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Consumer Review
To slider Thanks for sharing this information with us. Do you have any information about the Finness (R810), because I want to get some apps on it? I went to the site that you mentioned below; I can’t get anything directly on my phone. I have to download ringtones from an SD card and put it on my phone. But when it comes to application, everything I do is worth nothing.
Consumer Review
According to this listing it only offers one plan well it actually offers 2, 30 dollars a month for 1000 minutes and 40 MB of data download. The other option is Unlimited everything for 45 a month. My choice, Now to the good stuff, I have been all over and not lost service. We previously used Metro PCS and the service area's sucked. Lets be real you want to be able to talk if you are using a Cell phone and Metro is good around the big cities but no in rural areas. Straight Talk is the Bomb it works and is most of all Cheaper than a Plan hence why I dropped the crooks at Sprint. They wouldn't even let me drop my plan without a password that they made up.
Consumer Review
Order phone on 1/23 and it now 2/6 and I do not have a working phone after spending over 6 hours on the phone with Straight Talk, and attempting to activate the phone by programming and reprogramming over 20 times. I have called them at lest six times to resolve this issue, and have been LIED to every time, as they will not do what they say they are going to do. YOU CAN NOT TRUST WHAT THEY SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consumer Review
I tell you what happened to me—my dsl was down again I had to get online to take care of something immediately & I couldn't get on my dsl well my str8 talk cellphone came through for me. I have the $30 plan & I got on the internet with my str8 talk phone so yes Str8 talk is gr8. I had AT &T for 8 yrs & I switched over to Str8 talk for $30 plan. At least now I don't have to pay for for texting extra nor using the internet it's not extra with Str8 talk but with AT &T everything was extra & alot more than $30/month on your bill. So yes I'm saving alot of money now & so I got to pay a cancellation fee with AT &T oh they will get their money but in the meantime I'm saving money with Str8 talk & I love it !!!
Consumer Review
For anyone that is moving to a new carrier, ST, or otherwise, there is a way to get out of your contracts without paying that buyout crap. When you signed up originally, you signed a contract. Then when you receive your monthly bills, some times they have that little shiny paper insert in there, that in very tiny writing tells you that your contract is changing, and what the new terms are. If you do nothing, that signifies that you are in agreement with the changes, but if you protest and tell them you do not agree to these new terms, this is not what you originally signed for, you can get out of your contract, since it was them, who changed the terms of service. When you try to tell them this, and the fact they can't charge you for leaving them, they will deny it, at first, or sometimes the CS people just are not knowledgeable about this part, ask for a supervisor, and tell them you will file complaints online with the federal trade commission etc… That is what I did, and I got out of mine without owing a penny. I have had the ST phone and service for 2 months, without a hitch.
Consumer Review
I love the straight talk cell phone everything works great just one question how do i get it to work one myspace mobile? Please tell.
Consumer Review
This phone is the worst !! Bought the samsung slider, after 1 week I still can not connect to the web. I have called and all I hear is: ‘wait 24-48 hours and it will work', NOPE I've waited a week and still nothing. This place is a sweatshop in South America. The phone is going back and I am out the $45.00 for the pre-paid card…next step for me….BBB !!
Consumer Review
I am very pleased with this phone and the monthly cost is great….only one problem. I cannot find a USB connector to fit this phone so I can download ringtones and music onto it. I've checked the samsung website which does not have one and straightalk does not sell any accessories. I would prefer to have a usb connector insteadt of having to buy a memory card reader. Does anyone know where i can find one for the R451C model?
Consumer Review
great phone good service, having a problem with downloading graphics and ringtones. the price is right the svc area is good havent dropped any calls im happy.
Consumer Review
To Bill- Have you tried going on the mobile browser? I think that would work. I have a question: Can you download Opera Mini for the R451C? Thanks.
Consumer Review
I live in st. joseph, mo. and i am thinking about going yo s.t. I have t-mobile now. is the service good up here and can u use other phones that are unlocked?
Consumer Review
Consumer Review
I would like to comment on the phone number issues some people are having. I opened a business last year and got AT &T phone service (landline). After about 3 weeks and spending money on advertising and such we received a call from AT &T. They had given us someone else's number and were taking it back! Never did get the $50 deposit refund I was promised either. ST may not be perfect, but I don't like any of the others either!
Consumer Review
Consumer Review
I ordered the LG290c online, and within 3 days it was at my door. It took me all of about 5 minutes to complete the activation, and I was talking, texting, and doing limited web stuff. I was kinda worried, due to all the bad-mouthing I have read, and all the horror stories .. But, I guess I lead a charmed life .. lol. I will post a followup, after I get a chance to put it thru it's paces .. But, So far I am Totally Pleased.
Consumer Review
i am currently deciding if st is right for me….i want that boost mobile blackberry but its 2 expensive…… i think im going to get the st samsung slider keyboard phone…..i cant wait and plus…it runs off of the verizon network which makes me especially happy…;..i just hope i dnt have the problem that some people had with this phone service…….i need something better than cricket though……
Consumer Review
For anyone that has the Samsung Slider (R45C)or others, why are you paying for ring tones when you can get free ones from Simply have the link to the ring tone texted. When the link arrives, press soft2 and choose extract. Go to the last link and press OK. Voila, free ring tones!
