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Read our full Straight Talk review
Consumer Review
My patience has run out. I just ported my number to Page Plus and I took my ST phone and gleefuly smashed it with a hammer: actually quite relieving. Nothing but problems in 5 months. Use Page Plus or PlatinumTel as they employ CS in the US. They give back to the economy.
Consumer Review
So far it is great, the only issue I have is the Bluetooth doesn't work properly with the car….yet….other people I know have had issues with their Samsung phones and their vehicle's bluetooth, so I am confident once I call the customer service number (thats why I am here at the moment…to get the number) all will be resolved….either way, this is a great deal and the phone is great.
Consumer Review
I just received the Motorola Razr today and the ST people can't seem to activate it. I agree with the CS complaints, I first called from another cell phone and got tons of static and couldn't understand the rep. I asked her to call me back on my landline and she said she could not do it. I called again from the landline, still the language barrier (different rep) and my phone still isn't activated. I also tried to switch from a 612 to a 651 number and they said they have no 651 numbers available. I was so excited, now I am just frustrated.
Consumer Review
Has anyone had any luck downloading ringtones to there phone. Keep calling cs for the past month about not able to download them. CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!
Consumer Review
Want to ABSOLUTELY avoid hassles on Straight Talk? 1)Buy only the LG200c which has no browser. Guaranteed way to avoid no web working hassles. 2)Buy from Walmart at a real store or have them send the phone you want to one from their website to a local store, NOT Straight Talk website. Walmart will usually give you a return option if it is withing a reasonable amount of time. 3)DO NOT call standard customer service. Call either Tracfone Executive Resolutions during business hours or Elston ST/Trac super rep.Google them. 4)DO NOT PORT. Just get a new number. Porting can really screw things up. 5)If nothing works, port over to Page Plus which has a better plan then the ST $30 plan (Page Plus gives you 1200 minutes/1200 mms/texts/50 megs) and a $40 plan that has unlimited talk/text/20 megs web and use your Straight Talk phone there. It will work in at least talk/text. See suggestion number one.
Consumer Review
To La Isla Bonita… any luck with the multi-text message yet?? It's not a deal breaker for me, I just have to shorten texts or physically send two. Regarding ringtones… I bluetoothed with my old phone and they all transferred fine. I also went to and got free tones sent to my new phone. Trial and error, couldn't receive the ringtone as attachment but you can click ‘send as weblink'. When the text comes in, open it, click options and ‘extract' and it goes straight to their weblink. Just click save and it goes straight to ringtones. I had previously been testing data usage but now I reply to emails from my couch and check FB etc… and I'm only up to 4546kb and I've had the phone 14 days. I've also received pic and voice messages which have used my data.
Consumer Review
I just got the lg phone the one that slides up i forgot the name but anyways is there any way i can get the word HOME off the front screen if fine but i would really like to remove that!! And so far i like the phone it works where i live unlike alot of the other networks :/ ……
Consumer Review
I wish there was something lower than one star here. I think that this is a sham service, set up to get more people to use TracPhone. I do not like the customer service. I had to call several times to get someone I could actually understand. And to get a refund of the air time card you have to send in the card, receipt, serial number of the phone, and a letter explaining why you want a refund. That is completely stupid in my opinion.
Consumer Review
I don't understand the Data counter/txts messages. The $30 plan is supposed to include 1000 txt/pic text but pic text appear to use DATA. Also, I used up quite a bit just trying to check if yahoo was up and running yet. The main reason I need web is to check email. Just my luck I have a yahoo account.
Consumer Review
To Bob Devon..the straighttalk service will not let you do international texting. I use It is a relay service that I have found works well and is inexpensive. It will let you both send and receive intl texts to your phone. hope this helps. 🙂
Consumer Review
Ordered the Samsung, activated the phone no problem thru straight talk's website. Was working in 5 minutes. Texted everyone, all good except for international texting, that doesn't seem to work. Was roaming and got a Verizon message saying I had to use area code, no problem, did that worked fine. No extra charges. Straight 45$/month. Was able to use FACEBOOK just fine, you just need to manually add it to your favorite websites in the phone's browser. I am very satisfied for what I paid for it. ANyone who can't figure out how to use this phone and service is a moron.
