful if you get a person who does not understand English or Spanish (if Spanish is your native language).. If they can't undestand you, they can screw things up worse. Better to hang up in my opinion and get someone who can understand and converse with you.

John E

Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

I just bought my phone two days ago and frankly I LOVE IT! straight Talk Cell phone plans are great


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

Chase…. Walmart is Walmart… The kid behind the counter couldn't answer any questions or even dial customer service correctly… BUT do what I did. I bought the phone and took it home, called the 800 number on the box, had them switch my T-Mobile number to Straight Talk and set it up that way. It's costing me $45 a month for completely unlimited service that was costing me literally HUNDREDS through T-Mobile! And no contract which is fantastic when you consider T-Mobile charges you $200 to cancel their service!!! If you want better customer service, I'd suggest Virgin Mobile. It uses Sprint towers and has decent coverage for the most part. They have a $49 unlimited plan. My girlfriend uses them and is very happy with their phones etc… I went with ST because they offer the Razr phone which enabled me to do a quick transfer of my 90 contacts within seconds & remove all my pictures via computer!


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010



Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

I bought Samsung at Wal Mart for $99 and signed up with a $30 plan. It took about 15 minutes to reach c/s, but the number porting and activation went smoothly. The call quality is adequate and the reception is good. I can not get rid of annoying reminder of how many minutes I have left every time I make an outgoing call. Another drawback is no email capability. I have to forward my email to ##########To in order for me to get my email messages on my straight talk phone. The problem is that most of my email messages are over 160 characters and they get cut-off. another problem is international text messaging – there's none – you can NOT send or receive any international text messages. This is the reason why I would have to go with another provider. Otherwise, this would have been perfect plan – the phones lack capability, but the call quality and c/s is good for basic user. Web browsing is slow, but reliable, although, the phone has a very primitive web browser.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010


t boobgie

Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

The coverage with straight talk is okay, but it is possibly the worse customer service EVER. I don't believe it's worth the money that you save on the plans. It's okay as long as you don't have any issues and if you do don't expect customer service to be of any help.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

I called customer service to fix my browser that wasnt working. They were polite and fixed the problem fast!


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

Got a Samsung Finesse phone tonight. Works GREAT! No, it is not a smart phone, but it works very well for what it is. I already pics, movies and ringtones loaded. And YES it receives international calls and text messages. You can't make international calls or text to international numbers, but you can use a calling card and e-mail through a text gateway to get a text to an international location. For those of you who yell at customer service, good luck. You'll get nowhere. They do try, and although they are offshore (you want cheap, you got cheap) they are not bad if you are patient. Carry on! I will NEVER go back to Verizon. (even though I am still using their system)

Ed the Pilot

Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

After 1 month, I can honestly say this is the best cell provider I have ever had. The deal is simply unbeatable.


Consumer Review

February 15, 2010

Hi! I've had the service for a little over one month now. I give the straight talk 4/5 stars. Below I give more details about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The Good: Overall, the quality of calls are excellent, I always get a strong signal, my phone is working fine and the PRICE is phenomenal! I used to have t-mobile which had astronomical fees. The Bad: the selection of phones sucks! The design of my phone is awkward and It still takes me WAY longer to text than usual, even with the QWERTY keyboard. The keys stick together! The UGLY:It's true about what other people are saying below…the customer service is HORRIBLE.They are polite but the communication is bad because of SERIOUS language barriers. I was on the phone today almost FORTY (40) MINUTES with customer service just to buy more minutes because she had to hear me spell EVERYTHING twice. God forbid you have to do something more complex (i couldn't do it online bc their site is having issues apparently). I also forgot to mention that in the beginning they wouldn't refund the money from a problem with the service cards. Honestly…Straight Talk deserves about 3 stars, but for the price it's unbeatable. My final say: If you are a moderate phone user (meaning you don't need it for business, but you text moderately, and talk a bit each day to a family member/friend:I used 800 min out of 1000) then this phone is for you. If you are high maintenance and tend to need a lot of help setting up things then you will be a miserable person.THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE AND CALL ALONG WITH THE PRICE ARE AMAZING!!! Great for college students and normal, working people on a budget!!!