Consumer Review
Hello everybody, I got my phone yesterday. I bought the card and activated it myself – with a new number – on the ST website. I’m telling you: I’m loving my “Samsung Finness” already. The internet is fast. The web browsing is amazing. Moreover, guess what? I typed in and accessed my mails without any problem. Maybe all the drama accessing yahoo mail was with other phones or they already fixed it. As I said, I will do anything I can to avoid dealing with their customer service. It looks like every time we call, the calls are always directed to foreign countries, which is kind off ok. Think about it people. If the service is that great for that price, do you think they can afford to pay Americans only to do the job? Remember in other countries it easier for them to pay a fraction of what they would pay Americans to do the same job. Therefore, we have to get the service that we pay for and deal with the consequences. One more thing that I expected to have on my phone is the GPS. I took the chance to contact CS to find out if they could guide me on downloading the application. I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with that girl (who can barely understand me). After putting me on hold five times for about three minutes each time, she finally told me that ST does not currently have this application on their system, yet. I did not expect any better service because I know better than that. However, you know, I was experimenting. So, the phone is working great. I will quit t-mobile at the end of this month. In addition, I will do everything I can to enjoy the phone with everything that comes with it and the internet that I crave. If anyone knows how to get the GPS on the Finness, please share the trick with me, and I will really appreciate it. Stay put ST users.
Consumer Review
So far, so good. It took a little bit of finesse to get my number transferred, but they still managed to figure it out. If are having trouble understanding the CS reps, just call back and find someone more helpful!!! GREAT COVERAGE!! GREAT DEAL!!! $30 a month!!!!!!
Consumer Review
Straight Talk is straight up best thing ever, nobody can complain about minutes, text and data all unlimited for only $45, and best bit is thats all they charge, there are no hidden charges. Im really pleased the 411 calls are free too. The phones are ok, nothing specail but they are rather decent none the less. Signal is good, I have not dropped a call in about a month. CS needs some work but if you try and try again they can get every thing sorted, so no complaints. Im enjoying saving alot of dough, i worked out the savings compared to my contract and i must say im impressed.
Consumer Review
please someone that has a samsung slider phone and they r able to get the ringtones they purchesed through please tell me how i can get my ringtone. Since the straighttalk csr has me too wait 24 to 48 hours for the 3rd day now and i still have no rintone! 99.00 phone ya its great, however there are 3 bell tones and 2 alert tones. Can someone thats been having no problems with getting ringtones please tell me how i can accomplish this. They say they are just checking the issue, but should i take my phone back and get another one. OMGosh i would hate to go through all that again. Please help thank you.
Consumer Review
I was skeptical about switching to Straight Talk, but for the price compared to our Sprint plan, it was worth a shot. I didn't want to port our Sprint numbers until we tried it out, so we got a LG290 and a Samsung Finesse and activated both with new numbers. Have had absolutely no problems with either phone and the phone service was MUCH better than Sprint. Have had no dropped calls whatsoever and dropped calls were a daily occurence with Sprint. I can now make calls in my own house which was not always easy with Sprint. After 2 weeks, we were comfortable with the Straight Talk service and were ready to port over our Sprint numbers. It was scary after reading all the horror stories that are on this website and others, but decided to bite the bullet and do it. We knew that we would lose the minutes on the service card when we changed the numbers and would have to activate a new service card, but that was cheaper than paying for another month of Sprint service. Less than 24 hours later for each phone, we had working Straight Talk phones with our Sprint phone numbers. Yes, it takes a while to talk to the customer service people and you have to give the same information over and over, but with a little patience they got the job done. I really like the Samsung Finesse. It is not a smart phone by any means, but what it does, it does nicely. I had a Windows Mobile HTC Touch with Sprint and am glad to be rid of it as I had nothing but problems with it.
Consumer Review
These phones are not very social network friendly, also will not play online media or NO APPZ Strictly a basic music camera phone.
Consumer Review
I have had straight talk for a month now. Phone service is great but customer service is terrible. I am still unable to access the mobile web/ringtones section on their website as I continue to receive a message that there is a problem authorizing my account. I have called 6 times so far, been put on hold with people who can barely understand English, and have been told over again that they are escalating the issue and someone will fix the problem and call me back soon. Now, I am receiving constent bad gateway error messages when I try to access website through my phone's browser. I am now sending a help letter to the corporate office.
Consumer Review
Anyone using the Samsung Finness who has applications such as games, GPS, etc. let me know how to get them on my phones too, please. Or if you know a way to get it for cheap, share the tricks with me. Because I called ST's CS about that. You know: they were not of much help. They said that ST does not have that on their phones, yet. So, share with me anything good that you might have. Other than wanting more, I'm satisfied with what I have so far because $45 could not get me more than that from the other guys. Cheer.
Consumer Review
OK ppl… here is how to fix your yahoo mail issues on your ST phone. Access your browser, press the soft2 key, scroll down to Go to URL, you will see ‘http://', type in to where it reads it will now bring up the yahoo sign in page. After doing this, you should be able to access your mail without repeating this process. Hope this is a help to you… good day!
Consumer Review
I followed Owattawoman's 02-03-10 advice and entered ‘' into the ‘Go to Url' entry screen on my Samsung slider phone. It worked for me. I avoided the 502 error screen and went directly to yahoo mail sign-in and accessed my yahoo email account. I’;ve had ST for almost one month and it finally works, albeit cumbersome and annoying. Hope its fixed in the very near future.