Consumer Review
To Matt… look at two entries below yours. I have the samsung but it should be the same way with your phone. Verizon carrier, your phone number, then click ‘send as a web link'. They will text you back. Whether your phone has an ‘extract' I don't know, but you do have to go to their weblink and do save etc…
Consumer Review
Does anyone know how to use with the Straight Talk RAZR v3a?
Consumer Review
To Matt…. sorry I can't be more help. Did you get a text sent to your phone with a web link from mytinyphone? All I can say is open up the text and click whatever options it gives you, or… if you can see the website address, go straight to a web page and type it in. Sorry I can't help more. For others, sends links to the Samsung qwerty phone and the download is easy.
Consumer Review
Stars should be minus (-) 100 ST is horrible, horrible; I have had two in the last 4 weeks still have no service;now I think it is because CS activated phone both times, I have talked to ST no less than 50 times the phone is going back to WM today, everybody will know how I hate ST
Consumer Review
Hi humnbird! Yes u can download real tones. (Select Mobile Web)
Consumer Review
get full bars in my house samsung 451 pretty good phone got voice and text internet fair but for 45 a month ill live with it
Consumer Review
I bought the Motorazor and I am sorry that I did. The browser wont stay connected and I have been unable to access my Yahoo email for 3 weeks. I get a message that says: HTTP error 502: Bad Gateway. Otherwise ST is a great product. I dont see why anyone would have a gophone with StraightTalk available.
Consumer Review
Just wanted to add a little information that I think some ppl will be interested in. I got the unlimited ST service and the 451 phone for the grandson about 2 weeks ago. So far the service has worked perfectly including data and 5 bars everywhere he goes. I wouldn't personally care about ringtones or wallpapers but it seemed to be a big deal for him so I went to and ordered an Asus usb to bluetooth adapter for the pc. It cost $13.00 with shipping. We paired the two and now he can send ringtones (.mp3) and wallpapers, (.jpg) to the phone. He uses a free program called mptrim to cut the full mp3's down to about 20 seconds and when he sends them to the phone they go straight into ringtones. He uses google images to find the wallpapers he wants and they go into the images folder on the memory card and can then be set as wallpaper. He now has dozens of rigntones and wallpapers and couldn't be happier with the phone. Hope this helps ppl who are interested in this kind of thing.
Consumer Review
called yesterday, somehow the order for my replacement phone got cancelled, he said he could reorder, or I could exchange at Walmart. So off to walmart today…going to talk to them there, and see if I exchange, and it still doesn't work, if I can get a refund. Giving it one more shot.
Consumer Review
Hi Joanna! In sending and receiving pic msgs, it also uses data. So I would suggest u add the Unlimited on ur next redemption
Consumer Review
Okay, these guys block attachments on SMS messages and you cannot save mp3 content to your phone. So, they lock it out so that you have to buy their ring tones which don't work. Scam!!!
Consumer Review
I purchased a Samsung R451C at Walmart along with a $30 Straight Talk card on October 28. I registered my serial number and activated the phone the same day with ST customer service. The phone has been a pleasure and works in every way that is advertised. Have had no problems with pictures (taking, sending, receiving) or using a micro SD card (4gb) for music. As others note, the web is very slow, but hey, it works for as much as I expect from the package. Gmail works fine. My experience with CS on several occasions has been good – usually have access to a live person within minutes. My opinion of CS is that they are at least as good as my previous provider and maybe better. Certainly better than most pc vendors, for what it's worth. Overall, phone and 30$ plan are saving me at least 50% on my mobile expenses. Count me as a happy customer.
Consumer Review
I have had it a week and lake it very much, works great here,
Consumer Review
Yes you can turn off the pre-call recording. Call customer service and ask them to remove this feature and they will.
Consumer Review
I live in Northwest Florida and have been having sporadic issues of signal coverage along a major highway and other areas of town. My signal will be nothing or full bars. In fact I went almost 8 miles without any service. I recycled the phone and this didn't do anything. I also updated my roaming capabilities and re-programed the phone. This is my second phone. I'm considering chalking it up to the Verizon and Altel merging of towers in the area. Heads up. If you think you are having phone problems and want to try another phone or model. Buy it first, go online and go under phone upgrade and actually put the phone on your account. Then return the old phone back to Walmart. Otherwise you will end up canceling your account and losing all your plan minutes for the month and telephone number. Also, save your self heart ache and do as much as your can on-line at Most of the call center employees speak good English which is a change from other carriers who contract out to different call centers throughout Southeast Asia. All in all its a great deal……
Consumer Review
They refuse to remove the very annoying and time wasting minutes available for this call — 16 hours and something. I am gong to dump this phone at my earliest opportunity
Consumer Review
Called monday and they said they were sending a new phone and should have it withing 3-5 days…no phone yet. It's Saturday…hmmmm…not real sure about all this..
