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3.2 out of 5 stars (based on 2,266 reviews)
5 star33%
4 star13%
3 star23%
2 star5%
1 star26%

Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

YOU ARE KIDDING ME; I got my phone activated on tuesday with a ported number and a $30 service card. The phone worked Tuesday, wednesday and Thursday. Friday it stopped making or receiving calls. Log on to the internet to check my balance, it states, this serial number is inactive. Why! Why!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! $30 for 1000 min/text. I used about 150min and 30 text in 3 days. And why is my serial number inactive. Somebody tell me why. One thing for sure i am returning the phone before my one month lapse so i could try page plus prepaid


Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

Straight Talk . Pros: Available online and at Walmart. Phones can be as cheap as 29.99. Only unlimited talk/text/web to run on Verizon prepaid network. Only $45 Decent range of phones. Cons: POOR customer service. No ability to use outside phones. No roaming. No international calls/texts out. No independent dealerships. Taxes. For value four stars out of five. Phones:three stars out of five. Customer care: one star out of five Flexibility: one star out of five.

Straight Talk about Straight Talk

Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

I got Samsung R451 for almost a months. So far the only concern I have is a volume of the ring. I tried to download free rings and different tones – still it is a very low volume. Is this just my phone or others having similar issue? Outside of that it is relatively easy transition.


Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

phone worked well for 3 weeks then broser dropped yahoo when i added 2nd month card phone worked for 5 mins took all day to get it back up and running now browser won't work at all…grrrrrrrr i've tryed *611,*228 then 2 and even 9 i'm so ill at this point …

not real happy

Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

I'm not getting the dropped calls complaints. I haven't had a single dropped call with Straight Talk. My son has Metro PCS and his calls drop all the time when we're talking. We both live in Florida. Besides, as far as I know, Straight Talk runs on the Verizon network which is supposed to be the best, so what's the deal with all these dropped calls? Where are you guys why this is happening to you?

Straight Talker

Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

I live in So. Indiana and I am having the dropped calls issue.


Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

Straight Talk is the way to go. I have had nothing but good service with customer service. No more dropped calls (I live in the country). I’m able to surf the web, call 24/7, text 24/7 without worrying about going over my minutes. All for $110 and some change (monthly). In I were still with Sprint, this same plan would be $225 per month. As far as changing numbers, the reason it takes so long, is that many cell phone carriers do not want to lose customers. What I did was to change phone number and contact every with my new number. A very satisfied customer!


Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

To Dolphin – You may want to call Verizon and advise them that there might be an issue with a local tower near you. I've noticed that this happens with me in once in a while in Central AZ. But it only happens when my brother, an AT &T customer, calls and it only happens when my phone is in the bedroom. Wierd, huh?


Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

To Straight Talker I am thinking of getting this service. I too live in Florida. My theory is that maybe us Floridians get the best reception since the Straight Talk headquarters(Trac Fone) is located in Miami. I don't know, but that's what I am thinking.

Still Thinking

Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

I meant to put 5 stars before, but I didn't see the rating option.

Still Thinking

Consumer Review

January 30, 2010

The simple answer is do not port with ST as it seems to be a hit and miss. I do believe the FCC is investigating this issue and may force TracFone to get its act together. Once the service gets going, it does cruise.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

Excellent service and I have had all the others with plans and prepaid . So thos e of you complaining about customers service its cheap and gives a great signal boost and works for me. It is tops…Thats whats wrong here people expect something for nothing.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

This service is the wrost I have ever seen. iFirst off their Customer services is in India, they are on VOIP so if their accent is hard enough to understand, the VOPIP choppyness is horrible. I have spent over 45 minutes now on hold because I paid with my debit card. they charged ity but did not give me minutes. I still do not have an answer this sucks. This is the worst. Last time I called them I was on the phone for two hourrs telling them verizon doesn't work at my house, but yet on their card they show a full red map, this is misleading, they do not offer service at my house although the script they read tells me they do. I said well Verizon let me out of my contract due to not offereinjg service here. you use Verizon so how is that different. She replies, we offer service there. Man idiots. Now I am still opn hold and losing my patients. if you do active monthly DO NOT USE A CREDIT CARD. And hell I would kill to talk to an American right now. Now she comes back on and tells me that when I paid over the phone that they signed my up for autopay. I specifically said ONE TIME PAY, lety alone where are the minugtes I paid for, she said it would be available tomorrow. this operation is fn joke… I am about lose it…


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

we tried to return this phone, back to walmart, never did get the money back from the phone. we also called the company to get the money back for the 1,000 minutes card, that didn't work either. I was told to wait 24-48 hrs for a phone call to confirm it, never got the phone call, called them back, now we have to UPS the card, give them a tracking number, and wait an additional 10-12 days for the $30 back. IF the phone works for you, great :), if not, goooood luck trying to get your money back you paid for it


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

To Dolphin: Have you tried just letting your account expire totally and just do a new activation?


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

I love this service it's convienent never hae an problems the on problemI had is my child usingthe one as a toy. Everythingisgreat bu I do not now much about customer service.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

AWESOME: sorry to hear some folks complain, but I'm thoroughly satisfied. Price: unbeatable customer service: both calls were handled by people who spoke english well, and were courteous, and best of all: resolved my concerns Coverage: In about 1 1/2 months I've had one weird dropped call – a click then some recorded message that didn't make sense. Was immediately able to just pick the phone up and make a call. Sound Quality – excellent: whether standard earpiece or speakerphone or bluetooth. The phone (just the 220C) pairs and works flawlessly w/ a Jabra 8010 that used to be flaky with my old phone. activation: did mine on line after picking up phone from Wally world. Note: I did transfer a # from AT &T. My old line was disconnected within an hour on Saturday Evening, and a few hours later the ST phone was working. No issues. Sure, the ‘web' is lame. and I do resent that they've crippled the bluetooth – can't transfer a pic file to use as Wallpaper??? and, don't know if this is a LG issue, but the phone doesn't sync with my mac like my 4 year old Sony-Ericcson did… but was able to manually/individually send contacts to phone. For the price, I can deal with that.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

very good service. just take a few hours to transfer my verizon # and i very happy with straight talk. save me 50 bucks on my monthly bill.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