Consumer Review
OMG OMG WORKS!! I still love ST and $30.00 a month phone bill. dont miss paying sprint $80.00 every 4 weeks. HEY ! i'm up early to go see Gloria Estafon perform live on CBS Early Show 7am to 9am it's the live tv broadcast on all CBS stations for the SUPER BOWL. i live in south beach and you guys can get to see our awesome beach we have here in miami beach, fl. it's all happening one block away from my apt. OTHER GOOD NEW about the ST Samsung Slider phone – Right here: When you are in your email you have to take alot of time to use the arrow keys to go line by line. i found out use the ‘volume key' and its works FASTER like the page up or down on your computer key board. Well got to have breakfast and put on the sunblock on. Today's high is expected to reach the high 70's lots of good nice February sun. Fri. from 7-9 am the Early Show will broadcast live as well. I'll be able to check my yahoo email for the 1st time in 10 days right while i'm right at the ocean or when i finish my run after sunset on the beach around 630 pm tonight! I sincerely want to thank you all for your the help from everyone on this web site. both the good, bad and entertaining reviews. if you want to read my review of ST in the listings its here dated 1/29/10. I was very wordy but was just killing time waiting for my girlfriend and was excited to have a new slider phone and discounted verizon cell service… I'll write again when i get more ST info since you guys helped me 1st I want to help you guys in return… have to go see the sun rise from my window and continue to celebrate life in this tropical paradise. now that i live here full time i know why they say on those ads on tv: ‘am i in heaven… or am i in miami'.
Consumer Review
Hello, I'm thinking about switching to ST and using the Samsung R415c. I would like to know the following before doing so: Does it have GPS? can personal email be configured in it? I don't mean going to the mail website, but more like having it's one email program. Don't want to call sales or tech support, I'd rather hear from actual users. Thank you in advance
Consumer Review
Love the service and the phone.Switched from 100.00 dollar sprint bill to 30.00 dollars and it works everywhere.The phone is the LG290c which is great.Highley recommend ST.
Consumer Review
Thanks for the great news people. Although I’m still waiting for my “Samsung Finness” to be delivered, those good news about ST enchant me because I can’t wait to quit paying t-mobile $60 a month for just unlimited minutes and 400 text. I’m glad that you guys figured out a way to access yahoo! Mail. I’m planning on enjoying it as much as I can because for the first time ever, I’m really gonna be “unlimited” for $45 month. Who can beat that? Wish me good luck people because I need it!!!
Consumer Review
I have been with Straight Talk since July and been through 3 phones (Razor, Samsung 451, Samsung Finesse 810). I am currently using the Samsung 451. Everything work perfect on it, the only problem I have had since July is that 90% of my incoming calls are dropped about 30 seconds into the conversation. It is very frustrating. Especially when you are expecting an important call and when it finally comes through, it drops then the number, automatically, is dropped so you can't call them back. They think you hung up on them. Customer Service has ran tests on the phone, the line and my ported number, everything is fine. They call the phone and it doesn't drop. Can anyone at all help to try to resolve this problem? I do the *228 then 2 to update the roaming capabilities every so often and I still have the dropped calls. I will try anything at this point. Thanks in advance. You may email me as well at gsipe09To
Consumer Review
P.S. If your phone doesn't have a soft2 key, go to menu after accessing browser and follow directions on my post below.
Consumer Review
To Marshall B – Yup, this corrected the problem. I followed your directions exactly. In theory, this should work for other phones as well but with minor differences in getting to the prompt to type in the URL. Again, the url is
Consumer Review
Wow…some folks sure have been through it with ST. It was absolutely effortless for me. The rep on the phone was polite, friendly and professional. My service was activated 5 minutes after I hung up with him. I was told it could take from 4 hours to 7 days to keep my old phone number. I got the 99.00 Samsung and the 45.00 far everything is perfect and I would highly recommend it. I was paying 86.00/mo from ATT and only had 700 minutes…this (so far) a great deal! SS
Consumer Review
I've had Straight Talk since last November. I use it mostly for texting because everybody wants to text instead of call anymore. The last 3 calls I've had on it were dropped after a few seconds.I can't complain about the monthly price because my kids were bankrupting me texting all the time on my old prepay. The only thing that bothers me is when I send a text to anyone on Verizon I automatically get a duplicate text back. Anyone know how to get rid of that? If I used the phone for talking more I would probably be a little mad about the dropped calls but so far for the money I'm satisfied.
Consumer Review
I got my phone a week ago, the LG slider, I love the phone and the service! It took about 5 minutes to activate my phone and get my number with no problems! The service is ran on Verizon's network so it has awesome coverage! I haven't had any problems what so ever like I've read in some of the reviews on here. It seems like there could be a problem with people porting their phone numbers, seems to be a hit and miss thing. I've had no dropped calls, texting is instant, everything sounds crystal clear, web browsing is great! And yes I use Yahoo and if you just set your url to this, it will work and you can check your mail!! I get unlimited minutes, unlimited text, unlimited web browsing, and unlimited 411 calls for $45 a month and ran on Verizon's network! Come on people, you can't beat this! The service works great! I previously had a contract with Verizon with unlimited minutes, unlimited text and web and was paying $140 a month plus tax, for a total of $175 a month! What a rip! I didn't even get the unlimited 411 calls with that plan! I'm so happy I switched to Straight Talk, it saves me a bundle and I get to stay on Verizon's network!
Consumer Review
I just submitted my review and forgot to rate the stars. 5 starts all the way baby!
Consumer Review
I love straight talk, I have never had a probem, and it has saved me hundreds already, I got the slider phone and its a great phone, I Couldnt be happier
Consumer Review
Paradox of choice is why your all mad … any other company, same stuff…its not your fault. Just keep hating … our people in this country will never be satisfied except for the ones that are logical thinkers. Straight Talks fine in my opinion …transfered number from tracfone with 45$ card and web didnt work right away but resolved pretty quickly.
Consumer Review
To Joe Perfect works now thanks for the info !!!