Consumer Review
RE Remaining time message. ON first call I talked to a supervisor and was told it could not be turned off for R451C. I called back and was given a case number and forwarded to another group. They reprogramed my phone. I then had to power it off and, yipee – no more time remaining message.
Consumer Review
Hi Joanna! Nice question that u have raised on text messaging. I'll work on that and get back to you once I'll have the answer. U may also ask from Pbushblog 🙂
Consumer Review
Love my ST service and 451c phone I've had for about a week now. However tried to buy a ringtone and while it appeared to download to my phone ok, it didn't play. Called customer service and spent almost an hour with them trying to figure it out. While they were very polite,(english was also fine) it was an exercise in extreme patience for me as I was put on hold probably 8 times. When it became obvious that the issue was not fixable I asked them to send the ringtone to me again to try to reload. I was then offered a refund. No big deal, I will probably just use one of the rings that came with the phone. I am saving $80/per month from what I used to pay, so I can't complain. While on the phone I did get them to remove the time remaining msg so that is much better. Just make sure that when you call CS you have enough time to allow them to walk through the scripts and talk to their supervisors and have patience. I felt like they were genuinely trying to help to the best of their abilities.
Consumer Review
To ST Users: U may use this line: ‘Please turn off the Pre-call announcement of my phone'
Consumer Review
HI fightingsaints! you're right, we can't download games on ST phones 🙂
Consumer Review
HI truckinbozo! Yes u can port ur # from AT &T. just make sure it's active with AT &T until the port will be completed. just be ready with ur account # and pin if u have from AT &T. max TAT is 7 days
Consumer Review
Since the call center English isn't very good it is necessary to be very precise and use as close to the exact words on their script as possible. When calling CS, tell them, ‘Please remove the time remaining message that is played before the call.' I used this phrase to get what I wanted. Perhaps, when the representative is confused he or she just uses the default ‘No' as an answer.
Consumer Review
I've got 2 ST phones, they are horrible!! battery life is ridicilous, customer service is extremely bad! I could've kept my plan for 55$ a month and had great a great phone, and great service,
Consumer Review
is this service like booast mobile…cus booast was horrible i couldnt get text messages up until 3 days and people would attempt to call me and the message on the other end would say unable to locate server blah blha i wonder if this is how straight talk sounds like an afforable plan but i wouldlike to know what the real deal is????
Consumer Review
I live in Northern MN and bought the ST Samsung R451C. I went online and activated it with the unlimited plan including porting my number from Alltel prepaid in less than 10 minutes. Everything works, voice, text, web (slow but usable for me). Signal strength is much better than what I had with Alltel. Phone is real nice and the qwerty keyboard works well. My only complaint is it appears you can't download games on ST phones. Other than that I like it a lot after the first week.
Consumer Review
One thing that is not right with the auto billing option the first month, they bill you when you sign up for it, not when your month ends. I signed up for the auto billing 3 days after I got the phone so basically got charged twice for the first month. They don't tell you this on the website. I'm disputing it with my CC company. Otherwise the phone took some time to get setup so everything works but now works very well. Just remember to setup the auto pay right before your month ends or you will be charged extra.
Consumer Review
First of all, I've never written a review for anything, but thought I just had to this time! I got the ST service with the $45 plan for unlimited everything with the Samsung R451c slider phone with the full QWERTY keyboard. I love this phone and the plan…best thing since sliced bread. I'm sorry to hear about others having phone or CS problems. I charged my phone, activated it online and immediately was able to make & recieve calls, text message and my browser immediately went to my homail and facebook accounts. It wouldn't go to my yahoo, but I've seen that this is a problem they're working on, so this is something I can do without until they get this bug worked out! I bought all the accessories at WM that this phone needs to work to it's optimum level: the bluetooth headset, and a 4 GB Micro SD memory card for the picture and MP3 features that will allow for 1000 songs and tons ‘o pictures and ofcourse I got the cord to be able to plug into the computer to download music and transfer pictures! I love the video/picture quality of this phone, just vivid and crystal clear resolution!I haven't tried the MP3 player feature yet, but I'm sure I'm not going to be dissappointed! I hope everyone doesn't read the negative experiences of the few, and tries this phone and service. I am dropping my Tracfone phone and plan as soon as my minutes expire, since I was spending $40/mo for 400 minutes, and now only have to spend $5 more for unlimited EVERYTHING! A no brainer! CS sucks everywhere else, so I guess it's just luck of the draw and ask to speak to someone who speaks English as their 1st language!