To Joanna Thanks for letting me know where to find an auto charger for my Samsung 451. I went to Target and they had one that fit perfectly and it was also had a retractable cord to it, so I really liked that, it costed $20. I just wish there was a fix for my other problem. My incoming calls are still being dropped after 30 seconds of conversation. Other than that, everything works perfectly. gsipe09To


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

Sorry I can't leave less stars. I've been trying to get my Virgin # ported over to (ST)Straight talk for 5 days with tomorrow being 6 with 10 hours of phone time with no luck. First they mucked up the request giving a wrong pass code then never replied to Virgins request to resubmit correct information. ST has cost me more $ just talking to both companies trying to get this resolved with 2 conference calls today and still nothing from them Virgin told me they ok'd the transfer this afternoon and I was now waiting on ST to activate my phone. Its now 11pm 10 hours after being told that ST had the ok to go ahead and Port and still no phone… ST can't seem to get this done. They will keep telling you 24-48 hours for anything. Not happy at all. I would not recommend this service. Yes some have no issues with ST…..YET.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

To Dolphin: Try dialing *228 and when prompted press 2 to update your roaming settings. This actually downloads a new tower database.


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

I'm thinking about getting this phone. Can anyone who have/had this phone please tell me the advantages and disadvantaged of the Finesse? Please include problems you've had too, such as dropped calls. Thank you!

Question about Samsung Finesse 810!?!?

Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

i got a straight talk phone on DEC 29 2010. i bought the car charger as well. my new phone is the $99 samsung phone with the slider key board. i love now having a phone to email and text since i had a full samsung multimedia phone from sprint with no full keyboard and was paying 80.00 per month and never using all my mins since i work a lot from home. (note my land line is just 9.99 per month for full entire state calling . i live in Florida. with more calling features then bell south now att ever offered. note if you want info my home phone company for the land line number leave a message here and a way for me to contact you. getting back to ST. in the parking lot of walmart i plugged in the car charger this was at 6pm. i called from my sprint phone to ST to port my sprint cell number to the new phone that was charging. note i called ST and Sprint the day before and asked the procedure for porting my number and was told as long as i can provide my verbal pass code to ST they could maybe get done porting the number in the same day. I was on the sprint phone in my car speaking with ST and i was patient to be on hold and get through and also speak so that they could hear m loud and clear. i got a ticket number for the port and as well i was asking a few questions about ST and refilling the phone in 30days and other questions from the man at ST then i was told by the person on the line with me that he said ‘i think someone is working on your acct now since we've been talking on this call'. and i said good maybe the port will be done in a few hours like when i left cigular and switched to sprint in 2005 and the number was ported 2 hrs later. after i hung up from ST and had gotten all my questions answered. i had to call my friend and let him know i was done with my shopping at walmart and can could now go meet him for a meal. to my SURPRISE my sprint cell phone was dead after i hung up from straight talk. I thought for one second i might have to go to a payphone to call my friend. I picked up the straight talk phone and it had service. I entered the code the ST person gave me and was shocked they ported my number in less than an hour. I tested the phone 1st and called the weather line just to see if the phone worked and it did. i then called my friend asked him if my number was on his called id and said i'm on a new cell phone with a new cell provider how is the connection on your end. and he said it's you number and everything sounded great on his end. i could hear him great as well. so to make a long story short. i love ST and today i spent 30.00 again for my next (2nd month) of cell service. I hope with all the money i save maybe this year i can take a trip to visit family,etc. i read a lot and i'm so glad i didn't go to page plus. because with walmart anything you buy you have a certain amount of time to return and get your money back. cell phone and car chargers have different return policies. I cant believe how i wasted money when i 1st heard about ST and page plus back in Sept. or Oct. but I'm at least saving money today and every month ahead. it was such a pleasure to say goodbye to sprint. the only thing i don't have is the live TV the was part of my web service. but i can live without that. hey life here in s. florida is better when you are outdoors more and away from tv. its Jan. and today 1/29/10 the high was 80 degrees. everyone else is wanting to be watching more tv since its cold and bad weather but not in s. florida. i guess i'm typing this since i appreciate where my two feet are on the ground and i'm waiting for my girlfriend to get out of work so we can go out to night. (i already did a run on the beach today) so 80 degree weather and hanging out with good friends is much better than have a cell phone in my face many hours a day. as well less tv and saving money works for me. one last thing be patient with people in the call center at ST in the other countries. that's one reason why the service is so low in price so they don't have a full call center in the us with all the expenses that go with it. my two degrees are from university of miami and my whole life i am around people who's 1st language is not English. listen carefully and speak maybe clear and slower so they can understand what you need whether it's porting your number of something else. people on line that write about ST can be so rude since someone on the phone has an thick accent. well my family is all from Italy and my grandparents were just like the people who's English is not their 1st language. be nice to them and they will be nice to you back. i had one little thing with ST. i couldn't at 1st open yahoo to check email that's the only reason why i want to on the web when away from home or my work. i had read a week before on line in one of the reviews that someone else with my phone had the same problem. they said they called ST and they fixed the yahoo web problem for them. well i called and they fixed that one problem i had as well. version so far seems to be a great reliable service. to have it sort of resold by ST for 30.00 or 45.00 for unlimited is a bargain with no hidden taxes fees etc. so get in touch with me if you want to know more about my 9.99 home phone service that's sharp and clear and allows you to send and receive faxes or and other question about ST. i have good luck certain days. for example getting all the green lights and parking spaces. the day i went to walmart and bought my phone, 30.00 card, and car charger and used it in the walmart parking lot and ported my number and had the ST phone working so fast was one of those good unexpected day. my friends can keep their iphones because some people have honestly told me they have them more just for show. their in their office all day or home many hours to just use their computers, or netbooks,etc. thanks ST. and the people that gave me the good advice to sign up for ST on line and on this web site. best regards, DJ


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

To Matt Thanks for the help. I have done the *228 then 2, several times before and it doesn't help. I can't let my phone expire because then I will lose my ported number from AT &T that I've had for 4 years. I have had the Razor, Samsung 451 and Samsung Finesse 810. Everything worked perfect on them, but I had the same problem with each one. My incoming calls would be dropped within 30 seconds. I don't think this problem will ever be fixed. gsipe09To


Consumer Review

January 29, 2010

Everyone wants an iPhone because of what it can do and how it looks, but it also comes with a pricy contract. Go to Straight Talk, their Samsung Finesse 810 is the same thing as the iPhone without the pricy contract. Everything works perfect on it for me. I highly recommend it and is well worth the price $348.