Consumer Review
If any review SHOULD STEER you AWAY from this company, this is the one: OVERALL RATING: F CUSTOMER SERVICE: F All problems were only resolved when I, the customer, troubleshot each process failure and then mediated between both carriers. They should pay me. DAY 1 begin activiation process. DAY 4 receive phone call that I did not use correct security pin. Ask ST rep what pin he used, and it is not the one I gave them. DAY 7 I called my current carrier to find out the hang up, ST did not provide my account number-which I did give them. Carrier agrees to speak with ST real-time, but ST refuses to make the phone call. Day 10 Called current carrier to verify that ST had yet to send over required information. ST porting dept still refuses to speak with current carrier. 5. Day 11, ST finally agrees to call porting dept of current carrier. Guess what…I need to wait 24 hours. Here are some other reasons: We have a timer on our home phone and the last three phone calls to ST were 45, 56, and 61 minutes in length. I was transferred from dept to dept, but when I ask what department I was being transferred to, all the reps were stumped and answerless. My need was simple: port my number. Yet each representative failed miserably due to lack of training, accountability, initiative and good ol' brain power. What they did do, was tell me the problem was resolved and to wait 24-48 hours, that is how we got to 11+ days. By the way, it only takes about 4(four)hours to port a number, if everyone is doing their job correctly. Final comments, if a new phone is activated with a new phone number, there will probably be zero problems because it is an automated process, no thinking people are required.
Consumer Review
Consumer Review
I just bought the Straight Talk LG220 phone and activated the 30.00 monthly plan to try the service out. My findings are 5 stars. it only took me 15 minutes to log in and activate the account. All my calls are received fine and the incoming calls have great reception. The small phone is perfect in size for the pocket and durable. I like the fact it tells me how much time I have before each call. I do not text or take photos and have no need to use for online searching so for basic purposes this is an excellent plan and service for my use. I will definitely switch to the 45.00 monthly plan. I do not have to always question my bills like I did Sprint or Verizon. I do not have to worry about losing my job and then get hit with late fees or termination fees, which are outrages. Plus no credit check and outrages deposit fees.
Consumer Review
After making many many calls to StraightTalk over the past 3 months, a rep called back today. She reported that it is YAHOO's fault. The StraightTalk rep says no need to call StraightTalk anymore. So folks, just blame yahoo!!!!! Please, if someone knows a way to access yahoo via StraightTalk, please share the info. Thanks.
Consumer Review
Error 502: Bad Gateway is definitely a problem on TracFone.
Consumer Review
Love em or hate em Walmart offers the consumer the best prices. I use their 10 dollar 90 day prescriptions they were the first. I use their 45 dollar unlimited talk, text, web. With no hidden fees. Buy a phone Buy a card thats it. I regret the fact that I paid a tax that I self imposed on myself with other cell phone companies. Remember when you had to pay for internet by the hour. Thank goodness thats gone. Now straight talk is taking cell phones to the same level. I have had zero problems. I use the cheap phone 39.95 dont need bells and whistles. My son uses the 99.95 phone. He's young and needs all that I guess. I cancelled his cricket and got him into this progam. Cricket sent me a bill for his month not used and for the next month, said if I wanted to continue I had to pay for a month not used. What a skam along with their taxes. Buy a phone buy a card thats it, no problems along with great coverage area. If you still pay to use the internet by the hour stick with those outdated cell phone plans, if not use Straight Talk
Consumer Review
For those having problems accessing Yahoo email … try setting your phone URL to I found it on the Yahoo website and since using it, everything has run just fine. I've been using ST for about 3 months now … have used it in North & Central Florida, California, and Nevada….. have had 0 problems on voice, text, and internet. (The Yahoo Problem really is NOT Straight Talk's fault! Yahoo itself reset its URL for email)
Consumer Review
Good luck finding any kind of customer service! Can't get the web browser to work, nobody understands ENGLISH!!!!!! Customer Service is in South America, when asked for a USA # we were given a phone number for a pool service in Wisconsin??? I think this was a BIG mistake!! Thank you WalMart.
Consumer Review
Haven't tried this yet.. But we all know Yahoo can be sneaky. I mean why did they have to go and change things? Think about it. Anyway, here is what I have read on this site, maybe it needs to be repeated. I see alot of people asking why they can't access yahoo email. All I can say is try this::: For those having problems accessing Yahoo email … Try setting your phone URL/address to I found it on the Yahoo website and since using it, everything has run just fine. (The Yahoo Problem really is NOT Straight Talk's fault! Yahoo itself reset its URL for email) I have the Samsung Slider phone, can't remember the name of it. Had this one for two months, no issues at all and we have the $45.00 card both times. I am going to buy the LG290C this week with a $45.00 card. Tell ya what, beats the hell out of my Alltel Blackberry Curve and their $89. monthly fee for 500 mins, 15 my circle. But by the time they add all their little fees and taxes and this and that.. my bill is way over $150. a month. Tired of the Blackberry, tired of Alltel, Tired of all the HIGH bills and no explanations why. Straight Talk may have issues, but Alltel has a helluva lot more. *stepping down off of my soapbox* sorry people.
Consumer Review
Best switch I ever made. UNLIMITED SERVICE for 45 bux a month…Beats the Hell out of AT &T, voice AND text. Decent phones. Verizon network. No contracts. Says it all……
Consumer Review
I switched from ATT to Straighttalk and love it. My ATT phone was supposed to cost me $39.99/mo and my bill was NEVER under $100 (and I never went over my minutes). My service is flawless with Straighttalk and my bill is always $30/mo. I'm lovin it!
Consumer Review
Im into this phone day 3 now and still no number and no help. When you actually get to talk to some one it sounds like they are standing in a giant waterfall. Dont waste your time and money. I had a t-mobile prepaid and they suck too but not as bad, and their CS is actually in the states, weird huh.