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I like my phone i bought from walmart.. everything went great for me… to make everything easy for everybody.. go onto straight talk's website and get ur phone activited.. it goes so smooth and fast.. no need to get an headache when you dont have to… tryin to talk to someone on the phone.. hope this helps anyone out that needs this kind of help.. it helped me. I give it an 10+


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

the only way 2 get ringtones is a credt card that pissed me off i dont not have a credt card and i try gettin free ringtones from and they dont not have my phone my phone is MOTORAZR V3a i tryed they send me the websit to my phone but i cant download it 2 my phone any1 help me here


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I have had my Straight Talk plan for 30 days now. I switched from Verizon Wireless. I wasn't sure how service would be—They had my phone actived and number ported over from Verizon in about 15 minutes–service is excellent and I can get on intenet with no problem. I had read several bad reviews but I have nothing but good to say about this new service—it saved me about 50.00 per month on my cell phone bill.


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

my service has been down for 3 days now and your costing me money!!!!no respect custormer service wont even take my call ??????????????????????????????/


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

To amanda or anyone with the razr I put ringtones on the phone with the computer. Find the ringtone you want and download it to your desktop. I found an old version of motorola phone tools on the web and downloaded it. As soon as you run the program it searches for updates. I got the most recent version for free! I then use mpt to transfer ringtone(or whatever files I want, including mp3's) to phone with a usb cable


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I purchased the Samsung phone. Using the website, and needing no interaction with support, I was able to port a number and have my new ST phone up and running in 15-20 minutes, literally… Fortunately for me, I was porting over a Verizon number, I had current and correct account information including PIN, and my service was current and in good standing. During the process, I was directed to Verizon's site to confirm my port request and some security verification. I did a great deal of research on the ST service before buying. I got the impression(from user reviews and the many disclaimers during the porting process) that it's really pot luck as to how successful you will be. I suspect that the experience could be totally different from user to user, depending on who your current carrier is and the many variables that factor in to the whole port process. As for the phone, I have been pleased with the decent battery life, and easy to read display. Calls are clear, and in my rural area, I have minimal problems with Verizon coverage, even considering terrain. Camera seems on par with most, although this is my first camera phone. Note that the trigger to pull up the camera is touchy and located in a spot that is apt to be pressed inadvertently. My biggest disappointment with this phone and service is the web. I have found the web service to be of no use to me. I am a total newb to mobile web, so my experience is based from that perspective. If you are like me, what you need to know is that you should not expect the web to look anything like what you are used to seeing on your home PC. Web pages seem to be random pieces of text from the source page and a few crude graphics here and there. Now I'm not suggesting that is the fault of ST, but be aware. I guess if you want to spend $3-400 for a phone, the browser would be better featured, but I can't do that. Somehow, I just expected a scaled down version of a normal web page, and that is not how it works at all. Part of the problem is page formatting, which is the responsibility of the designer, and you will find some sites that are designed for mobile web browsers, and I suppose thats what you should look for. Obviously, my expectations were based in a misunderstanding of how things work, and that's my fault. On the other hand, what's not my fault is the many errors that have prevented me from any substantial quality mobile web experience such as ‘bad gateway', ‘http unable to connect' etc.. I cannot use my Yahoo email even with their ‘Yahoo Mobile' service. I even tried to download an alternative browser from Opera, but of course, they have nothing that is compatible with this phone, which you will find to generally be the case considering that this is a lower end phone that is probably built specifically for ST by Samsung. Little chance of any 3rd party software development for something like that. Bottom line, despite purchasing the $45 unlimited card, I will definitely be switching to the $30 card since the web service has absolutely been the biggest waste of time for me. Good for phone calls, texting is fine, but don't expect much else. And good luck if you ever have to speak with support. Hope this helps……


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I bought my Straight Talk phone and card from Wal-Mart on 1/16/10 came home-read all instructions first-placed my call to activate and port my number from Verizon-Phone call took about 10 minutes and within 20 minutes total I was using my new ST plan. Verizon was great but costly for what I needed-I receive pics-text-can get on internet-no problem. If you read all ‘INSTRUCTIONS' first and have everything in order when you call you will be activated in no time. Phone has better service range than my old Verizon phone.


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

Got my phone last week. No problems. I followed the instructions exactly, – READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY!! Web browsing on my Samsung R451 is ok. For the complainers, what do you expect for a low price? you want blue chip service? go pay for it. Me? I wanted a low price and am willing to work a bit for it. Quit yer whining, and follow the instructions. I have a bunch of friends who switched, NO PROBLEMS. NOT ONE!