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

I am very impressed with Straight Talk. I was happy to hear that Straight Talk runs through Verizons network, and yes the coverage is fantastic. They actually offer two plans.. All you need $30 monthly 1000 minutes, messages and 30mb data or $45 monthly Unlimited data, minutes and messages. The big bonus is there are no extra charges, bills or cancellation fees and they are simply great value for money.


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

To CouponMama, I have had ST in this area code since November 2009 and it's worked perfectly for me, much better than my old ATT. I have not had dropped calls and have travelled on highways up and down the east coast and it's been fine. I'm upstate SC.

Area code 864

Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

To Dolphin. I looked at the chargers in Walmart for Samsung but funnily enough, they didn't fit my phone. I went to Target and they sell Samsung chargers. The back of the packet is open with three different connections and one of them fits the 451R. It's a car charger, and then it has the three seperate connections and you just connect it to the charger. I think I paid about $15. Thick plastic cover and it was white with red and black writing on it. Good luck.


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

i barely bought dis phone yesterday…and their customer service was great…they helped me activate my phone within 30 minutes…it sounds like a good company…


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

Had my Samsung R451C for over a month, and it's worked just fine. I like the service and the company. I just wish they'd make it easier to check the remaining balance.

Sassified customer

Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

I called 4 times before I actually bought the phone to make sure my landline could be ported over. They said YES. Now they say NO.. so they give me a number from Indiana.. I live in Michigan. I had my landline for 20 years, and see a time-consuming job ahead of me to inform all of my contacts, personal business accounts, business cards & website people of the NEW NUMBER. They would never be able to find it on their own, since it is listed in a different state!


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

con you can't make international calls or text international calls

ms 2010

Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

I just bought the LG200CM to use for work because all I really need is talk and voicemail. I only use between 300 and 500 minutes a month so the 30.00 plan is perfect. The service was up and running within 5 minutes and I have no trouble. I like that this only cost 60.00 between the plan and phone to get started.


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

i got the motorola razer straight talk phone off walmart's website. the phone was $100.00 and phone card was $30.00. i got it for my sister and it is the biggest piece of junk i have ever seen in my life. i activated the phone and i got the cell phone number. i tried setting up voice mail and it would not work. i tried making calls would not work. i tried custermer service that was a joke. i wasted 130 bucks for a phone that does nothing. now i have to buy another one but it won't be straight talk. i wish i read these reviews before i got one because straight talk is nothing but a fraud.


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

This company is a total sham. When I entered my zip code on their web site, they said three models of their phone would work in my area. I went and bought a phone and a $45 card. Of course when I got it home to the Navajo Reservation, it didn't work. I called the company and talked for a long time to the service rep. He told me I could return the phone, but not the card. He said to return the phone, and then I should call Straight Talk back, and they would send me a check for the refund. When I called them back, they had no record of my call or the phone. They said that when I returned the phone, all record of my dealings with the company were erased, including the online account I had made with them! So they got my $45, and I got jacked. I am soooo going to the BBB!


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

The plan is great, but customer service is the worst I have ever had to deal with. I brought the phone chrismas eve, they would not turn it on til Monday after christmas. When the bill was due today I tried to use my bank card i was told it wouldn't work. went to wal-mart to buy another straight talk card. After 6 hours of trying to get the payment on the phone I was told it was taken off my bank card and to save the card that i brought for the next month…..It took $90.00, a 30 miles trip to wal-mart and 6 hours to finaly get the phone back on and I dread having to do it all over again next Month.


Consumer Review

January 28, 2010

does anyone know if service is good in Tx area? I am sprint now and thinking of going ST.


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

I don't have a straight talk phone. I live in Sparta, Wisconsin. You can't get one near here. Verizon just rolled out in this area in August, 09. Alltel had been here since the early oughts, 2002 or 2003. So Verizon was launching here at the same time Verizon was. You might guess what happened. Straight Talk sold so many phones at Wal-Mart, both Alltel and Verizon were seriously damaged. You can't buy a straight talk phone any closer than the Wal-Mart in Winona, Minnesota. And how long will that last? I intend to go over their and get one and have the Onalaska, Wisconsin Wally World activate it. Don't port numbers. Get Google Voice, a permanent number that keeps your other numbers invisible to callers. And you can probably get it published in a phone book if you want to pay a few bucks a month. Anyway, I've got a voip cable phone, but there's about $11 worth of tariffs and taxes on it. I stopped using cable in the early 90s, now I want to stop using traditional phone. I'm cutting back to just cheap internet from the phone company – I'm dropping the worthless Charter- and the Straight Talk Cell Phone for $30 for 30 days. I want an Atlanta number and will give a zip code there to get it. I have 3 magic jacks, google voice and a cheap t-mobile cell I paid $100 for, for an entire year. You reach them all by calling my google voice number. I will nevertheless continue to scan the horizon for even cheaper cell and internet service. Won't take TV, and then only TCM, until service is offered ala carte.


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

I bought this phone for a fill in phone..i have a contract phone and in some areas i don't have good service.. I have never been without a strong signal with this service..I will keep it as a fill in.


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

Straight talk phone service offers unlimited phone and web service for $45 monthly. Although this price is exceptional, my second month I encountered problems with Web Browsing. You can't acess Yahoo mail because straight talk has an expired certificate. I spoke to a representative to see when/if the issue will be resolved, her response, ‘I'm unsure, we're working on it' Futhermore the Straight talk website has been under construction for the last 2 months, you can however access your account from a desk top computer BUT not from your phones web browser. Be very careful when purchasing ringtones or graphics from their website, I purchased a ringtone today and after entering my credit card and billing info, the website shut down!!! with no confirmation of purchase or anything, I didn't even recieve a text message to download the ringtone I had to AGAIN call customer service!!! and her answer, ‘ wait 24hrs' (FOR A RINGTONE!) then call back. One last thing, when the customer service representitve can't fix your problem the tell you that someone will call you within 36HRS! to help the issue…. HA! You don't hold your breath, you will never receive the phone call.