Consumer Review
AVOID – AVOID – AVOID – AVOID – AVOID My advice is to avoid ST.Com ‘like the plague!!!' After 9 mos. of using their service (unlimited auto bill)… I woke up one morning 02/01/10 and they had given my phone number to someone else and deactivated my phone! So all my calls were going to someone else! I spent over 6 hours on the phone trying to get the issue resolved. After about an hour they finally admitted they had erred in reassigning my number to someone else. And they indicated they would give me my number back… but… they could only do so… if… if drove 500 miles from Dallas (where I was located to St. Louis) to return to my original area code, so they could reactivate my phone in that area code. In the meantime… I would not be able to receive any of my calls – business calls, or personal calls. Let me repeat that… I could not receive any of my calls, until I return to St. Louis a month from now!!! After 2 days of talking with innumerable customer service folks and their supervisors, their Phillipines group referred me to their affiliate TracFone's customer service unit in Miami. They were a bit better, and ultimately reported they would have my number back to me and reactivated on my phone in '24-48′ hours. 24 hrs later I called them back in Miami, and they told me that they were unable to obtain my number from Verizon – that Verizon had ‘confiscated' my number and would not release it to be returned to me. As you may know they use Verizon's network system. I assume Verizon does that to avoid legal risk over a disputed number – who knows why? They finally reactivated my phone with a new number – which is a huge inconvenience and impediment to conducting my business. No doubt I'll be moving back to my original carrier – ATT, after this abuse by TracFone / ST and Verizon! Need I say more…
Consumer Review
Please report all problems to the FCC! RUN RUN RUN RUN Away Far Away Well here we go again! For the 35 time I have to wait another 24 to 48 hours. I still have no #. Neither company will take the blame. This is crap!!!!! Please read all my other posts.
Consumer Review
I ordered the phone and during the set up it was horrible. The ‘customer service' person I spoke with had terrible English and it made things very difficult. I only kept it a month and then returned the phone. I was not comfortable with this organization running my cell phone. I don’;t care how cheap they are.
Consumer Review
I got my phone in oct. 09. I had my number ported from net 10 and it took about 2 hours. It took about 3 days to get my internet working but since then everything has been great. the other day they upgraded their internet and now I can open with msn mobile, igoogle or yahoo mobile. it's been great for me
Consumer Review
Straight Talk gave MY phone number (that I had for 2 years prior to changing over to S. T. in JULY 2009. They gave it to someone named Tabetha around the 1st of January (today is FEB 2). I can't begin to explain the problems to represent them as bad as they really are. It has been just horrible. As of yesterday calls are still going to ‘Tabby's' voice mail even though 2 weeks ago (and several times since) I was assured that S.T. ‘DEactivated her phone with my number'. I have zero confidence in this company and have no hope of EVER having my phone number to myself again. I have NO CHOICE but to get another cell phone with another company.
Consumer Review
To Paul You're welcome! I am thinking about purchasing the Samsung Finesse. I am asking you if you could let me know how well the Finesse works and what you think of it when everything is set up and working. Please list your Pros and Cons. Thank you.
Consumer Review
To Paul I'm not sure about the auto-refill. I don't do auto-refill I read to many negative reviews about them over charging for the auto-refill so I just buy my service card To wal-mart & refill it online much easy & faster than giving them my credit card number which I will not do that. Just log in to your str8 talk account & refill it with the service card you purchase To wal-mart. That's my advice anyways other than that I've had no problems with the str8 talk services. Although when it came time to refill my hubby's phone my dsl was down so I had bought a service card & I had to call it in using my str8 talk phone went through just fine. I hope this helps you.
Consumer Review
Wal-mart is a bussiness that deals with imports all the way. Anything you buy is useually not made in the usa and anytime you try to act upon your warenty you are useually talking with people overseas that have never even stepped foot on US soil. The prices are better but you have to deal with the headaches and smile because you have saved money!
Consumer Review
another promise to report my inability to get into yahoo e-mail today. Obviously none of the other reports helped. Each rep says they will call back, but I've never heard back from anyone.
Consumer Review
To Sonnyb. I'm in Greenville, SC, upstate and I love this service. I changed from AT &T. Certain parts of my neighborhood were dead zones and certains roads/hills in the area were also dead zones with AT &T. I promise you I have not had one dropped call since moving to ST and the people I talk to on the phone are much clearer and louder. Whether the ‘louder' is because of this phone, I don't know, but I'm really happy with all of it. Hope that helps.
Consumer Review
To Person and KTo ren. Thanks to you guys for answering me question. I actually called the CS and talked to someone that already made it clear for me. I'm still waiting for my phone (the samsung finness). I read so many bad reviews about their customer service so what i'm gonna do is that as soon as i receive the phone, i will activate it online and setup auto refill to avoid dealing with the customer service. Wish me good luck people because I have got to leave t-mobile. I think that it is ridiculous to be paying $60 dollars a month for just “unlimited minutes and 400 text messages” which I don’t even use 50% some time. And like I said, reception wise I see my son’s phone always has two bars or more however in some locations – inside my house – my t-mobile even drops calls. So I expect that I’m satisfied at least on this point. Therefore, my plan is to avoid dealing with ST’s at CS as much as I can in other to enjoy their service. I’m gonna get a different number with ST while I’m keeping the existing t-mobile number for one month. By the time the first month is over, I should get situated with straight talk’s service. Regards
Consumer Review
I bought the ST a week ago. I tried having my Virgin Mobile number transfered over to ST but they told me it would take an hour to 7 days to transfer the number. The only problem I have had so far is that I cant access yahoo on it.