Consumer Review
StraightTalk – nice and cheap, great alternative to a land line. Browser is not Google, the OpenWave browser is limited, but able to retrieve emails (Yahoo not working, but likely will soon). Sending/receiving files like pics and sounds is limited… one reviewer said you can hook up the Samsung R451C to the computer and change ringtones, etc…. go there is this stuff is important. Cust Service is obviously a weak point, if that is your main objective then go to AT &T. Once you quit talking to them the phone is great
Consumer Review
Horrible!! I just got the phone yesterday, and activated it ok but was not able to access yahoo email. I called tech support today and the second person I talked to said they were having a problem with yahoo email and that it would be fixed soon. BUT that I had been on the internet last night for 86 minutes and already used all of my 30mb of data. WHAT? I haven't even used the internet yet. The phone was just sitting on my desk all day with the slider closed, which closes the browser/web functionality! I talked to a supervisor and he said that their wasn't anything wrong with their system, or errors on their end, and basically he didn't believe me. And he could not do anything about the 30MB that were gone that I did not use! WOW. So this phone is going back to Walmart ASAP! Talk about lousy service, that's no service at all. I paid for something I couldn't even use. -Mike
Consumer Review
I was taken in by the price immediately, but when I went to activate my phone the nightmare began. I went on line to activate my phone easy enough.I at first entered in that I would like to activate my phone using my old number, then my friend calls me and says that they told him that it would take two weeks for AT &T to release my number and therefore two weeks before I would be able to use my new phone so I tried backing out of it and just activating the phone using a new number, using the form I was currently filling out online,and it would not let me so I called the activation number and tried to explain to them my problem I was asked my serial number and activation code about 25 times and transferred between about 15 different people.Not one of those people were fluent with the English language which made it that much more of a frustrating experience that lasted for 3 days then my phone decided that it needed a code that I did not have to activate my voice mail this time I was hung up on the first time I called and the second time I had to explain myself over and over again before the guy even knew what my problem was,30 minutes later I had voice mail but my blue tooth still wont work and I think I need to learn a new language before I am even willing to call them back!
Consumer Review
I had no problem porting my number-it took less than an hour. The yahoomail is still not working though.I had ask customer service to cut off annoying auto voice annoucements about calltime available but there should be a way to check your account balance on screen. I called customer service and was sent to representative for this simple task? When these kinks get ironed it should be great service worth 4 stars
Consumer Review
Follow-up to post on 11/9: I like the phone a lot, but apparently there is a web connectivity issue with Straight Talk that the co. does not want to acknowledge. Haven't been able to do anything on the web AT ALL. Keep calling, and they have said it was a known problem and would be fixed, then I called again (when it wasn't fixed), and they said they had to escalate the issue. Then I see on here that many others have the same problem. Wouldn't be a big deal, but I also can't send media messages (like pictures to grandparents…). So I basically spent $100 to get a pretty phone that is no more functional than the $12 one I've had for the past year. BUT I DO RECOMMEND CALLING 800-876-5753 INSTEAD OF THE REGULAR CUST. SVC. #. THIS GETS YOU TO THE CORP. OFFICE. NO LANGUAGE BARRIERS, AS OF YET! Hopefully I'll be able to post a better update soon…
Consumer Review
Forgot to include this in the last review: I ported my Tracfone number with very little trouble. Again, I did it by calling the 800-876-5753 corp. #.
Consumer Review
Got the Samsung R451-C phone last night. I had an initial problem with the web browser not working. I called them this morning and they said wait 48 hours. It has bee 5 hours and the browser is working. I do not like that I can not play games on the phone, but I hope that the savings make up for this. Over all I have no complaints…YET.