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

Excellent! We got one for my wife last night and we activated it online. WAY EASY TO DO! Her old Cricket number was ported over in less than 10 minutes. I went and got one today and ported my AT &T number over in just a few minutes, also online. The coverage is better than both of those former carriers and we couldn't be happier! We both got the basic LG220CM since neither of us are power users… just voice and text. Good sturdy phone and lots of features that we'll never use. I particularly like the Bluetooth so we can just send our address books back and forth between the computer to keep them updated and backed up.

Joe Mc

Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

this service could be a good service if they could fix all the bugs in their phones. i have bought 3 phones and had problems with everyone. these people act as if it is your fault their product is defective. by the way you use your minutes to try and resolve the problems. Very rude


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

I used to be on boost. It would take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days for txt messages to go through. And once in awhile, I didn't get them at all. At random times, friends would try to call me and get a message saying ‘Please hold while the subscriber is located.' The same happened when I tried to call my friends who are on boost. After missing an important call because of this, I ditched boost and switched to straight talk. I don't need the bells & whistles of a MotoRazr or any of the phones at walmart. So I bought a cheap phone from the straight talk website. No dropped or missed calls. Txt messages go through immediately. I love it!


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

I have promised to update everyone on the progress of my port in with straight talk. Brief background. I bought a straight talk phone and activated it on January 5th, this year. The service was good so on Thursday january 21st i called straight talk to port my number from consumer cellelur. Contrary to what other people have suggested that cell phone companies are dragging their feet with regards to releasing numbers to other companies, my number was immediately released by consumer cellular to straight talk. And this was confirmed by straight talk when i called to find out what was going on hours later. To have your number released to another company, you must know your account number and password to that account number otherwise it will not be released period. Now back to my porting process. It started sometime after 11 am on January 21st and it was not completed until january 26th at 12:50pm when my number started working. I informed Pedro, the agent programming my phone that i was going to post my dissatisfaction with their horrible porting delays. And then i asked him to give me the exact time when they have actually completed porting my number. He told me it was completed an hour ago, which i presumed to be around 12pm EST. These people are terrible in porting numbers. I have ported my number from cricket to sprint, then to Cingular, then to Net 10, then to Tmobile pay go and then to consumer cellular and now to straight talk. I have never encountered any problems in the past neither did it took me more than 2 hours during any port in process. But to wait for more than 5 day is totally outrageous. Their defense has been, port in process can take 0 to 7 days. Well i always remind them smart people in America port numbers in hours if not minutes and dumb people outside the US are the ones who take 7 days.


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

the phone service is great! It's customer service that I have the problem with!!!!!!! THEY ARE VERY RUDE!!!!!!!——AND THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!!!!!!!!!


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

Considering purchasing one for my daughter. Does anyone have st in area code 864?? I'm getting mixed reviews??


Consumer Review

January 27, 2010

This is the worst company that I have ever dealt with! My browser never works and I have called them 13 times this month.I keep getting error messages and customer service wont help.They wont let me speak to a supervisor at all and told me that they would compensate me but would have to wait for 24 hours.When I called back they told me oh we dont compensate anyone at all. I could go on and on but dont have time to share all the crappy details.Just do not get this service because you will regret it. All you will get is getting ran around in circles! TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ann jessen

Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

Cell coverage is great and the Samsung R451C is decent. Dealing with customer service is a pain because English is not their first language. CS hours are getting better. I have a question. I have one primary phone and want to buy a basic cheap phone for a second number to give out to people that I don't want to have my permanent number. Which phone below $75 have you had good experience with.


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

May be you may want to spend some time to read my experiences. I first ported my cell phone number from cricket to sprint in march 2006. Then ported to Cingular in August 2006, then to Net 10 in september 2008. But i attempted to port to Virgin mobile, it took so long that i abandon the idea. So i was issued with an entirely new number from Virgin mobile. This leaves me with 2 numbers. But i was still unhappy. So i port one number to TMobile pay as u go and another to Consumer cellular in October 2009. On thursday January 22, 2010, i called straight talk to port my consumer cellular number to straight talk. As i write this now, the port in process is not completed yet and my consumer cellular number has not been working since thursday, the day i initiated the port in process. In my experience over the years of porting phone numbers, there has never been an experience similar to this. Straight talk may have a cheap service, but they cannot port numbers. I have read comments where others narrated a different experience with straight talk. Don't bother with their customer service, their english is very poor and they just dont understand what you are trying to put across to them. They keep saying ‘may i put you on hold for 3 minutes while i talk to my somebody'. Unless you tell them to stop repeating this statement, they will repeat it to you 100 times. They are just horrible In all my porting experiences, never did it take more than 2 hours to complete. And in all cases, i continue to use my number until few minutes before the porting process is completed.


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

I purchased this phone and attempted to activate. My 1000 minutes began on that day even though the phone was not active. They could not speak english, but claimed to understand english. I was told each time I phoned that it would be 48 hours before the phone was activated. Finally after 1 week and another 2 hours ( a total of 12 hours on the phone) the phone was activated. I don't believe the ads that claim they have had no problems. I am stuck for now, but will not be buying any addtional service cards. I simply can't believe that customers have no alternative when they buy these phones. Paying for a service not received.