Consumer Review
Avoid this scam like the plague…!!! Straight Talk may be good for people who make the occasional cell call, but if you want to do ‘stuff' with your cell phone, STEER CLEAR. BIG TIME. I had about 40 Christmas pictures in my phone. BIG MISTAKE. I found out later that there is NO WAY IN HELL to get the pictures out of these lousy phones…!!! You can't Bluetooth them, USB them, or put them on the ‘Online Album' that no one at Straight Talk Customer Service know about. I spent 3 hours today trying to get the pictures out of the phone. Their customer service is utterly worthless. They just read from scripts and ‘thank you profusely' and keep asking me ‘is there anything else I can do for you today?' This bugs me because they CAN'T DO ANYTHING and they are so worthless they could not get you yesterdays newspaper if you asked them. My major complaints: 1. Web site worked only once for me. 2. Phones are ‘lacking in features' and have a ‘cheap feel' to them. 3. Customer service ‘in name only' and all foreign speakers poor English. 4. Web browser worked only after I complained for about a week. 5. No help from Wal-Mart. 6. No help from Trac Fone (real Straight Talk owners.) 7. No help from phone maker LG..!!! 8. It's JUST A WASTE OF TIME… i am sorry I bothered with this junk. Now I am back to my old service and can appreciate it more. Just remember…you only get what you pay for…!!!
Consumer Review
I LOVE ST!!!! Me and my husband switched from Verizon 300 dollars a month to st and we love it we have saved so much money!!! I wanna get the samsung r451!
Consumer Review
I recently purchased a straight talk phone to replace my t-mobile service and have had to call in to customer service at least on 5 different occasions with problems concerning this phone. I cant even access my email which is one of the things the carrier promises that you have access to the internet. But rarely does the service work. The customer service sucks and it takes several days just to get anything fixed. I would not recommend Straight Talk to anyone they have a lot of problems and kinks that they need to work out.
Consumer Review
I agree, I love straight talk, but the web does suck. I do hope they fix that in time.
Consumer Review
Consumer Review
I'm not a big talker on my cellphone. That's why I ditched the traditional plan I had with AT &T and decided to try the pre-paid route. At first, I went the AT &T GoPhone because I liked the idea of being able to swap the sim card in to the other unlocked phones that I have. It was also nice because most of my friends and family are on it, so after the $1 a day usage charge, I could talk with them with unlimited minutes. But there were so many other aspects about it that I didn't like. And after seeing the in store commercials at Walmart, I thought that the Straight Talk plan might be exactly what I was looking for. I came to this site to read some reviews on it, and was a little scared when I saw all the complaints about porting numbers and dealing with customer service. But, in a moment of reckless spontaneity, I decided to jump in and give it a try. I bought a LG 290c slider phone and the $30 a month plan. Then I came home to activate it online and port my number. Then I waited. And waited. While some people talk about it happening in minutes, and although they say it could take up to seven days, after a number of hours, nothing was happening. I was getting worried, but since my old phone was still working, I wasn't too worried. Then the next day I had my first dealing with Customer Service. They called me to tell me that they were having trouble porting my number and were wanting me to confirm with them was my old account number was. As it turned out, I had put in the wrong number for my old account, and that's why it wasn't registering. So after correcting my error, my number was ported in a few minutes and I was up and running with my new phone. As far as Customer Service goes, they were extremely helpful, and unlike a lot of people's experiences, their English was excellent. I was really impressed (so much so that I found that I had to write this review to relay my experience). It's now been over a week, and after I called them to have them deactivate the notification of how many minutes I have remaining before making a call, everything is working perfectly. I couldn't be happier. I recommend anyone who doesn't care about having the latest and greatest phone give this company a try. You're not going to be able to walk in to a store to get help, but they make up for that with some really low prices.
Consumer Review
I would give this phone plan lower than 1 if I could. I bought the $100 phone, and the $45 unlimited plan. When I went to refill my plan, I used it a few days and they gave my number away! And I lost the remaining 27 days of service I had purchased. And now no one will help over the phone. Also, you have to REALLY read the fine print. Unlike other prepaids, if you add new time too soon, you lose all other other time you had. And even though the plan says ‘unlimited', if you use more than what they feel is ‘normal' use, they can shut your phone off. One massive headache and a waste of money!
Consumer Review
This is like torture! I have never experienced such a huge problem as much as I have now. I took this service. On Friday Jan. 30th 2010 I tried to transfer my old cellphone's number from another company onto the new one I bought. The rep said because you discontinued your old number a day before from the other company, they cannot transfer the old number. I said ‘Ok, fine. Give me a new number.' and they said wait for 24 hours. It has been 3 days and I still haven't been able to get my phone activated. I called several times asking when my phone would get activated. They said in 24 hours. It's been 3 days! When will this '24 hours' end? Only they know what their definition on of '24 hours' is. What should I do now? I've spent $100 the phone and $45 for the pre-paid unlimited plan. tell me guys what to do.
Consumer Review
Is anyone here from South Carolina? I am wondering if the signals are better or worse here.
Consumer Review
Horrible, I bout a phone 8 days ago thought I was going to port my number from Virgin, but both companies keep blaming each other for the failed port, now I have asked to cancel port and just get a straight talk number and I was told another 48 hours just to do that…; this is total BS I have filed a complaint with the FCC on both companies this is just a joke and I feel like they have stolen my money, I am not sure about anyone else but I don't have 145 ( phone and service ) to toss down the drain.