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I purchased my straight talk phone yesterday. The phone is a SCH-R451C Activating was easy. I love it so far, I emailed pictures with no problem. It is a little hard to get aquainted with all the features, but I am 71 years old, and a little new at this. I would recommend this service to anyone.I have had a cell phone for many years, and this seems to be among the best. The big name carriers, are not the best buys.


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I've had my Samsung 451C for a couple of months & have had no problem setting it up. I like the phone but need to know how to use the MP3 and get ringtones from my PC


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I have been trying for 2 months to be logged in to be able to personalize my ringtones to no avail.very disappointed.

barbie weller

Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

so far this is the best cell phone provider i have ever had . very few places i loose signal . they have pretty nice phones to use overall the best.


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

So I read the Straight Talk Terms and Conditions on their website. I read how they are able to cancel your service if you text to vote for things on t.v. and contests, etc(called ‘third-party' or something like that). I have a Facebook and you can update and get notifications from Facebook throught texting on your phone. If I signed up for that, will Straight Talk punish me and cancel my service? Someone please answer my question! Thanks.


Consumer Review

February 14, 2010

I am not able to receive incoming texts on my phone just bought my phone yesterday and after texting a lot of people I have had no texts in return, I have talked to these people on the phone and they have all said they replied but I never received any of them. I bought the slider samsung phone. I am very mad right now since I bought the phone for the keyboard so I can text, and customer service is not open right now.


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

what is the 5 digit number you call to get your lanuage and finish activating your phone didnt write it down it starts with a 2

nee nee

Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

Bought a Staright Talk phone and card at WalMart 2 weeks ago. Phone is working great! Going to port my number from Verizon and ready with FCC rules and a lawyer. If your having trouble porting a number here: THEY HAVE TO PORT YOUR NUMBER REGARDLESS IF YOU HAVE A CONTRACT OR OWE MONEY TO THEM. Verizon, AT &T CAN BE SUED if they don't comply. The only thing these companies understand is a money penalty.

Ed the Pilot

Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

When I said in the last post ‘Verizon and AT &T can be sued' I meant ALL wireless carriers who refuse. And yes, I have used this phone from Anchorage to Miami and a dzen other cities coast to coast in the last two weeks (I am an airline pilot) AND have had about a dozen other pilot buddies use this phone nearly everywhere Verizon has service (we brought our Verizon phones) and it works GREAT! I have been a Verizon (former Airtouch, US West Cellular, etc) for about twenty years and I am cancelling within the week AFTER I port my number and BEFORE my bill cycle with Verizon ends. Straight Talk CS was ok. Not the greatest. When I decided to change my phone from a LG220 to a Samsung R451, I called customer service, had to wait for 10 minutes, but the gal (from MNL) got it done within 10 minutes. Goodbye Verizon contracts and good riddance.

Ed the Pilot

Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

I have had StraightTalk service for over a week now and I am EXTREMELY pleased. Activation was relatively pain free (READ everything they send you before you start. It's all in there.) Voice and service quality is crystal clear. No dropped calls. I was spending $100 a month with AT &T. Now I get MORE for $30. What a GREAT service!!!


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

I read initial reports of poor customer service and troubles dealing with the Indian call center. I activated my Straight Talk phone and woke up without my Sprint number having been ported (even thought my Sprint phone had been de-activated). I called the call center and my call was promptly answered by a tech support specialist. The gentleman spoke nearly flawless English and was helpful and thorough. Within 5-10 minutes he helped me through a few steps to getting my service up and running. I am very happy with my service thus far and the ST customer service. I am very happy with the price (the $30) one. I wish their website was a bit more complete (isn't the most user-friendly….design/content-wise). Very Happy to be rid of Sprint!!!


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

straight talk sucks!!!! I had them for one hour… they had the phone programed then hour later it wouldnt work.. they tried to reprogram it again and said it wont work, i ask if i could get my money for the card refunded, they told me ‘that we dont give back refunds you are paying us at your own risk' and it cost other cell phone users money to call straight talk phones..they dont tell you that either, there is so much in there fine print that we dont get too see..


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

Trying out this service, bought the $40 plan and everything is working great…except the browser, I keep getting the message ‘Network Connection Lost' think I might have to contact cs. Anyone else having this problem?


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

I bought a ST phone today. Ported my number from verizon. noproblems. good by verizon.


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

Hello, Can someone tell me what will happen after a month without refilling your account? Will they deactivate it immediatly or will they give you a grace period? Thanks!