Mollie Adams

Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

I always had pre paid but when i got this phone i love it i had it almost a month… i love to text and talk and send pic…. what can get better… i really love this alot… its a good phone for a teen age lil girl lol

Tiffani King

Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

I have heard their service since january 5th, 2010. I became very satisfied so i decided to port one of my numbers from consumer cellular on thursday last week. First, they deactivated the temporary number they gave me on january 5th. As a result, i lost my entire balance of airtime on that number. To add salt to injury, they immediately deactivated my consumer cellular number i was trying to port in. So in just about 5 minutes of contacting straight talk on thursday, i heard 2 different cell phone numbers deactivated. I have been calling them all the time since to know why it was taking too extra ordinarily long to port my number. Here is the dog ate my home work story the supervisor who cannot express herself in english told me. She said since my number originated from consumer cellular, it has to be send by straight talk to Verizon so Verizon could ‘attach' the number to their network. After this is completed by verizon, then straight talk would then begin the process of connecting me. I told her that i was not buying her explaination and that i want her to connect me to their port in department so i could verify this. She put me on hold and later came back to tell me that they don't talk to customers directly, which i don't buy either. So my dear, like i said earlier, i read comments where other people said their port in took just a couple of minutes. But an telling you i am having a different experience. I have lost 2 numbers since the port in process began on thursday. Today is tuesday january 26th, 2010. And my port in is not complete yet and am still in the limbo not knowing when finally i will get my phone working.


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

I have NEVER in all my life had such AWFUL service!!!!!!! You can only speak with a call center, no one ever knows what is going on! It takes forever, THEY DONT HAVE A CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON. I have never gotten resolution with any problem.I will eat the cost of the phone and move on to another carrier! Not worth the time and trouble!!!!!!


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

Not a customer yet, but concerned. I just called Straight Talk and was on hold for five minutes. Much longer than with ATT, but acceptable. I asked specifically how long it takes to port the tele number over and they said ‘hours,' with the caveat that it's up to my current provider. Do you-all think our current providers are slowing up the process on purpose since they're losing the revenue? An attorney should look into this, it's restraint of trade. Thanks for the reviews. I'm not going to sign up until these guys get reviewed by Consumer Reports or someone like that.


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

I've had the str8 talk for 3 months now & the internet on razor v3a works fine. You can check your minutes online without having to log in online to your Str8 talk account better to do that then call in for your minutes left. Also I found that calling Tracfone CS is best to get anything taken care of which is 800-876-5753. I also have the $30 plan & after a few calls the message saying you have 16 hours & 40 minutes remaining for this call well it got to be annoying so I called Str8 talk they couldn't take it off so I then called Tracfone & they removed it immediately. I hope this information helps others that are having some issues. BTW I ported 2 phone numbers from AT &T to Str8 talk & the port went smoothly only took about 45 minutes for the ports to go through. I can even check my google mail & my hotmail email accounts from phone. So yeah I'm getting more with Str8 talk & paying less than I was with AT &T which means I'm saving alot of money now. Works gr8 for less money. I'm just glad I don't have issues like some on here are having. I hope this information helps others with Str8 talk.

KTo ren

Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

Stop don't do it!!!! If you already did and your not happy contact the FCC and lodge a complaint or the BBB,I did. I have been waiting 40 days to have my # poted over. I have been told 24 hrs 23 times. Then today they told me 5 more days. That will end up being 7 days because they only work during the week. I have spent at least 12 hrs on the phone trying to get my # ported over. I have called the tracfone # listed below. They only lied and said they would call my company on Friday and then didn't do it until today Tuesday. This company must be stopped!!!! They can't keep stealing from us. Please read my other posts to get the full story.

chris 40 days and counting

Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

The worst thing is getting started with this phone. If you port a number over, it may take a few days. Chill out and the phone and price will reward you in a short period of time. I am on the 45.00 plain and love it. no more watching my minutes or how much I text. I can as much as I want to. All that I would ask is for more accesseries.


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

Does anyone know where to buy an auto charger for the Samsung 451 or 810? I looked at ebay and all stores. email me at GSipe09To


Consumer Review

January 26, 2010

I recently got the straight talk plan to keep in contact with my girlfriend who is living in a different state. With the phone and plan, i get unlimited minutes and texts, which is REALLY useful as you can imagine. AND there are no long distance charges. When I first got the plan, i was skeptical and figured it was too good to be true. I mean, I had another unlimited plan for a low price, and lets just say I never used it because I never had reception (mainly in the metro, if you catch my drift). Anyways, I am VERY happy with Straight talk and will continue using them.


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

I currenty have Verizon and am seriously thinking of switching to ST. I have several hundred numbers in phone contacts. Verizon has back up where they can upload contacts to your new phone. Does ST have anything similar since it's verizon's system?


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

My #1 complaint is the quality Straight Talks customer service. I purchased my Samsung R451C in December. Since activating the phone I have never been able to access the browser nor have I been able to check my balance on line. When attempting to access the browser I receive an Error message. When attempting to check my balance I receive a message that says my phone number is Invalid. Each time I called Cust Svc, I was told to wait 24-72 hrs. I was constantly put on hold so the CSR could talk to his/her ‘supervisor'. Was also told many times the issues would be sent up for ‘Escalation' and expect call from an analyst. Never got a call. Was given a ‘corporate number' to call, it was Another Call Center somewhere in India! Also, a day after adding minutes to my account, my phone quit working (on a Saturday) and I had to wait until Monday to have my phone ReActivated! I have logged all of my phone calls to customer support, 12 of them in 7 weeks. The browser and online support issues have Never been resolved. Each time I called Customer Support, I was on the phone with them for 45 minutes to and hour! I was told I was going to receive a replacement phone and expect it in 3-5 days OR 7 days. How Stupid! It's been 13 days now and still NO phone. I called again today and was told the inquiry was closed…..What?! Was told a new inquiry would be generated, expect an air bill, send in my old phone and ‘when' straight talk receives it, they will send me a replacement phone….RIGHT!!!! Like I am going to follow through with that…No Way! I am going to use up the minutes I have with this phone and find a REAL cell phone provider. I really thought this would be a good alternative to the more expensive cell phone companies. Even though every CSR rep was friendly and courteous, I would give Straight Talk cell phone customer service a ZERO RATING, when it comes to resolving problems.


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

I switched from Tracfone to Straight Talk, as even with the bonus codes you can get, Tracfone was SO expensive, plus I needed web access to check my emails. I am in Tennessee and get great coverage and love my Straight Talk service.