Consumer Review
Glad I didn't read the negative reviews before getting ST. Didn't give a five star rating because I did have an initial problem that took determination and tact to overcome. I found that customer service lines to Belize were a little difficult due to lots of static on the line, and some people were still learning their jobs. BUT: by hanging up when the line went to Belize and calling CS back, I could get an American (someplace in Texas?) My problem was that after a false start trying to use a phone someone passed along to me when they upgraded my $45 card wasn't usuable. However, I went to WalMart and DID get a refund and new card, but I had to stay firmly at the counter and repeat, ‘That is not acceptable' each time the employee told them they couldn't refund for the cards. Also said, ‘You can't sell someone a service and not provide it,' several times. Turns out the service desk has a supervisor who CAN override their computer and give you a refund but ONLY to provide you with another card. NOW I HAVE HAD NOTHING BUT EXCELLENT COVERAGE, CLARITY, ETC. So much so that I plan to upgrade to a better phone. I have recommended it to friends and they have also been enthusiastic about their service. TWO LAST POINTS: Other companies sometimes mess up and one has to sort them out as well…..I'd rather do that at $45 a month than a hundred or more. AND I AM FED UP WITH MONTH TO MONTH SERVICES FOR EVERYTHING FROM HEAT TO PHONE TO CABLE CLAIM I'LL GET A CERTAIN PRICE (SAY $79.75) BUT THE ACTUAL BILL IS ALWAYS MORE, FROM A FEW TO SEVERAL DOLLORS. WITH ST, I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M PAYING AND I GET VERY GOOD SERVICE.
Consumer Review
If you discontinue service under their 30 day trail, good luck getting your refund!! I've been waiting since Dec.19th, and was told today it would be another 15-30 days!!! This is the 3rd time! Also, you'll be speaking to someone in South America!!
Consumer Review
AVOID AVOID AVOID!!! After a year with them they erroneously ported my number to a new customer and deactivated my phone. My account was active and current. I spent over 2 hours on the phone with their customer service dept. trying to get them to correct their error. They did reactivate my phone with my correct number, but explained that I would have to return 500 miles to my office address so the phone could be reprogrammed in my ‘original zip code.' And… that since I wouldn't be returning to that area code for another month, I'd just have to miss all my calls, for that month, until I ‘can return to the original zip code, so my phone can be reactivated / reprogrammed in the original zip code.' Oh yes… and they also explained that was not a limitation of their system, but ‘a management policy,' which they could not override. Otherwise, they said it would take 10 minutes to resolve the problem! Well… you get the picture… AVOID AVOID AVOID – ‘like the plague!'
Consumer Review
Hey People, glad to be part of this community. I live in Palmdale, CA. My son had the ST phone for his Bday. The phone works just fine. On his phone, i check my e-mail on hotmail, g-mail but not yahoo! Mail (giving me the error code “bad gateway”. I'm actually with T-mobile but i'm thinking about switching to ST because I have unlimited minutes (49.99) and 400 texts (4.99). Therefore, $45 a month is tempting, hum. I already ordered the Samsung smart phone at But, after I read all these reviews, I’m undecided. I see that when I go to search for service or phone on the St’s website, they ask for my zip code to verify the area where you're gonna use the phone/service. Question, does that mean that I can only use the phone on that particular zip code? If this is the case, this is not a cell phone. It'd rather be called a codeless phone. I would have to return the phone w/o activating it because I travel a lot across the cities in CA and states in the US. So, please help me and give me constructive advice.
Consumer Review
No problem switching my number from Sprint. Called customer service twice about other things, very short wait and very helpful. Exactly what I want/need from a cell phone…cheap phone, free 411, and no contract! (Took away one star because 411 does not have live operator, it does however understand my strong Boston accent!)
Consumer Review
To Paul to your concern about zip-codes I put in a number port n my zip-code but my number I had for 7 yrs with at &t is not in my zip-code area but when I first got my cellular phone with at &t I used my local zip-code & they gave me a Memphis, TN number which I live 45 minutes from Memphis, TN & I had my for 7 yrs with at &t till I ported over to str8 talk so when I went to activate my str8 talk phone I ported my number over & it doesn't make a difference in my calls. My services is just fine. No problems whatsoever here. So I hope with this information that helps you.
Consumer Review
We bought 2 phones in November. I've written positive reviews on this site–but now I have come to understand that customer service (even at the so-called corporate office) needs to be improved. My one problem is that I cannot access yahoo e-mail. I've called customer service several times. More than once I've been told that my problem has been reported. The next time I call I find out that the report was not made. Another time I had a number for a fix it order. When I called back another rep told me the records show my problem had been fixed. It had not. Then I was told that the rep was writing an order for a new phone. I should wait up to 10 days. I called back. Rep said no new phone had been requested and that I should just wait a couple days until StraightTalk fixed the yahoo e-mail problem. I asked to talk with a supervisor. Was told that my call could not be transferred. If you call customer service,I suggest keeping a record of the date, ask for the reps name and always wait for the rep to give you a number that documents what he/she has done. I have waited over 2 months and still do not have yahoo-email access. Otherwise, I am satisfied with the service.
Consumer Review
To Paul It will recieve service and work as long as you are in a Verizon coverage area. They asked you for your zipcode to see where you would be using your cell phone the most.
Consumer Review
Well, I suppose you people that don't like straight talk must not like anything cuz they rock! Awesome service,Unlimited!!!!!Perfect is the word I would use to describe my phone service!