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

I ported my number from virgin mobile only took a couple of hrs and i am satisfied i was paying 63 something a month compared to 45 with this and getting the same things here so i am hapy


Consumer Review

February 13, 2010

Ported my Verizon phone number over to Straight Talk. I did it about 2 hours ago. It took awhile with customer service, but it was smooth. It took about 5 minutes and it was active. Good bye Verizon and good riddance. 45.00 a month for VZ service is alot better than nearly 100 I was paying. If you port your number, have patience. Tell them you want to port a number first. It is best to port your number to a new phone and a new service card. Had I done it to the existing Straight Talk phone I had, it may have taken up to 4 days. Also, NEVER let your account run out. Or put it on a credit card for auto-refill. I was told by a supervisor, if you let your account run out, you are risking losing your cell phone number, and then it is alot of nonsense work to get it back. A shortcoming of pre-paid service I guess. They warn you about this. Oh well, I had another buddy port his over tonight, it worked smooth. The only shortcoming of Straight Talk (if it is a shortcoming) is they offer only a limited number of phones. I suspect as the service grows, the phone selection will increase. I don't think they are going anywhere soon, since they are owned by America Movil, who has a couple hundred MILLION subscribers in both North America and South America at the various companies Carlos owns. Again, goodbye and good riddance Verizon, I'll be using your system, but not at your rip off (IMHO) prices.

Ed the Pilot

Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

To Dolpin Thanks 4 the info about mins and web mb's rolling over that's great news! hope the info using the volume key helps you get throu your email faster. Best, DJ


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

To DJ: Gmail never charges for anything. The text messages you receive will count against your 1000 messages/month if you have the $30 plan, but that's more than 30 messages per day you can receive, which is plenty for me. If Yahoo won't let you automatically forward emails (check all the settings options) you can get around it by using a Gmail account, and pulling your Yahoo emails over to Gmail via POP. Gmail will even let you mark the Yahoo emails so that when you reply to them from Gmail, the from address is your Yahoo address–you can in effect run your Yahoo account from Gmail 🙂 Then you can set up email forwarding from Gmail to your phone at no charge.


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

To Damom i have yahoo for email. as far as i know to forward email you have to have a premium acct with yahoo and pay a monthly fee. do you know if having emails sent to your phone as a text message with gmail is free? and does anyone know if yahoo email can forward for free to your ST cell as a text message? how to set that up? thanks in advance for any info. all the best, DJ


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

Update from my previous posting. You have to get the right person with CS. After 2 previous attempts, this person was able to reset my account, told me to press *228 and viola, my phone works. This *228 will work when *22890 will not. My phone was active for one month on a number they provide and when I ported my old AT &T number, the phone was hung in limbo. It showed the January phone number and my account said my number was the ported number. Evidently, there is a wide experience gap in the CS folks, so be patient. I was ready to pull the plug today if they hadn't fixed my issue. With a little training, this company could seriously improve their customer image.


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

Customer Service – 0 stars Phone – acceptable I lost 7 days on my 1st card due to not working. I called CS and they got me going, but would not/ could not provide comp for the lost days. I have been complaining for over 30 days. Corp does not care. Customer Service is poor.


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

my phone broke one day and i had to tranfer my plan to another phone which was lame but i had acctually good CS and they extended the time from the lost days surprising but for some reason i lost internet capability which made me frustrated so im dis pleased with that after paying for an umlimted plan then being told u over used unlimted imternet does make sense to me


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

I just got my second ST phone. Goodbye forever sprint! If you are porting a number, make sure you have all your info handy and call into cs – don't use the website! Yes, CS can be a little frustrating at times, but you just have to have a bit of patience and usually your problem is resolved. I have no doubt some people have had poor service w/ ST, but that has just simply not been my experience. I would be willing to bet it's not much worse that sprints. good bye sprint, your service sucks and you are overpriced.


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

I just returned a Straight Talk phone to Walmart. After I got it home and was ready to port my cel number, the cs rep. told me that I could only use my phone in the area where I activated it. I thought that might have been some really good news to tell me before I bought the thing. Can anybody tell me if you can in fact travel from state to state and use this phone. If you have tried it, please contact me at ‘tuf8seconds at yahoo dot com' and let me know. Thanks.


Consumer Review

February 12, 2010

To tuf8seconds You may indeed use your phone and travel to any place where Verizon has coverage. The CS rep. did not know what they were talking about.