Carol Ivey

Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

I am VERY VERY PLEASED….. took less than 48 hours to port my old phone # to new phone !!! I had no issues, just went by the directions and was finished !!! I am very happy I did not stay with a contracted company, coverage is BETTER with straight talk TOO !!!! I highly HIGHLY SUGGEST you look into this phone !!! I am in Indiana….


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

I LOVE STRAIGHT TALK!! I was a little ‘iffy' about doing it after reading some of the reviews on here but I am so glad that my activation went smoothly. I initiated the telephone number port from TMobile over to Straight Talk at 4pm and by 515pm everything was up and running and done!! I am so happy with their coverage and customer service. I have the 99 dollar samsung from Walmart and I love it, everything works great! WAYYY better than TMobile. You should definitely get it!! 🙂


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

just need to know one thing do straight talk have walk talk on some of the plan or phone.that is only thing missing but the coveage is great.


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

Everything is great but the fact that customer service will not stop trying to sell you stuff when you call with a problem.


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

this cellphone is such junk. i cant call or txt it ends my calls after the first second and it sas error when i try to txt, atm i have my phoe off and the battery out hoping it will do somthing….i hav minutes couse online it says i have 1k minutes and 1k txts so idkwtf the deal is.


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

Bad phone out of the gate. Used for business. Wasted mega time. Back to ATT


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

Straight talk is a scam! run away. Stay with your cell phone provider or go with more reputable company, STRIGHT TALK NOT BEING ONE!

not impressed

Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

Excellent service and price. I would rather be shot dead than deal with AT &T–the biggest crooks of ALL TIME! It does everything you need…if you are geeked out to the MAX you may need more bells and whistles to impress some ditzoid frinds. 🙂


Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

my straighy talk want ring in but it ring out thank you betty durham i cannt talk good.

betty durham

Consumer Review

January 25, 2010

i think this a good deal im not worryed about the ringtones or any thing like that.i love this phone i didnt have my # ported.i just acvated it and got a number and i loved it every since i got the phone.i used to be a net10 phone coustamber.but i rather have straighttalk phone.its easier and my time last longer.


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

I am very,very satisfied with this service. The calls are much clearer on this(verizon)network than they were on my former(T-Mobile)network.I am also very happy with the LG 290C slider phone. This phone cost over $135 less than the comparably equipped T-mobile slider phone. And as for the monthly cost? How can ANYONE beat $30 a month for 1000 minutes, plus 1000 texts mssgs and limited internet? I was referred to Straight Talk by a friend. I was told that things may go a little faster if I went online to activate my phone and port my current phone number.(After purchasing my new phone at Walmart)So, that's the way I did it. And everything went smooth and I was calling and texting in about 10 minutes after my online activation. So,(in my case)I was able to obtain a better phone,(the LG) a better network(verizon),MORE minutes,(1000),DOUBLE my Text messages(from 450 a month to 1000) while (at the same time) actually LOWERING MY MONTHLY COST! And the whole thing took only about about 30 minutes! So,DUDES! It really doesn't get too much better than that. Does it??!!


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

I have used just about every prepaid service out there and Straight Talk is the best one yet! Prior to purchasing this phone, I was using Boost Mobile which was a good deal for unlimited everything at fifty dollars a month but I could never get a signal. There is a cell tower almost right across the street from my house but the only way I could used the phone was to stand at my kitchen window and put it on speaker so I could watch the signal while I was talking. With my Straight Talk phone, which used the Verizon network, I have yet to find a place I cannot get a signal. Whether you get the $30 a month plan or the unlimited plan for $45, you cannot find a better deal, with or without a contract. I purchased my phone from Walmart and activated it from home via the internet. Activation took about 10 minutes and voicemail setup took about 2 or 3. With Boost Mobile, I ended up having to call customer service 3 times to get my voicemail setup and it still took a couple of weeks before it worked right. My husband (who is still using Boost Mobile) is so impressed with how much better my phone works that he is changing too. I highly recommend this service.


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

Do not buy this phone. there have been many problems with defects in the phone and vendors are told not to tell the customers. There is no customer service- if you call they tell you the lines are busy and to go online. If you go online the web page tells you to call the number for support. This company is a huge scam and no one should have to go through this just to talk on the phone. It may be a cheap plan but you definitely get what you pay for.


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

I just received my straight talk phone just 1/21/2010. I love the service so far. I'm in Louisiana and the reception is terrific. However, I rate it 4 stars because, the phone I purchased(LG 200CM) does not support Multimedia messaging. Which was very misleading to me because the way they worded it made it look like you get it all… But it's cool though. I tried downloading ringtones from other sites and get the message ‘File Not Supported'. But I have been able to browse the web and check my email. So I guess my question is, Does anyone own the Motorola W385? I'm thinking about purchasing that one instead. I'm hoping that with the W385, you can at least download ringtones from other sites. And does any one know if you can purchase another ST phone to replace your current ST phone without losing a $45.00 unlimited card. If I buy the W385, I want to send my current one (Lg 200CM) back to walmart. Has anyone ever done this before?


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

Straight Talk SUX and so do their phones!! If you are in an area that offers Cricket, you'd be way further ahead getting service with them for the same price you will pay for ST. However, I will say that the customer service isn't much better, but it is a little. Anytime a company offers a lower price, they are forced to compensate and utilize the morons over in the other Country who first of all speak very poor English and secondly, have no brains to begin with!! So WHY are everyone so surprised ar ST's customer service?? ALL the low priced companies are crap! There may be a few that will brag them up, but I have found that those people don't use their phones very much and don't call CS at all. I have been with EVERY major and prepaid carrier in the USA and my money is on Cricket. BUT… if I did go with a more expensive company, it would be Verizon, though they have their problems too. Second, would be Sprint. Even T-Mobile with their current $50 a month Unlimited plan ships all CS calls over seas! Besides, that calling plan is nothing more than their prepaid plan they are making out to be a premium plan. NOT!! I noticed too that the call quality on that service is crap just like their prepaid service. Take Care all!


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

To SW – I had the W385 and same problem. So far it seems like the Samsung R451C and R810C are the only ones that allow you to download ring tones to them. I have the R451C and it does okay.