Consumer Review
Got my Samsung on line and activated it on line. Everything went smoothly and the phone works great. Calls are clear and texting works great.I am still learning how to navigate on the web but I get there with no problem.
Consumer Review
I changed over to Straight Talk for the simple fact that it is a monthly plan and not a contract. Straight Talk runs on Versions network so there is great national coverage. I chose the Unlimited plan of unlimited minutes, texts and data for $45 per month. Great value!
Consumer Review
I switched from Verizon family plan, I had 3 phones and I was averaging $300 per month and I had limited texting and no overage…go figure…I have the lg290,two of them and my youngest son has the one with the keyboard, I forgot the name. I have read all posts above, I ported all three of our numbers and we have internet, everything, I love it, and last I checked customer service has sucked at every cell phn company…
Consumer Review
I left 1 star because I do not have the service yet. I do have a question though. Does anyone have ST in Minnesota (about an hour north of the cities) and what has your reception been like? Thanks in advance!
Consumer Review
i am very upset with ST right now! i am so tired of them telling me that they will call me back or i need to call them back within 4 to 24 hrs and then 24 hrs go by and they havent called u back! so u call them again, and what do they say?????? they tell u to call back in 24 more hours!!! and im even more tired of hearing…'can u hold on for TREE minutes while i update your information to my supervisor'. yes that is how they say it TREE minutes!i have the samsung… the phone is nice! CS SUCKS! I AM REALLY THINKING ABOUT CALLING THE ‘BBB' TO COMPLAIN! It is against the law for them not to let you talk to a representative that speaks English as their first language!!!!!!!! my web browser doesn't work! just like everyone elses on here that ported their # to the ST samsung phone! i am calling tracfone corporate office tomorrow! i really really hope that they can help me!
Consumer Review
Horrible!! I got the phone yesterday, and was not able to access my yahoo email, so I called tech support and they say there is a problem with yahoo email that will be fixed soon, then they tell me I was on the internet the night before for 86 minutes and my 30MB of data are all used up. WHAT? I didn't even connect to the internet at all. The phone was sitting on my desk with the slider closed, which disconnects the browser/web functions! And the supervisor tells me there is no error on their end, he doesn't believe me, and he can't change my minutes/mb's. Thanks for nothing! So the phone is going back to Walmart ASAP!
Consumer Review
I purchased a ST phone last month I love the talk service but don't purchase the ringtones they have they don't work and it's HELL to get your money back for the ringtones credit back to your account they will take your money and act as if you never purchased the ringtone and you have to file a dispute with you cardholder to get that money back. The internet doesn't work at all.
Consumer Review
I do think that there are problems. Customer service has acknowledged that there are some problems with the Internet on services where a number has been ported. But after everything is working, it works well and there is no need to contact CS.
Consumer Review
You know Mark, I think sites like this largely attract people that have problems with a service and want to vent. This is not just specific to ST. Reading the reviews of all the other prepaid providers, you read nothing but complaint after complaint after complaint. For every person complaining, there is probably another 10 that have experiences like yours and mine where everything works fine.
Consumer Review
My number ported from Sprint in less than 10 minutes! Did I just get lucky or is this the norm, and the horror stories below only happen to a rare few?
Consumer Review
I was thinking about getting the LG 290C…can any one tell me whether or not if it is a good phone. and also can ST phones get animated picture messages?
Consumer Review
Fixed my problem, it was not their fault, just my own stupidity. The only problem I had is that I could only understand parts of what the CS rep said. The part I did understand is that when I asked about taking the minutes remaining message off so I don't have to hear it every time I dial, they said they cannot take it off that particular phone (the Samsung slider phone). Go figure… But the phone sounds good and the internet is wayyy faster than T-Mobile. Could not get it to sign into gmail though. Hopefully the savings will make up for the lacking other areas.
Consumer Review
going to call later today and check the status of my account. They are supposed to send me a new phone, but read someone else's experience on here, and going to make sure they are shipping it. Phone will send and receive texts but will not send or receive phone calls. Get three beeps, and then disconnects.
Consumer Review
To Erin. I have the samsung and they took the message off my phone. I would ring back and hopefully get a different person to talk to. Ring from a landline and check your cellphone when they tell you it's done. I access gmail through this phone too. Sometimes it goes straight to gmail from my favorites, sometimes I have to open browser, go to email, go to gmail.