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

Hi everyone from Miami Beach. Really miss the 80 degree days we had last week leading up to the super bowl. Was able to check my yahoo email with the info i got from here while at the beach the day of the CBS Morning Early Show concert with gloria estafon here on south beach! Well i'm writing right now to ask anyone if their minutes have rolled over?? my dec 29th mins i purchased and were not used are in my balance when i activated a new card on jan 29. those mins have never been deleted which is a good thing. is this haapening to anyone else?? well i see all the new pics of people in the snow. good luck out there i hope everyone stays safe on those slippery dangerous roads. come to south florida if you can it's the only place where we have 70 or 80 degree days at least once a week. we have had an great winter so far. look forward to hearing from you guys with info on ST. HERE IS AN EMAIL TIP: when checking email instead of using the arrow keys use the volume key, yes thats right the volume key it acts like page up or page down does on a regular computer keyboard. i'll post more tips as i get them. 🙂 all the best, DJ


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

To DJ I have been with Straight Talk since July and my minutes have rolled over every time, except in November. CS and Walmart have always said that you do not have roll over, but apparently they are wrong because I have heard of many others having it too. Email: gsipe09To


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

Does any of you Straight Talk Users know the Email Address to the Phone Like: Verizon uses ‘phonenumberTo' Any Help please


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

Received my phone and immediately set about porting my AT &T number. Less than ten minutes later my AT &T service went off and my ST service was active. I was impressed by the simplicity and how quickly it was completed. So far only had the phone for one day. Call quality is comparable to my old phone and I'm glad to be back on a qwerty keyboard as I am big on texting. Internet is a bit slow but I didn't have it at all on my old phone so thats a bonus for a cheaper monthly rate. So far so good. I'm going camping this weekend so I'll find out how coverage is outside of the Phoenix metro area.


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

DO NOT order your phones from the Straight Talk website! I ordered mine on Monday, paid $15 for the overnight shipping and on Wednesday when I still didn't get shipment confirmation I called them to see what was going on. They never shipped the phones. I asked to refund my card and the rep said they would within 24-48 hrs and the shipment had been stopped. This morning (Thursday) I get an email saying it's still been shipped. Now I have to refuse shipment and the rep I spoke with today told me it'd be 5-7 days before I got my refund. Customer service IS a nightmare and you are told different things. We did go out and just buy the phones from Walmart and were happy with the ease of activiation. Other than customer service, I think we will be happy with our phones. But seriously, buy your phone(s) from or a Walmrt store!! NOT!!


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

To Tom: since StraightTalk is on the Verizon network, you can continue to use [yourcellnumber]To to receive emailed text messages to your phone.


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

After getting irritated with Verizon Customer Service I started researching my wireless options. I've always enjoyed Verizon's superior network with great reception, so I was hesitant to change networks. I was happy to find out I didn't have to! I had the option to keep my existing Verizon phone and activate it with Page Plus Cellular which uses the Verizon network. I liked their plan with 1200 minutes for $30/month. But my phone was old and beat up looking so… I decided to go with StraightTalk which also uses the Verizon network. I bought the Samsung R451 phone with physical slide-out QWERTY keyboard. It has a nice size that is big enough to have a decent screen on it, but is still small enough to easily fit in my slacks or jeans pocket. It also has a MP3 player and an internet browser. I set up my gmail account to forward personal emails as text messages to my phone so I know within 15 seconds when someone emails me (use [yourcellnumber]To The text message contains enough of the email so I know what it's about. If I want to respond I can use the phone's browser to be in my gmail inbox within 30 seconds, typing a reply (save the mobile version of your email website as a bookmark for faster access, and have it remember your password. If you lose your phone just change your email password). The $30/month plan with 1000 minutes and 1000 text messages per month is enough for for me for now. That much money at Verizon would only get me 450 minutes of airtalk with each text message 20 cents extra, and no data. Tips: for fastest and easiest setup buy the phone from Walmart and bring it home and activate it on the website, choosing the recurring debit plan. I did this with a new phone number and the phone was working for calls and internet browsing within minutes. After I was sure that I liked the phone (I really do!) I ported my old Verizon number over. The number was working about ten hours after the process started. My internet browser took almost two days to start working again, though, but that's not a big deal. If I had to do it over I would just port my old number immediately instead of getting a new number first. If I ended up not liking the service I could just port the number again, since it's free. ALSO: you can get rid of the really annoying pre-call message (‘You have 16 hours of time for this call…') by calling customer service and asking them to turn off the pre-call message. Now my calls start immediately the same as if I was on a post-pay phone plan. I love StraightTalk and my R451 phone!