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

There should be a rating of zero. This is the worst phone company I've ever dealt with. They frequently take your money and then take hours or days to add the time to your phone!! They may be the cheapest but there is a good reason: they are the worst!!!


Consumer Review

January 24, 2010

Another update 40 days and counting. On Friday I called tracfone cs for help porting my number over. I explained my story of 5 ports filled out wrong. I told her that st keeps telling me to call my current provider to release my number. My current provider won't speak to me. Porting dept will only speak to the porting dept. Cs at tracfone said she understood and would call me Monday with update . On sat I get a call telling me to call my carrier again. I again for the 10 time told her no they won't talk to me. So here I am waiting over 40 days by tomorrow for a phone number. Cs must have asked to repeat my acct and pin number at least 50 times don't they keep this info in the computer ? Please stay Away from this company!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris again

Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

I just got the Straight Talk Slider LG for about $80.00 and an everything plan for 30 days at $45.00. In reality I'll be paying for my service $45.00 plus local tax a month(if purchased from WALMART directly!, it's an extra $5.00 online or over the phone for ‘service fee transaction') for EVERYTHING included with no 411 charges AND data charges(awesome). The only thing it DOES NOT cover is additional ringtones or wallpapers(costs extra). Accessories for ANY straight talk phone(I've learned) can be either purchased directly from the MAKER of the phone, WALMART has quite a few universal ones but if you prefer one that fits ‘just right' for a little more I recommend going directly to the MAKER of the phone's WEB SITE. I've learned that MY phone the Slider LG LG290C is the same exact phone as the one SPRINT carries called the SLIDER LG LX290 I added links to BOTH the SPRINT and STRIAGHT TALK cell phones. (SPRINT): (Straight Talk): The only difference between the two is the color,price and carrier. THAT'S IT!.OH, not to mention the fact that you're under contract with Sprint and NOT Straight Talk! 🙂 ALL of the accessories that fit the SPRINT LX290 will IN FACT fit your STRAIGHT TALK SLIDER LG LG290C CELL PHONE!, INCLUDING THE BATTERY!!.. You can't beat that…


Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

No Star at all but forced to enter one: RUN, RUN, RUN AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN -This is going to be long here so please bare with me. The horrible experience starting the next day after I ordered my phone which was on January 17th. As I ordered my phone with the representative over the phone he asked me if I wanted next day shipping. So, I paid for next day shipping which mean I was suppose to receive my phone the next day which was Monday, January 18th. So early that morning I called the CS Dept to ask for a tracking number associated with my phone. Gave them the order number. They could not find my order number in their system. Keep in mind they had already taken my money from my account. So I allowed them to do their research and get back with me. The Escalation Dept called me back around 3:15pm on that Monday stating they found my order and I should receive my package the next day. That Tuesday, I called thinking they would have a tracking number for my phone. I'm then told by a representative that since my order was placed after 3pm I would not receive my package until the next day. Are you serious? Please keep in mind that I paid them for overnight shipping. But I get punished for their internal mistake. Finally on Wednesday, serveral days from Sunday which mean they should have refunded me for overnight shipping. I'm told they don't give refunds. Keep in mind I have paid them $171 for my phone, air time, taxes and overnight shipping. Finally received my phone on Wednesday. Then they porting over my current phone number which was another nightmare. Gave them my account number with my current provider and the whole works. Then two days later get a phone call stating they did not have the correct account number for the current provide. Ask them to read back to me the information on file. Turns out they did have the correct account number. But told again it will be another 48 hours for porting. Called my current provider who is AT &T and asked them if they had any inquiry from another company to port my number. They did not have any inquiry at all. So the AT &T representative was nice enough to call Straight Talk with me to go ahead and handle the porting issue. Do you know that the Straight Talk Representative refused to speak with the AT &T representative even though I am on the phone as the customer. Now they are refusing to refund my money……………..Sorry for the long story but this is a warning to run away from this company. Some of the big companies such as AT &T and Verizon are now dropping plan prices. Just stay away from Straight Talk/Tracfone all together.


Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

Overall love the Motorola W385 and straight talk service. Every text I send gives me a delivery text back. Anyone know how to turn that feature off?


Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

I haven't even recieved this phone yet.. yet i love this company! lol. They have two plans actually.. and its only $45 dollars for unlimited everything.. i've had boost mobile in the past and they suck where i love! I can't wait to get this company with the samsung r451c


Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

I am truly impressed with this service. The coverage is really good, the phones use the Verizon network, and I have not experienced a single dropped call in over a month since I got this plan. Other regional carriers try and compete with Straight Talk in pricing but they all have very limited coverage compared to Straight Talk. Never had to phone CS so don't know about that but I DO know it can't get any worse than Boost's CS. I had that before and this is just so much better its in a different league. I have finally found a cell plan I can stick with.


Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

As of now my review is 1 star. After having and using the phone 1 week, with 500 min. of service left i can;t make a call. So i call St,. support and find out that my phone according to them has been returned to Walmart. Well i say it can't be because i'm talking to you with my phone. Well as far as there concerened it has been returned. So to resolve this I have to Fax reciept of purchase, Bar code, Ser# of phone that I guess I don't have any more Ha Ha, My First and Last name. So i would advise if you go with St. or purchase the phone from Walmart keep everything. Oh and wonder what happens to My 500 min. Balance????


Consumer Review

January 23, 2010

im pretty close to switching over to this plan, but would like to know if its good for travel. i live in north carolina and travel up and down the coast often. right now i have alltel (which stops working if im too far from home) but besides that im extremely happy with alltel…;.problem is if i switch away from alltel i cant get it back because theres no longer any stores….just wondering about how buying the mins goes….sometimes im low on cash and alltel allows me however much time i need until i buy a new phone card, will this do the same or will my activation cancel after a certain amount of time? alltel has let me go months without a card. thanks


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

I am very happy with the service and the Samsung 451. 1000 minutes is plenty for me. The web browser is practically worthless but has come in handy on a few occasions. However, I have my Ipod touch and with so many free wifi sites available now, if I need the real internet I can get online with my Ipod. I did read that there was an issue about renewing minutes. I saw a complaint from someone who said that they ran out of minutes about a week before their expiration date, and when they added another $45 it was only good for the remaining time on the previous airtime purchase. Is this true? It would make more sense if you just got 30 days from whenever you added the new amount. Can someone clear this up?