Consumer Review
Katie B, we are unhappy with the service we are getting. We paid what everyone has paid but we are not getting the service. We have not stated that we dislike ST. We are simply asking for what we paid for! And i understand we have the right to express that feeling. Personally, i ported my number and the number was instantly released by my previous carrier. At the same instant, that number stopped working. The temporary number from ST also stopped working at the same time. So you will think 2 numbers off; one will come back on soon. No, it never did. It would take 6 days before it did. So smile porting is complete. No not too fast. 3 days later, the number is off again for more than 24 hours. Got hold of CS and they apoligised and said activation was not complete. If activation was not complete, how in the world would the phone work perfectly for 3 days? Ok We got it fixed and you think this is the end of my troubles. No, cus half an hour later, the browser is down again? Any normal human being will be fuming with rage. And guess what. When i got hold of them again; they had the guts to apologise and tell me once again that my activation was incomplete. I lost my cool and was literally swearing on the phone with this guy. I was asking him for my money but he promised to fixed the problem and to extend my airtime to march 1st. It is still less than 24hours and everything is working normal so far
Consumer Review
Do not port in your number to STRAIGHT TALK. You will regreat it if you do. Just let them give you a new number and hopefully you will be fine
Consumer Review
well here is the deal. i'm thinking about getteng a streigth talk phone. so should i get one?!?!
Consumer Review
too many issues with Straight-talk,I just want a phone that works without all the hassles,there are some real customer service problems here,can't recommend it
Consumer Review
I purchased a Straight Talk phone in Dec. and have found the coverage in Eastern NC to be below par. I had Verizon service before which I was pleased with except for the price. The cell tower is less than 1/2 mile from my house and the signal varies from 5 bars to no signal in just a few minutes on my ST phone. My wife still has the Virizon plan and has 5 bars all the time. I have talked to ST tech support several times and they keep telling me to try a new phone. This is my 3rd phone and I get the same results. I also checked the Verizon pre paid coverage map down to my street address and it shows that I have coverage. I travel all over Eastern NC and have found the ST coverage to be only about 50% of what I had with Verizon. Where I use to have 5 bars I will only get 2 with the ST phone. Has anyone experienced this problem?
Consumer Review
OK, where to start. They took my money 49 days ago they have tried to port my number at least 6 times. They filled out the port request wrong 3 times and sent it to the wrong phone company 2 times. They have told me 24 hours over 30 times. I have spent so many hours on the phone I can't even guess. As of Friday I spoke with Tracfone HQ about this matter she told me I would have to wait untill Tues, later that day I got a call letting me know ST just got off the phone with my current provider and it would be ported by the end of the day. At 7:30 pm I got another call asking me to contact my current provider and ask them to release my # because they haven't heard from my provider yet. I then explained for the 20th time that it would do no good because my company will not speak with me they will only speak with the ST port department and they closed at 5pm est. I also told him about my 2 earlier calls. He knew nothing about those calls. So here I am still waiting. No one at ST listens or follows up with each other. I still don't have a phone that works. Please read all of my other posts.
Consumer Review
I actually can't complain about my experience with StraightTalk, though I have yet to talk to customer service. I've had a happy relationship for 3 months with this service and still can't believe I'm only paying $45 per month for unlimited talk/text/data. I got the new Samsung phone with the slide out keyboard and I also saw a touch screen Samsung on their website (seems slightly comparable to iPhone). The fact that it runs on the Verizon network is a big plus for me because there are a bunch of towers in my surrounding area and my service is impeccable.
Consumer Review
Din't have ever have a problem with this company,there customer service sucks, you get shipped around to different dept. put on whole for at lease 2 minute while there check there systems. after having a problem with my prepaid card, I found out that there never activated my card and my son had no service when he needed it. after I was told it was activated. I'm cancelling my service, and telling everyone I know about this company not to get it and stay awway from this service.
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Consumer Review
Consumer Review
cost is great, half as much as my previous verizon. customer service is horrific. took multiple tries to port number. multiple calls to cust. service to get auto refill, multiple calls to set up account, now trying to get ringtones. ringtones don't go to my phone but yet i get billed for them. getting tired of customer service
Consumer Review
So far so good. I use mine as our main phone in the house. I have three young teens who like to text but I can not afford to buy then each a phone. We do not have internet, but we can use the phone. All for the price of a land line with long distance. It is a new service so they are still working out the kinks. From what I see the major problem is when people try to transfer their old number. Give then a little time. For 50 bucks a month, cant beat it.
Consumer Review
I am actually pretty shocked by all the negative reviews. I have had my Straight Talk phone for about 3 months and have had no problems. I am from Chicago and I get great reception and always have service (i hear its because they are on the Verizon Network, and Verizon is great in up here in the Midwest and the North). I have the unlimited plan and, again, I could not be anymore pleased. I even had to call customer service a few weeks ago and they helped take care of my issue in under 25 minutes. Maybe its regional, but up here in the MidWest, Straight Talk is AWESOME!
Consumer Review
I agree, Straight Talk works well. I have two lines with them. An R451C with the 45.00 Unlimited Plan and an LG200C with the 30.00 All You Need Plan. I've had both lines since June and no problems.
Consumer Review
the service seems good so far. Be patient with customer service. ONE MAJOR FLAW is that if you interupt your service by not renewing you 30 day card before your current one runs out YOU WILL LOSE YOUR NUMBER! Set up wasn't too bad. I recommend porting your number online AND DO IT AT NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED…NEXT MORNING YOU'RE ALL SET! Web browsing is ok..don't plan on doing much more than checking scores and some minor web queries. BUT LETS GET REAL HERE FOLKS..CANT GET A BETTER DEAL! for $30 you're getting 1000 minutes, 1000texts and about 265 web pages (30mb) of internet! Nobody else comes close to that.
Consumer Review
To Dolphin: Maybe you could port that number that you have had for four years to google voice and solve that problem? I don't know much about google voice but they might offer that option.
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