Consumer Review

February 11, 2010

Bought the razor and started on the $30 plan. It was excellent service. Ported my At &t number online. In a few minutes, the At &t service was gone. The problem, my ST service went with it. The phone still thinks it uses the original number and the web account is my ported number. CS says they elevated my trouble to the corporate techs but nothing has been fixed. Meanwhile, both phones are dead. Very dissatisfied with the CS and tech suport. This is an obvious software glitch in the phone or the activation system. I would like to return the phone to Walmart and get another to see if it would activate. I would give a 5 for cellular service but a 1 for CS right now. I have been patient, but…


Consumer Review

February 10, 2010

I have had this phone since the first of February 2010. Brought it home, turned it on, went to the website and used my refill card for 30.00. They gave me a phone within minutes and I have had no problems. I get ebay, google, yahoo, foxnews, just about anything that I want. It is a very inexpensive way to do all of the things more expensive companies offer. No dropped calls. Text is great with the R451c slider. I am in a little town outside of Carson City,Nv. No Cricket here, or boost mobile. Using the Verizon wireless network works fine for us. We couldn't be happier with this phone. I avoided the customer service just because of all the complaints I read about it. I even set up my phone on the 31st of January, but they gave me credit till February 2nd. So my next card is due on March 2nd. I have searched out every company in that offers service in Nevada and none can beat this price.


Consumer Review

February 10, 2010

dont piss me off straight talk. i have a similar sitch to user ‘PissedVA 2010/02/09.' c'mon lil buddy.. this is my second phone, dont let me down now. i believe once i get the phone up and running, i will be fine, because i never have to call cs again. the people in cs are some of the friendliest, most earnest humans ever


Consumer Review

February 10, 2010

that it doesnt give you everything with internet and you cant recieve pictures and its hard to download music and it says mi phone is disabled when i just payed my bill


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

To Kenny I live in So. Indiana and my incoming calls are dropped 90% of the time within 30 seconds. I have been with ST since July and have had the Razor, Samsung 451 and Samsung Finesse 810 (touch screen) and my dropped calls happened on each one, that is the only problem I have ever had with ST. If you find a solution to the dropped calls, please, please let me know how to fix it. Email me at gsipe09To


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

To Kenny I also ported my number over from AT &T and it was up and running within 15 minutes. My web, text, outgoing calls work fine. Now if we could just fix the incoming dropped calls. email: gsipe09To


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

I ordered 2 samsung finesse phones with over night shipping and 2 $45 top-up cards on Feb, 3 2010. It is now Feb, 9 2010 and I have YET to recieve my phones. I have called CS daily, and was told that they ‘SHIP' their phones to fed-ex, was told to wait 24 hours repeatedly, or was told that there was a delay in shipping. My credit card was charged $800.33 instantly when I made the order, and was told that it could take 2 months to get a refund. I tired to reply to the confirmation e-mail I recieved at the time I placed the order, and got an UNDELIVERABLE response to my reply. So after 5 days, I am out $800.33, have NO phones, and CS sucks ROYALLY! I am going to contact the BBB, and my credit card company.


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

has the main page for mobile web changed. I now get a red, white, and blue screen. Unlike the previous screen that showed thing liek horoscope, lottery, weather and so forth. If someone can confirm this, pleas let me know. Web works fine, but just unsure if this ws just my phone or ST in general. I ABOSOLUTELY LOVE ST.


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

To Mempho Main web page has changed. You can use the old page. Click my portal on the main web page.


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

Do what I mentioned below, and the service cannot be beat. Oh, and also don't buy your ringtones through ST. Use Why pay, when you can have it for free.


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

Your ST service experience will be 5 stars if you do the following: (1) Buy your phones and service cards through Walmart, not through ST. (2) Avoid porting a number, the customer service idiots go around in a circle jerk. (3) Don't use their automatic pay system, just simply remember to recharge the day before.


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010



Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

To Kenny Thanks for conformation regarding the main page.