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

I have had ST for a couple of months now and it has been great, had a problem with a port but it was taken care of, I am saving a ton of money, so it doesn't get any better then this.

Topeka Slim

Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

Purchased the Samsung Slider last night, and customer service was great. Phone was activated in about 25 minutes on the phone. I am an ex cell phone guy, and know all the tricks, and I can honestly say this is a fantastic way for parents to give kids a communication device without worrying about excessive bills and contracts. The Verizon Network is strong, and very happy so far.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

Purchased the LG220C with unlimited plan. Works good when it works, but loses signal frequently. Internet thus quits and calls are dropped. Customer service (who I could not understand) only tells me that my phone should work in my area according to ‘their system'. Like I told her, ‘their system' is not using the phone, I am and it simply does NOT WORK consistently.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

I activated my phone on Dec 31, but web browser was not working cause my phone was not registered to their database. After 10 or so creating support ticket I finally demand customer service number for ‘Tracfone' which is their parent company. And still took them about 10 days for them to fix the problem. They did add extra month of free service for my trouble but when you activate this phone I pray you do not get stuck like I did otherwise you will talk to their outsourced customer service in India. If you ever have problem do call Tracfone customer service instead Straighttalk since all they do is follow steps but actual system update and changing phone is done from coroprate office. ======================= Tracfone Customer Service for StraightTalk 1-800-876-5753 ============================== They can take care of your problem much faster than calling StraightTalk customers service number on the package.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

Stop don't use this company if you want to keep your current #. Here I am again 38 days and still no phone #. Yes I have been waiting 38 dyas for my # to be ported over to straight talk. They say they will call me and never do. I can't understand half of the cs reps. They have told me 24 more hrs over 30 times. I called again today and guess what 24 more hrs. If I could get my money back I would have given up and gone with boost 20 days ago. The FCC said it should only take 4 dyas to port a #, so why has it been 38 days and counting. We are at a weekend so I know nothing will get done until Monday since my company isn't opened on weekends.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

I have to say that I have been with several contract carriers and nothing has compared to the value and phones I have received with Straight Talk. (2 phones since I put my first R451c through the washing machine). Anyways…the browser is nothing special, but it works with my webmail, I could check the news and weather, and for 30 dollars a month the deals can't be beat. The text messenging also pays off with a built in keyboard on the 100 dollar samsung. When I have to do real business on the web, I do use my laptop, but this phone simply works and is great for the price.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

Awful Awful Awful! Ported to ST from Tracfone. Had bad reception. Called CS (WHAT A JOKE!!!) decided to cancel service. Got the return auth. for my phone to send it back for a refund. No refund came. After an hour on the phone with many CS people they said they'd send me a new phone. What I received was an envelope to return my phone. So they scammed me out of a very over priced phone!!! Stay away! I'm not going to page plus.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

OK, I've had this phone since November. I'll sum it up this way: if you want this phone for anything besides checking your yahoo email, it should be satisfactory. But if you have yahoo email and would like to check it from your phone, DON'T COUNT ON IT!! When I got the phone in Nov., I couldn't get ANYTHING to work on their web browser. I couldn't even send pictures in a text message. After several phone calls (to the ‘secret' number listed on here, by the way), it came down to just not being able to log onto yahoo. ‘ERROR: BAD GATEWAY' is what it would say. Finally, after taking out the battery and clearing cookies, I was able to get on to yahoo (we had already tried this several times before, and it didn't work. I don't know why it all of a sudden worked, but I was just glad to be able to use the phone finally.) So since about mid-November, I have been able to use this like a ‘real' phone. However, this past Wednesday, I started getting the same error message again when I tried to get onto yahoo. I have not been able to get into yahoo in 3 days now. Day 1: they created a ticket to try to solve the problem, and told me the obligatory: '24 hours' to call back in. Day 2: when I called and gave the guy my ticket number, he said it had been closed and marked ‘resolved.' When I questioned how it could possibly have been resolved, since I still was getting the same error message, he couldn't answer me. Then I had to explain the whole problem to him over again, because apparently they don't keep details in their ‘tickets' or he couldn't read english. So he said he would re-open the ticket, and that I should call back in 24-48 hours. Day 3: I called back today and gave the lady my ticket number. After I explained the problem to her AGAIN, she put me on hold to go talk to someone else. When she came back, she told me I needed to call yahoo!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!! BTW, I have no trouble accessing yahoo from my computer (which I told her). The bottom line is she told me the case was closed, and no one reopened the ticket yesterday, and that I could not speak to a supervisor, and that it was a yahoo problem, not a straight talk phone problem. RIGHT!! She finally put me through to someone's voice mail, but I think we'll be colonizing Mars before I ever get a return phone call. I wish I could afford a REAL phone!! But for now, I guess I'll keep fighting straight talk to try to get someone whose 1st language is english. Maybe that will help.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

My Husband and 2 daughters use this service and love it. If you are having issues,I have no advice because its so easy to use.


Consumer Review

January 22, 2010

I am glad to have found this site (I'm giving this site 5 stars) BEFORE I change my cell service again-only hindsight is 20/20, right? I'm fairly sold except 1)why is there a consistent problem accessing yahoo accounts 2)can we download our own Mp3s on the R451C 3) does it work in West San Jose/Santa Clara, CA? Thanks all, especially those who create sites like this! Like most of you, I've returned to pre-paid phones since the carriers decided to charge ‘shark' rates to use the features.


Consumer Review

January 21, 2010



Consumer Review

January 21, 2010

Our family has two Straight Talks. We live in a Verizon network area and travel mostly to other urban areas. We have always been able to get a connection and we've had no dropped calls. We browse the internet with only one problem–yahoo e-mail. My one complaint is that most of the time I cannot connect to my yahoo e-mail account and the company seems unable and/or unwilling to fix the problem. This does not seem to be the fault of front line customer service workers, but a technical problem that I've read about at this site for several months. One could not depend on using Straight Talk for e-mail–but otherwise we like it lots.


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