Consumer Review
I have been trying to port my number over for three weeks now and no luck. I have to say Straight Talk has the worst customer service I have ever experienced. I have called 8 times in the last 3 weeks and its always the same story. Ugh!!! As for the phone service itself; I really would not know how it works. If I find out I will let you all know. Good Luck!!!
Consumer Review
Seems like most of the problems are relating to porting a number. If you don't have to port it, don't and ST works well.
Consumer Review
I have ST for about 3 weeks and love the service. I activated my phone online and was up and running in about 5. I did call customer service to get the min remaing message removed. I was threw with a representitive in under a min and she removed the message quickly. Love the service, highly reccomend it.
Consumer Review
i have my lg for about 2 weeks i stay in town alot i have no problom yet.
Consumer Review
Hi all…Just switched over from AT &T iPhone to Straight talk. So tired of paying $110/mo. just to have the # of minutes I needed. (I love to talk, ha)Was very nervous after reading about porting my number so I planned to do it 8 days before my next billing cycle to allow for the inevitable screw up that was about to occur during the process. Went online and followed the port request procedure. The instructions said it could take a few hours to a few days and then when my current phone stopped working I could call to activate the new one. 5 minutes later I tried to use my iPhone to make a call. It said no service. Called the activation number and my new phone was up and running right away! The internet part even works. I have the Samsung 451c. AT &T had half a bar at my house. Verizon just built a tower 1/4mile from my house and I get full bars. Made a phone call and the earpiece sounded a little tinny so I'm wondering if it's the phone, the network, or the other persons phone. It was fine though and no worse than my old att service. I will miss being able to surf the internet from my iPhone whereever I happened to be, but with the prevelance of wifi I will still be able to use it in those places. Internet on the Samsung is nothing like surfing on the iphone but it would do in a pinch if I needed to look up something online. Seems very slow and difficult to navigate but maybe I'm just not used to it yet. I was able to get onto facebook and look around ok. I will give this service a shot. It's definately going to save me a ton of $$$.
Consumer Review
has anyone ported a number from ATT prepaid to ST ?? I have been with them for over a year would like to keep my number, How would you guys rate ST over some of the other prepaids ? I have had virgin and ATT was looking at boost but there coverage area looks weak, Virgin/sprint had the best coverage area even over ATT, I would like to hear overall value opinions not just CSR issues.
Consumer Review
I love Straight Talk. I live in an area where very few phones have worked. Alltel and Verizon were the only choices until Straight Talk. Well, I got two plans for less than what I was paying Alltel for only one. I am VERY HAPPY with Straight Talk. The signal is BETTER than Alltel and Verizon and I have UNLIMITED EVERYTHING (talk, text, and internet) for only $45 dollars per month. THANK YOU STRAIGHT TALK. I absolutely love my LG 290C and everything about the service. They are positively the best deal out there ANYWHERE.
Consumer Review
Yeah the guy at Wal-Mart told me the 45 dollar plan is good for unlimited calls, text, and web and ‘would be good for youtube.' I had my number ported over from an old net10 phone that died of water damage. Phone works great except no web…. ‘Error: Requested content ‘tfdevice.home/' cannot be accessed. You do not have access to the site.' So…. no internet on this phone.
Consumer Review
This is the Samsung slide qwerty phone, the $99 which should be awesome for internet. But the internet doesn't work on it. WTF
Consumer Review
No problem so far. Everything works flawlessly with service and the Samsung phone. Price is great, son and daughter are switching to ST as well. Originally bought LG290 phone but wanted to upgrade to Samsung 451. Upgrade went seemless, all completed in 5 min. Daughter inherited LG290 and will reactivate when her current service ends later this month. For our family this has been a wonderful cell phone ‘pay-as-you-go' service. We've set up automatic monthly payments, kids will probably do monthly activation cards. If you want a cell phone service without a contract that is incredibly reasonable for what you get, ST works well.
Consumer Review
I have had the sevice since its inception many months ago. NOT ONE PROBLEM NOT ONE DROPPED CALL FROM MY END. This is bar none the best plan i have ever had period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consumer Review
Just bought the Motorola Razor last night; trying to port # from Tracfone, so it SHOULD be fairly simple. I skipped the hassle (I think!) and went directly to the 800 # posted on this site (800-876-5753). The lady there was EXTREMELY helpful and friendly! I don't expect any problems, based on that phone call. Put 4 stars b/c I'm not positive yet…will try to come back and let y'all know!