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

I've had a straight talk phone and like it. But i'm having problems with my browser. I've called about I dont know how many times and cant get anywhere with the straight talk people. Dose anyone know how to get the browser to work


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

To Tony My browser never worked on the 3 phones I have had with them since July but I did call on each one and the browser was activated within 4 hours each time. I called CS and told them that my browser wasn't working and the error message it gave me. So they tested my phone somehow and kept doing whatever they did on their end and they kept having me try it but it never worked. So they sent a report to someone about the problem and gave me a ticket number and if that my phone wasn't working within 6 hours to call back and give ticket number. But it did work every time within 4 hours and never once had a problem with it. Hope this helps. To Jesse I had my number ported over in July from AT &T. The first thing to do (if porting your number from another provider) is to call your current provider and ask them what your account number is and what your password is, once you have that information, you are good to go with ST. Call ST and tell them you want to port your number to ST and they will ask some personal questions and the serial number of your ST phone you want to use and they should verify the account number, password, serial number and ported number with you just to make sure they have the correct information on hand. It took them 2 hours to port my number over and it worked fine. (By the way, you do need to call them from a phone that is not with ST or your other provider). But with all 3 of my phones: Razor, Samsung 451 and Samsung Finesse 810 (touch screen), 90% of my calls were dropped in about 30 seconds. Each time I have called them several times and each time they call you to test that phone (as usually it wouldn't act up with them), they tested the line and my ported number, everything checked out fine. So still to this day it is still a mystery why it can't be fixed. My outgoing calls, web, and text all work fine, it's just a problem with the incoming calls. I would love it if someone could tell me how to fix it. They also tell you that you don't receive roll over a it. The price is great and the minutes you get. It takes some patience with CS, just be patient and polite and if you can't understand them, tell them to slow down because you can't understand them and they will work with you. Hope this helps everyone. email me at gsipe09To


Consumer Review

February 9, 2010

I would like to comment on the poor service that is received from straight talk customer service. I enrolled in the $30 plan the first month and before the thirty days were over I enrolled in the unlimited plan and the charged me twice and have been having a difficult time getting a refund for the double charges. The customer service is awful. Do not waste your money buying a phone from walmart.

Peter Y

Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

To Marie, Go to You will find the usb cable for the Samsung slider phone. I have the same complaint. Cs is a nightmare. Live in Ky and have had several dropped calls. I have the Motorazr. I wonder if a different ST phone would make a difference?


Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

I feel that if youare going to sell these types of phone in all areas that it could cover where they are sold at. So if you are going to sell them you need to cover all counties an not just the ones in bigger counties that is not cool.


Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

I purchased my ST phone (samsung R415c)with the $45 unlimited plan. I am elated with the phone and service! I had one small problem when activating my phone. The imei number on the card was one digit off from the one in the phone. The csr was very polite and quick to resolve the problem. I was a bit bummed by the ringtones that the ST site had and having to use a credit/debit card to purchase from them but I found a wonderful site for ringtones and wallpapers, Their tones and wallpapers are free. I have had no problems navigating around the web. I am also impressed with the camera on the phone. I emailed recent pics to myself and was totally surprised at the resolution. Sorry to hear that so many people are having so many problems. I had AT &T prepaid previously. NO WEB, nearly NO CALLS, and an additional text package for more than what I am paying with ST. I am hooked! Very satisfied customer!!


Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

To Tim and rlsaine I’m glad that you guys have the same phone as me and you are loving it, too. It looks like the main problem with straight talk is porting old numbers that involves dealing with customer service. I think if we try to avoid calling customer service, as much as we can (as I do), we will enjoy the service more. Anybody using the Samsung Finness who figures out a way to get some apps on the it, either buy or free, please share it with us because I would like to get more fun stuff on mine.


Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

Add me to the list of dissatisfied customers. I could not get them to transfer my old number and when I told them to just give me a new number, I was told it would take up to 7 days. No phone for 7 days. I would like to tell them where to put their phone. Don't buy one of these phones if you need service in the near future.

Dwayne Williamson

Consumer Review

February 8, 2010



Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

I was with Verizon. Customer service with Verizon took too long and it was always confusing the way you paid them, which many times got me mad. Straight Talk its a new business model in the Cell phone industry which is simple and ‘straight'. I got my wife's and mine numbers port online in less than 10 minutes. Reception is the same as with Verizon. I'm going to be saving 40 dls a month if I stick with the 30 dls plan and about 5-10 dls if I change to the 45 dls plan. The diffence though is that I now have internet, texting and a payment plan I can understand. Customer service at Straight Talk so far faster than Verizon. If you are thinking about changing: DO IT!!!. The usual business model of contracts and fees all over the place is confusing and hinders the market: switch to ST and help propel the change.

Carlos V

Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

Dont try to port a number with this company. You will get a run around for days and days. I paid 145 dollars and still no phone. I am very disastified with this company and they have offered no help to resolve this issue. I turned this company into the better business bureau.