Consumer Review
Consumer Review
i a have service with st for 2 weeks now, and i still love it i have the samsung 451c and its great only problem is it doesnt have camcorder but other than that i'm pretty content with the service, by the way i have the $45 plan cuz i talk alot for the price i think the service its great! actually better than boost mobile.
Consumer Review
Bought the Samsung last night..activated..when trying to make calls, get three ‘beeps' then it hangs up…tried calling it…same thing. called CS and with them got a call to go out. now getting the beeps again…any suggestions?
Consumer Review
To T. Lane – We complain and warn so that people understand that the whole thing is not quite as rosy as it may seem. TracFone has not really made strides to improve customer service since they first started Straight Talk in June. And, you get a call center in Cebu, Phillipines – perhaps you want to check your facts before posting them.
Consumer Review
To humnbird – Call the TracFone corporate office at 800-876-5753
Consumer Review
Hmmm – seems like there is a problem with the Samsung R451C. I have RAZR v3a and was thinking of upgrading. Now, I think not
Consumer Review
is there anyway to take off that annoying message of how many minutes you have for a call?
Consumer Review
To meetoo. I rang the CS number from the website and within minutes the annoying message was gone. Ring them from a landline so when they tell you it's been updated you can doublecheck with your cell, there and then. I believe other people have called Tracfone's number too which is listed below somewhere.
Consumer Review
Ok..called the corporate number (800) that I found here that was posted a few days earlier. They are going to have to send me a new phone (after being on phone with them for an hour and several instances of being put on hold). I read all these reviews before purchasing, and saw there were more favorable than unfavorable…and now here I am..waiting for another phone…they said 3-5 days…hope it doesn't just turn into another nightmare. Didn't try to use my old number either…
Consumer Review
Don't count my stars, I just activated my new phone five hours ago and the number still has not ported, but my other phone disconnected immediately. I understand it can take up to seven days, but is it normal for both phones to be non-working?
Consumer Review
I like my new Samsung R451-C model, despite the keyboard is larger than the keyboard on my old cell and is harder to use. I seem to have trouble receiving pic-messages and I have no idea why. Any suggestions? Help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Consumer Review
Stay as far away from straigt talk as possible, No customer service to speak of and the help is out of the usa and with a heavy accent that cannot be understood. I am returning my phone to Walmart and hoping for a refund, if not I just threw away 130 bucks away! STAY AWAY from this company!!!
Consumer Review
For everyone that gets the web error when trying to surf, the phone isn't broken. Just call the TracFone corporate office and explain the problem. They just need to update the home page on your phone. If you look, the service has very mixed reviews. What really is hurting Straight Talk is its customer service and its representatives that have no training whatsoever. I usually ask what call center I get. If they mention Cebu, Phillipines I say, ‘Have a nice day.' I have found the call centers in South and Central America to be good. The most problematic has been Cebu.
Consumer Review
Considering Im saving $80 a month that in itslef is worth about 3 stars. So far the phone is great and the service has been pretty good. Cant get the internet working but a new phone is in the mail. Didnt have internet before so its really not a big deal. One thing (not that I care) is that the phone is NOT new. Was playing with the ring tones and there were some songs that they must have forgot to delete off the memory. Camera works fine, no video though. Service is pretty good but long holds. Walmart employees were very helpful as well.
Consumer Review
Don't have a review but I would like to know if anyone travels with this phone I travel alot and need to know is the reception good?
Consumer Review
I just wrote a really long text and it wouldn't let me go over the 160 characters. My old phone would automatically send my message as two texts. Does anyone know if the Samsung can do this? It's annoying to physically write and send two texts. I've looked in the manual but can't find anything to say it will allow more characters to be typed and will send as two texts. To humnbird…. I bluetoothed with my old phone to get my ringtones. My original ringtones were part of songs that I had downloaded and were mp3 files. I haven't downloaded songs to the Samsung yet, sorry.
Consumer Review
COuld not activate Was told to wait 48 hours while they escalate. Also told me no supervisors are on duty What?
Consumer Review
Good competitive rates. Extremely poor customer service. I was frustrated and infuriated by ignorant customer service.
Consumer Review
To Ray – Yeah, all they do is parrot back to you what you told them in the first place. All they do is apologize and make excuses. I think Walmart my need to step in and ‘encourage' TracFone to improve its customer service.
Consumer Review
To Jennifer – I travel a lot and yes, coverage is good. I've used it in Las Vegas, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Tombstone (AZ), and up and down the California coast. Just don't port a number to Straight Talk. Highly recommend letting them assign you one.
Consumer Review
For those of you out there, who have a Simple Freedom phone (bought out by Alltel, then Verizon) and don't know your pin # you can call Verizon CS & ask them for it. I was having a problem at first trying to port my number.I've had Simple Freedom for at least 5 years or more, I didn't know my pin # & got a text msg from Verizon re: to porting my number,I went to the local Verizon store & the sales girl was rude, said it certain terms there was ‘NO_WAY' that they will port over my number. I called ST this morning with the pin # & within a couple of hours my new phone is working. Also I live out in a rural area with lots of dead zones and now I get one to two bars in the house. So far I'm thrilled with my Samsung R451C and service.
Consumer Review
To Me. I had to look that word up because I didn't know what it was. I am not a shill. If you look back at my posts you'll see I didn't port my number due to other posters complaints about it. A shill would of said ‘no problem porting my number'. I asked questions just like other people. Some of my posts are answers to other people's questions. I did not come on here to argue with people like you. ST is a new service, and just like other people, we all have questions that need answering, so if I can help anyone who's thinking of switching over, because I do have ST service in my hand, than that is what I will do. You and people can think what they want. If the person who owns this website thinks I'm a shill, then ban me from posting. Like I said, I had ATT, I switched, I love ST, and I'm trying to help others. I have no way to prove to you that I am who I am, I'm sorry for that.
Consumer Review
Here is a link to the Samsung website to read up on the R451. &tab=features I went to the support section to find out why I could not synch to pc with the data cable I bought. Here is where I found my answer: &tab=support &subsubtype=tracfone Now I do not have to take the micro SD card out to add files. By the way, this is is stated on the support page, ‘This handset does support the use of a microSDHC 16GB capacity memory card.' Hope that helps!
Consumer Review
I have found that Google Mobile ( great with this phone. I set this as my homepage. (Google Mail works really well with this particular phone browser.) I purchased the Samsung R451-C from Wal-Mart this month. I have found that this network (Verizon/Tracfone) works much better were I live than my previous provider. I live in the'boonies' and I am able to receive calls and get online with no problems. I have dropped my other carrier and am staying with Straight Talk.
Consumer Review
So far my husband and I love this service as well as our phones! We both bought the Samsung R451C. No problems as of yet. We transfered our numbers from AT &T and now have no contract!!! It took 5 minutes to transfer the first and about 20 for the second. Not much of a delay at all so don't let that keep you from switching. Now my only question is does any one know how to do facebook mobile with these phones? Any suggestions?
Consumer Review
Steevee thanks for the post. I too had the same issue. My web was not working, same error you mentioned, they took my info, told me they were sending a new phone. I then lost the ability to make a call and then later to send a text. So I called back, same day calling back, and told them this new issue. This girl sounded like she was at a ball game. There was so much back ground noise ! Anyways, she had me wait a few times and then told me she was going to send me a new phone. I told her No that is OK, they are already sending me one. She then replied that they were missing information to send me the new phone. I had enough ! I left the phone P$*. They were never going to send me a phone. I would have been waiting the 7 days until it did not show up, however what info could they possibly be missing. They have my address, home phone, credit card, name, etc. I told them to just send me the phone I was not giving them my info again. Although I screamed all of the info they would need to send me a new phone. If it is not here in 3 days or they don't fix it on their end, I am cancelling the service and putting a hold on the credit card bill and returning the phone. Steevee, from your review, I suspect I will be returning this. The first thing that set me off with all this, I was keeping my phone number, well, they quickly had my service shut off on the original phone, but then I had to wait a full 24 hours until they activated my new phone. It's still not right ! Really wish Verizon was not associated with this. I like Verizon, but now I'm actually afraid of them as well from all this. I need to separate the two and Verizon should separate as well.
Consumer Review
… and that should be 5 stars. First time to rate a product – missed the star rating box. Done.
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