Kim F

Consumer Review

February 8, 2010

I absolutely love this phone service!!!! No complaints from me. I live in a small county and my service is great!!! For the the people complaining about the delivery of the merchandise really needs to be a little more patient…. everytime walmart stocks up on them, they sale out the same day… so im sure the company is very busy. Makes me wonder why you didnt just go to walmart and purchase one…..or were they sold out at yours too? POINT BLANK THIS SERVICE IS AWESOME.. you cant please everyone…


Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

I ordered a Samsung Finesse along with a month of unlimited service from the Straight Talk web site. I placed the order on Thursday about noon and requested next day delivery. The phone arrived Friday morning by FedEx as promised. I followed the simple instructions included in the package and was activated in less than 5 minutes. I did not port a number, so I have no comment on that part of their service. The phone works off the Verizon network, which in my area has excellent coverage. This will vary for others depending on their location. I would give them 5 stars if it was not for the one ‘gotcha' I found in the unlimited plan if you choose not to enroll in the auto-renewal service. If you allow your service to laps you most likely will loose your phone number. This would not be an issue if it were not for the fact that when you add an additional 30 days of service those 30 days start right then, and it also terminates any previously purchased days you still had left. Meaning you could potentially and easily waste purchased days if you do not refill your plan EXACTLY when it is due to expire. Not exactly ‘Straight Talk' in my book. I will be enrolling in the auto-renewal plan, so for me it will not be an issue but it was worth noting.


Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

Please read all of my othe posts. If your having problems please contact the FCC and the BBB. I have been trying to get a number ported over since Dec 13 2009. Lies, lies, lies. Miss communitcations I have told them my information Pin, acct # Ect. over 20 times. I have been told 24 more hours at least 40 times. REALLY! Do they think I believe them. I have called corp in Miami at least you can understand the csr. If I don't have it by tomorrow I want a refund. Maybe I will be the first on to get it. LMA NOT! Please don't get this company if you do it's you own fault!

chris still waiting 55 days and no # port.

Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

I've had my Straight Talk LG 220C phone for just over a week now, and I am VERY pleased with it and the $45 no-plan plan. Activation was easy, although it took a little longer than I had expected because the final 2 digits of the PIN on my $45 card were illegible. The ST customer service rep in the Philippines was patient & helpful in overcoming the glitch. Phone connections here in the Phoenix, AZ area have been excellent, as has the internet connection. The LG 220C phone is perfect for my needs, which do NOT include a camera or other bells ‘n' whistles. For lesser AT &T plan, I had been paying $81-$95/mo. What's not to like??!!

Larry H

Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

I'm PISSED!!!!! S.T was PERFECT for me until one day myspace mobile just stopped working. When my brother calls they tried to make it seem as if they were doing something by telling him ‘take your battery out without turning off the fone, then turn it on,when it turns on check myspace mobile and it should work' when my brother did that myspace still wasn't working then when my brother tells him it's not working he says ‘Oh, myspace mobile is down right now call back in 24 hrs. if it's still not working' it's been about two weeks….S.T is real unprofessional i might just go with metro if they don't get this fixed ASAP!


Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

Hi Tim, you mentioned you got your Samsung Finesse at Walmart. Which store location did you buy it from? I have only seen that model online with Straight Talk.


Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

i bought this phone and switch from boost. worst thing i ever did. i can not recive text messages from boost metro pcs tmobile and i dont know who else. after 5 calls to cs they said it was the other companys fault. bull ST realy is not for me so beware now im out 15o dollars….


Consumer Review

February 7, 2010

I LOVE IT! I bought the Samsung touch screen today at Walmart. I had AT &T and was paying $80.00 a month for unlimited text and 900 minutes! NO INTERNET! I picked the unlimited plan with ST and I love being able to surf the web when I want and not get charged per bit I download. It only took 10 minutes to port my number over. I have read alot or reviews online in the last several weeks and was looking at Boost as well. I was looking at the blackberry. Its 250 plus 60 a month and the coverage is not that good and I have read a ton of horror stories online. ST's Samsung touch screen is abit steep in price $328.99 at Walmart or online. But 45 a month on way better coverage(verizons network) is great! The one thing I wish it had was instant messanger service like my old razor but oh well. Im in love with this phone and am glad I switched!


Consumer Review

February 6, 2010

To Jen go on walmart website & order your touchscreen samsung finesse phone. You will get it alot quicker & it will come by fed-ex in 3 days.

KTo ren

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